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Posts posted by fud

  1. ^ I love you guys.

    Here I am somewhere between Markham and Scarborough craving Dim Sum and this thread is front and centre.

    From the forum postings I assume places I might score well with are:

    Sam Woo in Scarborough

    Asian Legend in North York

    A bunch of places by Leslie and Finch?

    oooh and some good congee to be had too mmm.

  2. ^ Ok wait. This place is called "Serious Pie" yet I am reading about a lot of pizza reviews? Is this serious pizza or serious pie? I'm pretty serious about my pies so when I go I want to make sure they arn't dickin around here. They gotta be serious about their damn pies :biggrin:

    I'll be down in Seattle next weekend for a taste. Anyone from Vancouver here that has had both Savoury Pie and Serious Pie? How do they compare?

    mmm pie.

    [edit] - I jus re-read the blurb on Tom Douglas' site and I guess "serious pie" really is "pizza". Damn him for being such an evil tease. :angry:

    Sigh...my search for good pie in Seattle continues...

  3. you can call me Dakota

    Were the clams really "throbbingly good"? :biggrin:

    I still have this on my list. This and Dona Carta (sp?). Two totally different dining establishments which I am aching to try. Why will my exercise boot camp not end? Why do they tell me things like "no juice, no beer, no wine, no egg yolks". Is there nothing worth living for anymore?

    Memo is that salt crusted chicken an item on their menu? I saw this made on Iron Chef once and have been dying to try it!

  4. ^ An interesting thought. Maybe reviews really ought to post the day of the week and time the review took place. This would give readers an idea of what a "tuesday night at 6" might be like over a friday night at 8.

    I always read rave reviews of places as well as "how busy" they are but man, if you go a 5pm on a tuesday I'm pretty sure it won't be packed and the chef(s) might even have more time to really give your dishes some good lovin. Of course this means you're eating at 5pm which for me is just past lunch on some days :biggrin:

  5. My Friends were down at the docks buying salmon from the boats and they asked if these boats offered sashimi grade salmon. They told them they "could not sell them sashimi grade from the boat". That sounds really sketchy. Is there a good reason why fish mongers have to take fish to the street to sell if it's sashimi grade??

  6. ^ I read that article too. Rob Feenie did stress how there are many chefs who arn't trained but work from the bottom up and do brilliantly. I also noticed another article on Tase of Yaletown. Wow 2 articles about food in the same daily paper :)

    Im amazed there is such a labour shortage. The metro article didn't seem to advertise outside of mentioning that Feenie went to AI/Dubrelle.

  7. ^


    How can this place still be so busy then? I'm a Lombardo's fan myself but I've been to Marcello's once and had their Calzone. Didn't really have any problems at the time but it sure sounds like have big service issues.

    I also can't understand how people can keep going if they KNOW the service is so horribe. I certainly did not notice the food was so good as to offset the service.

  8. We went to Chilo's yesterday.

    We walked in and I felt I was in the right place for down-to-earth Mexican. We got quite a few stares for being asian in a room packed full of Mexicans. We sat down and 'mom' began asking us in spanish what we wanted. "Uhh...dos tacos uhh..pork? pour favour?"

    OMG it was hilarious. Actually 'mom' got 'dad' who spoke english but he refused to speak it unless absoutely necessary "you have to practice your spanish". Let me tell you, speaking broken spanish from a 2 hour course at a resort on the Yucutan in front of what seemed like a room full of locals from Mexico City was intruiging :biggrin:

    Wonderful people, simply the best Quessadilla I've ever had. Hands down. I'm going back and ordering like three of those next time. The beef and pork tacos were really good too. One of us ordered a soupa as well and it was very nice. You could taste the marrow fat mmmm.

    I love the place. The owners are so fun, even their daughter was so talkative and social (in english thank goodness).

    "Quessadilla est muay bueno"

    "de nada"

    God I had no idea what I was saying.

    There is actually a taco place about 3 doors down but it didn't look as busy. We each got a Chili business card - cool little logo.

  9. Just got back from Cassis . My first visit and I was pretty pleased. They really do simple french right. We ordered:


    - French Onion Soup - The soup was rich and peppery and the cheese was not overdone

    - Baked Brie with Papaya Chutney - Yum! God I love baked Brie.


    - Bouillabaisse - Very rich seafood flavour in a light broth. They couldn't deliver enough bread to soak it all up.

    - Blackened Cod - Wow. Really liked this. The cod was so flakey and served inside a puff pastry style crust. The skin was crispy too!


    - Creme Brulee - Not much to say, it's standard Creme Brulee. Not stunning, not dissapointing

    - Lemon Tart - Ok something went horribly wrong here. The tart was...VERY TART. I mean I know it's lemon but my eyes shouldn't water when I eat it. Above this however, somehow it tasted, well, like fish. Odd! I told the waitress and she whisked it away. I was comp'd with a chocolate cake which was not too dense and deeply chocolatey.

    Was generally happy with the evening. Will go back for the Coq au Vin and the Beef Stew mmmm.


    Also went to Stone Grill (but did not do the dineout menu). To be frank we didn't really feel the value was there. The food was good but not at the price we paid. Not sure if the hot stone concept is enough to justify the cost. Undoubtedly I would rather spend that money at Morton's and have THEM cook it for me. Regardless I think it was a good experience and I do like the concept of searing meat to my liking on a freekin hot rock. Kind of prehistoric meets refined dining.

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