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    Estoril, Portugal
  1. In Lisbon "Restaurante Tasca da Esquina" T. 210 993 939 info@tascadaesquina.com Restaurante Bocca http://www.bocca.pt/ Tradicional food, Solar dos Nunes, http://www.solardosnunes.com/
  2. Fortaleza do Guincho is very good for lunch, as you have great views over the ocean.
  3. The best restaurant in Lisbon is Tavares, one of new michelin star restaurants in Lisbon. I will recomend surprise menu. http://www.restaurantetavares.pt/#/pt/home The site is only in portuguese For booking reservas@tavaresrico.pt fone +351213421112 Chef site http://joseavillez.com/index.asp?l=4 Fortaleza do Guincho one hour driving from Lisbon http://www.guinchotel.pt Restaurant Panorama at the Sheraton Hotel http://www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=292&language=en_US&ES=LPS_292_EN_SI_LANGDD_IB_EAME
  4. Finally, Can Roca has won the third michelin star.
  5. For the 15th I'll recomend Restaurante Tavares http://www.restaurantetavares.pt Chef's site http://joseavillez.com/index.asp?l=4 e-mail Near Quinta de La Rosa, excelent restaurant in Douro river http://www.restaurantedoc.com/ Other good restaurants is Lisbon area: http://www.bocca.pt/ http://www.guinchotel.pt/Default.aspx http://www.portosantamaria.com/ Enjoy !
  6. Near Sintra you have Leitão de Negrais, but Mealhada is by far the best.
  7. The best restaurant in Lisbon is Tavares. Chef José Avillez worked in the kitchen at El Bulli the year 2007. d'ont miss. http://joseavillez.com/index.asp http://www.tavaresrico.pt/ In Guincho beach, 20 minutes driving from Penha Longa, Fortaleza do Guincho and more tradicional Porto Santa Maria. http://www.guinchotel.pt/Default.aspx http://www.portosantamaria.com/ In Lisbon, more relaxed Bocca restaurant http://www.bocca.pt/ In the hotel Penha Longa Arola Restaurant. Sintra, G Spot restaurant.
  8. Port, but not a vintage. With milk chocolate a tawny 10 years is perfect.
  9. John. The only question is that in the next 20 years, this cuisine, is no more contemporary. The same for "avantgarde cuisine" Honestly, Tecnoemocional, reflects what I felt in restaurants such as Alinea, Denis Martin, Can Roca, Mugaritz....
  10. I've got a table... hope the dinner worth the 500 miles driving... Once in the region, I would like to go to another restaurant ( in France ). I already know all the good restaurants, in spanish Basque Country . I'm thinking in Cordeillan Bages. Any other sugestions ? Thanks in advance Paulo Rodrigues
  11. And, for the 1st time, a portuguese chef. José Avillez, who worked in the kitchen at El Bulli last year, is now the head chef at Tavares Restaurant in Lisbon. Tavares, is probably the oldest restaurant in town, where, its decadent decor, contrasts with the modern cuisine. His presentation at Madrid Fusion, will be in the last day, with the name " renovation of the great culinary temples " http://www.joseavillez.pt/index.asp?l=4
  12. Last year, I received my No, end of November. Good Luck... ← What a party pooper (hoping to make El Bulli part of honeymoon in June and haven't heard anything yet). ← As late as you receive the e-mail, the chance to get a table increase. But....
  13. Last year, I received my No, end of November. Good Luck...
  14. Noma, Copenhagen, Denmark Amador, Langen, Germany Denis Martin, Vevey , Switzerland
  15. Roger . I think is this one, no ?
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