That's basically what it is. I was talking with a friend at lunch the other day and I asked if he had ever had one of Shorty's Black Forest Cakes and he related a story that I found funny. He told me he went to Shorty's shop to pick up a cake for his wife and Shorty was in the process of finishing his cake. He told Shorty that he bet he had probably sold a million of those cakes over the years. Shorty laughed and said that he probably had. He went on to tell him that he had gotten the recipe out of a Southern Living Magazine. Shorty said the recipe sounded good so he tried it an had one for sell in his shop. A Junior Leaguer came by and bought the cake, told all her friends and the rest was history. The Revel Cookbook is put out by the Junior League of Shreveport. ← If you ever type up this recipe for any reason...I'd love to receive a pm with it. All this description and discussion is making it more and more fascinating and delicious sounding. Chocolate, baked in meringue... ← As soon as I receive the book I will send the recipe to you... I have a copy at work but it is hard to read and I want to make sure I have everything right, it's kind of a complicated recipe...