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Jeff L

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Everything posted by Jeff L

  1. My good friend just called this afternoon on his way back from lunch and reported that the pie is even better than Hudson street with the added addition of fresh antipasto. Sammy Amico is making the pies here. Long wait for lunch but we know a guy who isn't supposed to hold tables but you know...I'm going for lunch next Friday and will report back firsthand
  2. You should try any night but Saturday. You will wait a very long time at the crowded (although now thankfully smokeless) bar. For starters we always get the string bean salad- great dressing as is their house salad. If you want to, get a baccala salad too, the best I've had anywhere. I really would skip the pasta course because the salad and entree should do the trick and the marinara sauce now really sucks. You could get it with garlic and oil tho if you wanted to. My all time favorites used to be breast of veal (a Wednesday special) and roast pork (Thursday I think) Failing that, this is gonna sound weird but, you really have to try the meatballs and lima beans,.. out of this world good. Also really good is veal chunks in white wine and the steaks are usually good too. The food here is still good just not close to what is was with Primo in the kitchen.
  3. Jeff - Thanks for the response. My son has a birthday coming up and wants to try it. What do you recommend on the menu? ← 2 questions: What kind of food does he like? Any favorites? What day/night are you planning to go? They have specials on each day of the week and that is always the way to go there.
  4. First, it's just the Homestead Inn, not the Old Homestead Inn. I used to go here regularly back when Primo was in the kitchen. Unreal top flight Southern Italian fare. Sadly, he retired years ago and I believe has been replaced by his Ecuadorian sous chef/assistants. In my view, food has really gone downhill. Their tomato sauce was legendary. It is now made by Dave, one of the owners sons and not even close to what it once was. On a positive note, they still beat you up if you're not a regular! As to their "current fare" nothing ever changes on the menu except for the prices increasing.
  5. I agree that Jo Jo's makes a damn fine pie but best in the world? Delorenzo's hands down for me when they are on point. By that I mean nicely charred and not too much cheese. Can't beat Hudson Street. Have you tried the pie at Wildflowers in Pennington (formerly the Wayside) it's also right up there quality wise though not a traditional tomato pie
  6. Rich, the place looks really nice. Check out the website pictures on Beezee's post above. Gotta love the toilet picture! Report back after you go
  7. Trust me, the older members feel the same way. Unfortunately, Delorenzo's Hudson St and the one on Hamilton Avenue are just a few of the remaining Italian restaurants left in Trenton due to the ever increasing gang problems and otherwise deteriorating neighborhoods. I remember in the not too distant past being faced with the dilema of deciding on which place we'd go to for dinner.
  8. I usually call every month or so early Friday morning to order my tomato pie for later on in the day as Delorenzo's on Hudson street is only open for lunch on Friday. Well, I am sad to say that I was at the last Friday lunch this past week. Now, not only are there no more lunches served, their hours have just been cut in half. Starting 1/10, they will now be open Thursday through Sunday from 4:00- 9:00 pm. Anyone who has been here on the weekends knows how insanely hard tables are to come by, it just got a lot worse! The only good news is that Sammy (son of owners) will finally open his new place in Robbinsville this Wednesday. He will be open for lunch and dinner every day and I think will serve more than great tomato pies ( I heard salads will be available too) More info can be had at 609 341-8480. I personally think it's just a matter of time for the Hudson Street location to call it quits. I hope I'm wrong but...
  9. I can remember going in with some friends for non food items also sold by the pound back in my college days that was less than than 100 bucks, man that's some expensive bacon.
  10. Actually, this was the first one I ever made and was pleased at how well it came out. I have fond memories of Prime Rib as a kid and wanted to see if I could recreate it. They usually run to around $15 per lb and up and it's not something I absolutely must have but at 5 bucks why not.
  11. ok, tommy. you come and cook it for me and i'll keep the champagne flowing - along with some unfiltered newton cabernet?! have a wonderful holiday ← Wow, I just had that Newton cab last night! As to the rib roast, I did sear mine before hand for 2 or 3 minutes high heat in a bit of oil and cooked just as you did without the garlic. Agree w/ Tommy however about slower and lower heat. I prepared a nice fresh horesradish sauce using some of the juices in the pan. It came out really great and I had plenty left for thinly sliced beef, aged provolone and onion hoagies the next few days!
  12. Funny you should mention a 2 rib roast. I just tried one last week and it was superb. Many cookbooks say not to bother roasting a 2 rib standing rib roast but mine came out perfectly rare and the store had them on special for $4.50 per lb! How will you prepare yours?
  13. Jeff L


    Pete Lorenzo's isn't what it used to be. The steaks are way off and I'm not even sure if they still dry age the meat anymore. I was a frequent diner there until I saw a marked slip in quality. Can't beat the cavatelli and broccoli though. Sadly there really are no places to get a great steak ala the better NY steakhouses in Trenton/Hamilton and even my area of Bucks County.
  14. Jeff L


    Why don't you try KC Prime next to Quakerbridge mall for a pretty decent steak. I'm not sure why people eat at places like Longhorn and Outback when there are really good alternatives at not much more $$. IMO you should have left after the Bloomin Onion. I once had dinner at an Outback in Cancun and left everything on my plate but the onion. Poor quality steak but what can you expect for $15 or something.
  15. That's pretty ambitous of you Carole. I've gone as far as to roast veal bones and make a nice veal stock, reducing half for demi glace at times but never further than that. As the demi glace is so rich I can't imagine what demi glace de viande would be like. How long do you reduce the demi glace to get this? Around these parts I am able to source veal bones (mostly necks) at Madrigales on Brstol Road. He tells me he supplies many Philly restos. Oh, and welcome to EG!
  16. I've reheated pizza on the stovetop, in a flat (not one with ridges), round cast iron griddle pan. I spray the pan with a cooking spray and start the slice in a cold pan. Once things warm up, I cover the slice with a large pan lid, to heat the top a bit and get things melting. Then I'll take the lid off to allow the crust to get crispy. Heat to your desired degree of reheatedness. This method usually gets the crust crisper than when I first got the pizza! Granted, this method only works for a slice or two at a time, though, depending on the size of the slices and your pan. ← Somewhat off topic but still relevant, this is the method I was told by the owners of Delorenzo's Pizza in Trenton to reheat their pizza. I use a cast iron skillet because I usually leave with just a piece or two and this method is really close to the original out of the oven pizza. The only change I would make is to use just a bit of decent olive oil instead of cooking spray but either would work.
  17. Wow, pretty shocking for the Tap. Usually there are always on point and then some. I personally have eaten there a dozen or more times and can't recall anything even close to your experience Skulky. But as Phil says, anyone can have an off night.
  18. wow, i wish that had been there when i was growing up. ← It's really quite a nice place James. Lots of incredible vegetables you can't find anywhere (outside of Philly) else and way cheap too. It's small but they cram lots of Chinese canned goods, bottled goods, etc into the space. They also have the freshest looking fish I've seen, (red snapper @ $7.00 per lb) and tons of different packaged noodles, some like on Race Street, fresh rice noodles that I particularly like.
  19. I'm pretty sure they always have it but they don't speak English too well as you have learned. Tough to know what language people speak as they carry Chinese, Japanese, Korean and some Thai stuff there. Check out the ginger there, nicest looking stuff I've seen anywhere and inexpensive
  20. Check out H-Mart Levittown location. I can't vouch for how fresh it is cause I've not had it but I go there regularly for all things asian. The other day I was in line and the lady behind me bought some and it looked good and the price was cheap. The produce is always super fresh and their meats do look pretty good. It's worth a try and its local. 1138 Oxford Valley Rd Levittown, PA 19057 (215) 949-1003
  21. i'm thinking the only way that could happen is if you'd buy them in another state. say, one that's "over the river and through the woods," if you know what i mean, and has a different set of liquor laws? not that i would advocate anything illegal, of course, having never done anything of the sort myself. ← I don't even know how to get to New Jersey James, let alone do something illegal there. But if I were to figure it out, it'd be nice to have say a dozen or so of the ex Chairman's value oriented stuff to just look at, not purchase of course.
  22. Already does: newmanwineandspirits.com ← Clearly he is adequately backed financially. Seems like everyone on his board is a money guy, anyway I wish him well if he still reads these posts and maybe he can let us know how we here in PA might avail ourselves of some of his current and future picks.
  23. Thanks for posting this article. You gotta wonder why he doesn't plan on doing business with PALCB
  24. Isn't that Magma pie really nice? Might be time for an EG outing ala Pizza Club on the PA board. You need a proper introduction to the neighborhood via Delorenzo's Hudson st.
  25. Although we have been in a while, I too would suggest Acacia for your outing. It is close enough to Princeton and it is byo. One proviso for me would be that Bryan Brodowski is still in the kitchen. He's done a fine job in the past here and usually offers up some really creative and exciting fare.
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