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molto e

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by molto e

  1. Pane Bianco also sells some high quality Italian dry goods, oil and vinegar that I seem to find something that I have try everytime that I go. Pane and now Andreoli are the top two authentic Italian delis in town.
  2. RS, I have been keeping this place quiet...only 8 stools inside and summer is coming, you blew it. This is a great place to take someone for the first time because first of all it is relatively unknown and cool authentic diner spot. I love the owner's commitment to using organic ingredients...he is at the Wednesday Farmers Market picking up McClendon produce for the restaurant. The hot dogs he uses come from Schrieners, which is a long time Phoenix purveyor. Molto E
  3. RS, When I am looking for this style of breakfast and am in the 'hood, then it is a great choice. Molto E
  4. RS, Never have hit this spot but the smoked prime rib and chicken fried steak and I have a date sometime in the near future! Molto E
  5. RS, This is a solid choice for bruschettas, paninis and salads with a nice wine selection. The ambiance is great as the space was formerly a post office and on a nice day when all the windows / doors are open, that is hard to beat! Glad You Enjoyed, Molto E
  6. Josh, Wow, I will give them another run. Thanks, Eliot
  7. Gabe, I was not sure you when you said the tempura was applied that you meant it was fried so that is why I asked. I thought perhaps there was a different method of tempura being used. Thanks, Molto E
  8. RS, Do you know if your "Thai Experts" from Chicago have tried LOS and where they rate it? Molto E
  9. David, You should not hesitate at all, they are extremely convivial at Wing Lei. Molto E
  10. Doc, On the salmon dish, do you know what the intent of the microfilm was in that dish - flavor, texture or cooking medium? Your photos of the Orestes dish may be my favorite shots that you have taken!! (or maybe the cuy ) I am surprised that the powders do not move at all on the way to the table. Molto E
  11. Thanks Gabe, when you say tempura is applied can you give a little detail on that?
  12. I believe the finished product is made on premises from a liquid mix that has been shipped. This is a pretty good system, allowing for laboratory-level control of the mix but fresh, on-site production. However, I think such a system can hardly be called artisanal. It's industrial. Good industrial, but industrial nonetheless. ← Steven, I agree with you completely, if the mix is pre-fabricated then it is definitely not artisanal. They serve the same gelato as the hundreds or thousands of places that buy the same pre-made base. Molto E
  13. I fully understand the point that you were making in your description of the dish. I say this not as a knock but as a question...if the spin / riff adds or improves the element great but if the spin is just to "pull a rabbit out of a hat"? Without tasting the dish and feeling its place in the progression of the meal then I am at a disadvantage.
  14. What was the consistency of the pineapple fries...raw pineapple...fried...hot / cold? What was under the creamy top of oyster yogurt course? There is no doubt that the imagination, creativity and inventiveness that is on display be that the serviceware or the actual creations is amazing! Not to sound like Alice Waters, but in the case of the tomato course...why? The perfect heirloom tomato vs freeze dried tomato, I would have liked to seen the natural product incorporated with the inventiveness. Though I am looking at an image rather than tasting it as you did. Obviously, not many, if any diners will eat that course more than once so the novelty will not be challenged.
  15. A new option to consider is Latilla at the Boulders...I have not tried it yet but the chef has a good pedigree and has her own garden for the restaurant going.
  16. On the Isis dish, it does not look like the powders move when the liquid is poured on it?
  17. R U kidding me...that is awesome Doc, what a memorable evening The snacks or tapas portion of the El Bulli experience is so impressive from the whimsy to the serviceware. Of course, great shots as well!
  18. To be continued...huh...that is cruel
  19. Steven, I know eGullet sponsors scholarships and I hope this is the start of a new program ...please keep me in mind for this new program...I am sure that I can qualify for this one if hunger is one of the requirements Molto E
  20. Steven, Great report...Chef Cantu is putting out a helluva an experience right now. The misconception is that Alinea and Moto are of the same genre, I do not take them that way at all. Chef Cantu is really riding (or cooking) the modern techinical bent whereas Chef G is not coming from that part of the woods. I am very excited to take the Moto ride as soon as possible. There are not many restaurants that can deliver that kind of experience and keep it delicious and by your account, Moto CAN. Molto E
  21. Thanks...I have not done the Alinea tour in quite some time
  22. Melkor, Can you give some details on the courses that worked for you and the ones that did not? Molto E
  23. Michael Nagrant took some time for a quick "smoke" with Barry Sorkin Interview of Smoque Owner Barry Sorkin by Michael Nagrant of Hungry Mag THe BBQ Manifesto of Smoque
  24. My top two not to be missed experiences in Vegas would be Wing Lei and either Robuchon place Wing Lei Joel Robuchon and L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon
  25. Kim, Roughly how much would you like to spend?? Maybe Methode Bistro would be a good call. My top choice in Scottsdale would be Sea Saw...Chef Fukuda just won the James Beard Award for Best Chef Southwest. Molto E
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