Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and the suggestions! I guess my definition would be rather narrow. I have run several items more than once just changing the flavor or presentation. But I try not to do anything similar two weeks in a row. The constraints are: Must always have something chocolate (if not an actual dessert than at least one petit four). Member's tastes: It's very interesting. These are people that can literally eat anywhere in the world. They can fly off in their private jet and be at Charlie Trotter's or Per Se any night of the week. We often get members that fly in just to have dinner at the restaurant and then fly out the next morning. Given all that, you would think they would have very sophisticated, worldly tastes.... but they don't. Or maybe they do, but when they're "home" they want something familiar, comfort food. One of my biggest sellers was a peanut butter pie! The weather: They bought the Rev 2 machine to help me with petit fours but in the summer it gets so hot in the kitchen that I can't use it. Chocolate, meringues, sugar work....ARGHHH it's impossible to keep any of it for longer than one night. My talent and creativity or lack thereof: I have never worked in an environment like this and while the workload is relatively light (20-50 covers for dinner, only open 4 nights, 30-60 covers for lunch) the scope is so broad. Being on an island: I would love to eat at other places, take classes etc. but it's just not available here. I am going to have to start saving my pennies for classes on the mainland but it will take awhile. In the meantime, I'm doing the same thing: book, magazines and the internet. And I was so thrilled to find this site because the information that is shared here is invaluable! Okay, must stumble off, get my espresso and head into work.....