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Kinda wondering where all my old readers are??? You know, you guys who used to enjoy commenting on the folly that has been my life?
Well, one of these days I'll come to Colorado and eat noodles - or, alternatively, you could come to Oregon and drink wine.
← Sadly, it was true, too. And, yes, the babel was of Biblical proportions.
I beat you to that cryin' thing.
This is for those of you who have never been in a war. Or loved someone who was in a war. Or had someone maimed. Or lost someone in a war. I'd like you to give it more than one day's thought a year.
You have excellent taste in books. I have a few stories from my married friends, Birsan and Bill, she Turkish and he Boston Irish. (She introduced me to Raki). They were going at it one night (may have been some Raki involved) and she got in a particularly good slam. From the sidelines I said, "Atta Turk!" I think she threw something at me for the bad pun.
Aw, gee, thanks. Maggie. I don't know what to say, so I'll let Hoosier do the talking: You're the top! You're a dance in Bali. You're the top! You're a hot tamale. You're an angel, you, Simply too, too, too diveen, You're a Boticcelli, You're Keats, You're Shelly!
Did you appear on "AM Northwest" on KATU-ABC? I think that's the only show of its kind with a local format left in Portland. Yep, that was the one.
I don't know that I've completely given up, either,David. I've have one appearance on a local Portland television station - the morning show- since I moved to Oregon. I made crepes to plug a series of classes I was teaching at a cookware store.The producer said I was good and if I had any ideas for other things to let them know. We'll see...
David, Enjoyed your piece and I can relate. Can I ever! I am a chef and I played one on television. I started by doing a half-hour cable access show in Memphis, Tennessee. (I was invited to do it). I did that for about a year. One day I received a call from the director of programming at the local CBS affiliate - Channel 3. He asked me if I'd like to do a regular segment on their local morning show. He said there would be no pay initially, but they would pay for ingredients and I could plug projects, books etc. The show was canceled after about six months. (The host went on to do a children's show on the local PBS station). But, I wasn't canceled. They asked me to do short segments for the noon news. Sent a location truck to shoot them at my school (The Memphis Culinary Academy). That worked well for a year or so. Then I noticed my segments were being sponsored. I asked about that and if any revenue was coming in. They said yes, and they would figure out how much of it I was entitled to. Six more months. No revenue. About this time in conjunction with a friend of mine who did video and had an advertising agency, we made a demo tape and sent it to the Food network at their request. Also about that time the Food Network got rid of their programming director and the focus switched from wanting a professional to wanting "home" style stuff. So, that went nowhere. My friend suggested I change channels - to the local ABC affiliate - Channel 13. The program director offered me a spot on the noon news with the munificent stipend of $25.00 per show. Hey, it was $25,00 more than I was getting. I took it. Then he asked me if I would do a restaurant review thing for the evening news, too. I said sure. I didn't really review them. I went in,talked to the chef, cooked with him/her and then sat down and ate. Then they canceled the noon news. I sensed the station might be in a wee bit of trouble. They were. So, he asked me if I would do a segment on their morning show. Cook a little and be part of the panel and sit around and rap. I did and enjoyed it. Then they canceled the morning show. Then they sold the station. Then they canceled the evening news. I've never been personally canceled. But, I am beginning to wonder about the coincidence of every show I've ever been a part of being canceled. I bathe regularly.
According to Greenpeace 70% of the world's population live on coastal plains and 11 of the world's 15 largest cities are on coasts or in estuaries. Seems like sea level temps will work pretty good for most folks.
I love it, Maggie! I cook and eat soft boiled eggs at least a couple of times per week. Local, high omega brown eggs. My mother who worked and was always strapped for time made them often. I've settled on 3 1/2 minutes - fast technique.
I just discovered something sad. http://www.muddsrestaurant.com/ Just four years after I left The Ordinary I opened this restaurant for Virginia Mudd in 1981 and was quite proud of what we did there. Here's my recollection. http://www.muddsrestaurant.com/carey.htm
You are truly a class broad, Maggie the Cat. You'll never know how much I appreciated your help. Thanks. Be like the bird that, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings. Victor Hugo
Whoa! Fernet Branca and bitters in the same glass? I'd better vetch my stomach potion!