Well, this is just lovely. Kudos to all, particularly for having the same problems I had, and then solving them! I particularly appreciate the tip about chilling your alginate/puree before the calci-bath. I didn't freeze mine completely (left it in for about 5 minutes, per Adria and enthusiasm), but it helped a whole lot with the appearance of the orbs. Also, I've noticed that once the orbs are out of the bath, the appearance is much more forgiving. Yay, gravity! My other note: it really, really helps to start with something that tastes good. In my enthusiasm, I've tried three flavors: yellow pepper, blueberry, and carrot. The colors were gorgeous, but all the flavors left much to be desired. Still, proof of concept. Except for the blueberry. Puree of blueberry turns out to be some freaky stuff, all jellylike and non-liquid. Do blueberries have that much pectin? (I mean, it was a happy accident, but I seriously checked my supply of Agar to make sure I hadn't dropped some into the blender by accident.) The bright colors make me wish for bright, acidic tastes. I'm going to have to experiment with how much lemon juice a puree can take and still sferify. Also whether adding calcium citrate to lower pH will screw up the lemon juice. I want these flavors to pop!! Thanks again to all for the discussion.