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Kim Shook

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Everything posted by Kim Shook

  1. Kim Shook

    Dinner 2018

    That's exactly the ones! I have a hard time finding them. We like the cordon bleu, too and they are easier to find.
  2. I did it convection at 350F for about 25 minutes. It worked fine. Except Mr. Kim's butter was so well sealed and got so hot that it FOUNTAINED out of the Kiev when he cut into it. Luckily, it blew away from him, but it spewed at least 3 feet down the table. 😲
  3. Kim Shook

    Dinner 2018

    The Salad: Chicken Kiev (frozen) with rice and corn:
  4. Nope. Holding it off as long as possible. It is currently the cleanest thing in the house. Including myself. Question, please. I want to cook frozen Chicken Kiev - the directions on the package say 375F for 25-30 minutes. Can't find any directions for that kind of thing anywhere. Convection bake - steam bake - ???? Thanks!
  5. I can sometimes find a kosher bird that is smaller. But they are usually frozen, so I have to plan ahead.
  6. Just the opposite, actually. My mom was an incredible hostess and the most organized person I know. I am NOT. That's exactly why I need such a detailed timeline. Momma would have never needed such a thing. When she went grocery shopping, she'd write down things she was out of and then just get 5 different meats and vegetables to go with them for the week. She was awesome.
  7. Cheese toast w/ Texas toast, Dijon, American and Swiss cheese: Done in the CSO. Served with local blackberries.
  8. Lunch today was cheese toast: with Texas toast, Dijon, American and Cheddar. Served with blackberries: Best cheese toast I've ever made!
  9. For big meals, I do a timeline in Word - like this: Thursday, 12/22 Thaw stew Set table Frost Ann’s cake Friday, 12/23 Cook & slice turkey breasts Cook & slice ham Pickles & olives in shed Make Daddy’s salad dressing Thaw croutons Set up bar Saturday, 12/24 AM slice lettuce Make fruit salad – w/out bananas Check candy bowls Thaw lemon tarts Cook potatoes for stew Put out butter Cut up ham NOON stew in slow cooker w/ potatoes Put out goodies & cover (not fudge) Goody Bags 3:30 rest of stew on stovetop w/ potatoes 4:30 put out breads/rolls & cover Put out crackers & cover Put out turkey, ham, cheeses & cover Pickles & olives Add bananas to fruit salad Put out fudge and tarts 4:45 11` q 1q` I have NO clue what I was supposed to do at 4:45 on Saturday. 🙄
  10. I think I am just naturally trashy. I adore Taco Bell and Chick-Fil-A. Jessica got a BOGO chicken sandwich deal and brought me one the other day. It was not hot anymore, but I piled on the Dukes and it disappeared (I guess I could have CSO'd it, huh?).
  11. I've bemoaned the paucity of 3 1/2 to 4 lb. chickens here at eG before. I was looking for a small chicken last night to do my first CSO meal and the smallest one I could find was over 5lb. I ended up with half pound thighs and a giant Dolly Parton breast. I don't know how anyone makes fried chicken anymore. Those giant pieces are not good for that.
  12. You know, I know a lot of people don't eat at Chick-fil-A because of the corporate culture and not wanting their money to go to causes that they find repugnant. I absolutely believe that money talks and try to spend my money where I can support the causes that I believe in. But here's my issue - the owner/manager (not sure which) of our local store is gay and all my gay friends and children (Jessica's crew) adore Chick-Fil-A and eat there all the time. What's a liberal to do????
  13. I do this...when we have a working printer. It's nice to just write everything down according to recipes I'm going to make and the list that lives on the fridge and then cut and paste to get it in the order of whatever stores I'm going to..
  14. Kim Shook

    Breakfast! 2018

    Creamed chipped beef (Stouffer's) on Texas toast:
  15. Made Texas toast in the CSO this morning. I believe that I'm putting the toaster away for good if I can just get past Mr. Kim's fear of the CSO. Anyone else experience this - family members deciding that it is too complicated to use? I've assured him that if I can use it, anyone can, but he's suspicious!
  16. Oh, I am definitely trying that. Sounds like the sausage version of candied bacon!
  17. Fantastic chicken. Nothing on it but salt and pepper: Out of the oven: The best, most crisp and delicious skin I’ve ever made. Really good chicken. Very moist and tender. I did thighs for us and a breast for Momma and even the breast was great. And I overcooked it! I got all wrapped up in getting the rest of the stuff done. The breast was registering 175F and the thighs 195F!! But they were still wonderful.
  18. Kim Shook

    Dinner 2018

    Dinner tonight was my first try at cooking with my CSO (Cuisinart Steam Oven): Incredibly moist, tender chicken thighs with the best, crispiest skin. Served with yellow squash and onions, dressing and boiled potatoes. And gravy: Dessert was blackberries, strawberries and cherries - all from the farmer's market:
  19. I'm a sage sausage and maple syrup girl, too. I can't tell you how many LOOKS I've gotten when folks see me dipping my sausage into syrup!
  20. The chicken was a great success. I'll post pictures later (rough night w/ my mom), but I need to ask a quick question. How dry does the water reservoir need to be. I dumped it out (and also the internal tank), but there's still some drops in there. Is that ok?
  21. Ok, there are 3 thighs and one breast salted and sitting in the fridge now. According to the directions, you cook chicken pieces 12 minutes per pound at 450F. I have a 1 lb. breast (ridiculous) and 4 7oz. thighs. So, how long do I cook it for? 36 minutes and start checking temp at 30? Thank you!!
  22. Oooh! We love thighs! Can I do a breast at the same time as the thighs? My mom isn't a fan of dark meat. Also game hens. But those are usually frozen and I'd like to do this tonight. I'll try the thighs if I can't find a small chicken. Thank you!
  23. I love to bake bread, but I'm just not up to that right now. So, a chicken? You mean a whole roast one? You mean a chicken that would spatter chicken grease all over my lovely shiny CSO???? LOL - just kidding. But, a whole chicken - I could do that. Pop over to the store and have a chicken to start the week out. Good idea, thanks!!!
  24. My first CSO try – toast: And the stripey side: Great toast! Toast is kind of a PITA in my house. Since I keep my toaster on a shelf under the island (anyone who has read my blog knows that I have about 2 feet of counter space), I have to get it out every time I want to toast. And with my mother living here now, that is every morning. In my other toaster oven you had to cook it so long to get it dark enough that it ended up being crunchy all the way through. This was perfectly dark on the outside, but tender inside. So, I'm trying to try out different things quickly to make sure everything works and get rid of the box. What is something easy and quick to use the one of the steam functions? And is there any other function I should try since I know the bottom and top work? Thanks!!!
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