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We did this a few years back on a trip to Chicago. We had 2 1/2 days to dine on the company ticket. The first night we went to one of the big steak houses whose name escapes me and then Topobolompo (sp), the second night Avenues and Tru for the full tasting menu and the third nght we just hit Trotters. It was a great time but the last couple dishes the first 2 nights werea little lost by the end.
Even the butter from 10 years ago seemed to brown differently. There seems to be a much higher liquid content in todays butter.
I ended up rewhipping the cream a second time and what it turned into is basically mild whipped butter. It still never separated even after chilling, so I threw it in the fridge and it sets like butter not like whipped cream. It was milder in flavour but the texture was excellent.
I cultured it with some of the butermilk from yesterday buter. The not chilling it first I guess may be the problem. Will room temp cream not split I take it?
So yesterday I took 4 liters of cream, turned 2 into butter and put tow out to culture overnight. So I put the cultured cream on today and whipped it and whipped it and whipped it and it will not break. It resembles a soft buttercream and has a mild butter flavour, but after 90 minutes I can not even get it to start seperating. Any ever run into this? I used the same equiptment, cream, mixer and speed setting etc? any ideas? EDIT I just went back to the kitchen and it has now gone from fluffy to looking exactly like cream? I swear it looks like it did before I even started whipping it and it still never seperated?
I have been cooking for 15 years, I have a shellfish and certain fish allergies (not fatal). While it can be a pain it will in no way stop you from acheiving anything.
We had such a problem with this that I started ordering GFS lowest grade vegan stuffed green peppers. Shut them up pretty quick.
Thats how I have been doing it for years. Only 1 set of cuts and it works perfectly
I am about to turn 34. I have 3 kids 17,13, and 3, a 1 year old grandchild and two teenage foster daughters. Between professional lives and home life there really is no other time. I am slightly fortunate that I work for a large hotel and while I do work nights they will not allow any of their mangers to work more than 55 hours a week(they are too worried about getting sued for overtime later). Having had kids and starting cooking at a young age was a huge challenge to balance the two, also once the family is there, taking on that dream job for the experience goes right out the window, along with trying to stage wherever you might like. With me we decided that it would be best for my wife to stay home. Better to have one parent all the time than her working as well, being raised by a babysitter
Having spent 5 years at the Air Canada Centre, we had just about everyone you could imagine through there. We did takeout for all hockey and basketball teams after the game, as well the directors lounge had every Canadian polititian, A, B and C list celebrity and wannabe through there. We did most meals for concert performers, so over the years that was just about everyone. The best though was when Andrea Bocceli and his entourage of about 20 came in to the restaurant after his performance and just asked us to cook for them, family style We just kept cooking and they just kept eating. They ate until 2 am. The worst was Paul Mcartney the vegan nazi, who tried to demand we serve a completely raw, vegan menu in our 3 restaurants as well as remove all leather furniture from the entire building, it wasn't good enough to just be moved to another part of the building he actually wanted it moved of the premisis. It was nice to tell one of the beatles (well one of his people anyway) to go stick it.
Our pastry chef kept having his truffles swipped. So for payback he rolled little truffles with a "refreshing" wasabi centre. It served 2 puposes, truffles never went missing and you had no problem spotting the theives.
How many do you need? You could really impress people and make them your self? They really arent that hard.
We were discussing the "not an accident" aspect as well yesterday. One of my cooks recently left there and he was the one who suggested it. The place was dodgy IMO and had some shaddy business practices.
Not sure if anyone was paying attention to the news today but Sasafraz in Yorkville was completely gutted by a fire today. I was watching it on the news, I don't see them being reopened any time soon.
but rain is nowhere near Yorkville.