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Jeff L

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Everything posted by Jeff L

  1. Hate to break it to you but Aldo's just might have the worse pizza on the planet. I live in Stoney Ford Estates and can see the restaurant from here. Avalon Cafe is better but still not good. Fact is there is no good pizza around here, we go to Trenton or make our own. ← I think we are talking about two different places. Aldo's Pizzarama is next to George Washington High School on Bustleton Ave. It is not in a class of DeLorenzo's or Tac's or even the best in the city, but it is widely held as "damn good 'za". It was converted in the late 70's from a Hardee's and has ample sit-down space. ← I was responding to lamando's post about Aldo's in Vilage Shire Shopping Center not the one on Bustleton Ave. I've not been to that one so can't comment. My daughter used to work at the one in Village Shires and wouldn't even take advantage of free pizza at the end of the night, that's how bad it is.
  2. Hate to break it to you but Aldo's just might have the worse pizza on the planet. I live in Stoney Ford Estates and can see the restaurant from here. Avalon Cafe is better but still not good. Fact is there is no good pizza around here, we go to Trenton or make our own.
  3. Actually, this one and a Chateau d'Yquem were generous donations from the Doc...thanks Doc!! ← Doc, nice donation. Wish I were there to try the d'Yquem. I have realized why I cellar great wines now after having experienced Shola's masterful dining experiences. I can't think of a better place to bring some of these stellar wines than to SK
  4. Hey Percy, how much of that Lynch Bages do you have?
  5. Craig LeBan, as we all know, isn't too liberal with 3 bell ratings. So, now it becomes even harder to get into a place that has already generated a significant amount of buzz. I haven't been there yet, but last week the chef from the Yardley Inn mentioned that this was his favorite place and people here have reviewed it quite well. I almost stopped reading after the description for Beef Tenderloin Shepherd's Pie as it is one of my favorite dishes for comfort food cravings. Daniel Stern's version sounds really amazing with hickory smoked tenderloin to bacon filled with gruyere and shredded short rib. I can't wait to try this dish. I think one of the things that impresses me most about Stern is that he is self taught and has acheived this level of success. Off topic somewhat, LeBan on the same page declares the 2001 Lineage Cabernet "fabulous" with lush black fruit. But we already knew that. The supplies are dwindling so go get some.
  6. I'm not usually a big fan of Tawny Ports, but I make an exception with the Buller Tawny. As I was so taken with their Muscat, I thought I'd try a bottle of the Tawny and was not disappointed. While it's no vintage port by any means, it still has a very nice feel to it, kind of vintage port light if you will. I really enjoy the bigger bolder vintage ports but if you're in the mood for something satisfying yet light on the finish, try this one
  7. Any of the Beringer Private Reserve show up in your travels? ← Wasn't looking for it, but the website says there's very little around. Which are you looking for, the Cabernet or the Chardonnay? ← With Beringer Private Reserve, red rules Katie. I actually asked my local store to put aside a case of the 96 Cabernet but haven't heard back yet. Website said mid March I think
  8. Jeff L


    Whole wheat, what were they thinking?
  9. Any of the Beringer Private Reserve show up in your travels?
  10. Sampson's? Where's that?! Anyhow, if you like it hot, you'll love Szechuan Tasty House. There's a thread on it here if you've not read it. Don't miss the golden coins, excellent. http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showto...uan+tasty+house
  11. Please see ISO thread. Rodizio 2 is still April 9th but time has changed from 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Let me know if you are interested in attending by sending me a PM
  12. Alas, don't think we'll be able to make it on the 9th, will likely be out of town. ← Sorry to miss you guys, pm me if plans change and you can make it Jeff
  13. My impression of this place is that it will not be a four hour dinner unless we care to make it one. That said, I can't see the harm in pushing it up an hour if it means more people can join us. I'll ask folks to comment on the time and pm me if they can make it.
  14. give it a shot, sailor. btw, you wanna grab a beer or something this week? i'm around. and i need to check out ansill, if you're game. ← As one fortunate enough to have been there a while back, I would suggest reviewing the thead on Amada here http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showtopic=76511&st=80 and scrolling down to Philadining's wonderful pictures with comments from all those who were there that night. I rarely say this, but we were all (11 of us) hard pressed to find anything that was even a little bad. Food was consistantly top quality with obvious high end ingredients carefully put together and delivered by competent waitstaff.
  15. OK, the date for the run to Picanha Brazilian Grill is set for Sunday, April 9th @ 7:00 pm. Please pm me if interested. Edited to reflect Easter is on the 16th.
  16. Yeah, it's called the Homestead Inn, or better known to those of us who have been patrons for over thirty years, Chick and Nellos, ← and their bracciole, and their rabe, and those hot peppers. Too much smoke in the bar, though that will change in a month or so. ← Or the veal chunks in white wine, or the steaks and chops or the wonderful sausage and peppers. They buy the cheapest meats from cut rate vendors and still make everything come out wonderful. My only problem aside from the smoke you mention and the clubiness/arrogance of the joint is the fact that since Primo, the long standing chef has gone, the marinara sauce is now made by David, one of the owners sons. It is such a total disappointment if you've been fortunate enough to have had Primo's sauce. Surprisingly though, most of the menu is still faithfully recreated by the wonderful Ecuadorians who were always at Primo's side.
  17. Is the upstairs non-smoking? Eileen ← Yes indeed! ← But, when we went on a Friday a few weeks ago for lunch they said the upstairs was closed. We were the only people there, but it was still smoky downstairs. ← And that's the main problem with this place. I loved the food and brews but I hated that I smelled like a cigarette when I got home. Not that I won't go back, just when the upstairs is open
  18. Jeff L


    Yeah, just an inefficient hot dog James
  19. It is, quite literally, Exit ZERO on the Garden State Parkway. And it's not the end of the world but you can see it from there. On a clear day you can see the shores of Lewes, Delaware from Sunset Beach. Lewes, DE. Now that really is the end of the world. ← And, I might add here, well worth every minute of the 2 hour trip from our home for the excellent, top notch fine dining restaurants. (Cape May, not Lewes De.)
  20. Yeah, it's called the Homestead Inn, or better known to those of us who have been patrons for over thirty years, Chick and Nellos, named for its deceased founders. This is the real deal peasant/Southern Italian food. Stuff like meatballs and lima beans, roasted chicken that will keep you up at night longing for more and breast of veal with those perfect oven roasted potatoes. Don't gasp at the meatballs and limas, (my personal favorite) it's truly transcendant food. None better in that neck of the woods that I'm aware of. There are still a few good ones left in the Burg area of Trenton which is pretty close to Hamilton Square though they are quickly disappearing
  21. So where's the post? ← Just posted on ISO
  22. Rich, we're talking about the Philadelphia Inquirer not the National Enquirer
  23. Third, I always find it interesting that some people will rail about wine markups and not food markups. really, ya think that bottle of Beaujolais is a bad deal check out the markups on a dish of simple pasta!--and guess how much those snazzy Air Jordan's you are wearing have been marked up! Restaurants are complex operations with all sorts of overhead. In a vital and open market with competition and variety of choices I rarely find many places where my experience is tainted because I feel I am being gouged. In fact, I am happy that any place where I enjoy dining, makes a healthy profit--I want them to thrive. ← The key difference in your argument is that I think most wine people feel ripped off having to pay several times (not sure about the 300% markup either) the price for the same bottle they have in their cellars. I know I do. It's really not a fair analogy to compare the price of sneakers with wine marked up in a restaurant. I mean everyone is certainly entitled to a profit, and I agree with you in that absent one, they shut down. It becomes a question of what is a reasonable profit in the minds of the patrons. I really have no idea what a pair of Air Jordans cost (although I suspect it's a fraction of what they sell for) but I do know know what most wine on wine lists retail for. That's the difference. Further, if you don't like the price of Air Jordan's keep shopping. Ditto with usurious wine list prices, keep shopping or don't patronize.
  24. OK, a few folks expressed interest in this outing so I will post in the ISO thread. I didn't mean to exclude those of you who made it to Newark. Everyone is welcome to come!
  25. Very interesting articles indeed. I didn't know that there are no laws on the books that prohibit patrons from bringing their own bottles to a full service restaurant. It is up to the individual owner to allow a corkage fee, impose none or refuse to allow one to bring their own bottle. LaBan's piece goes on to note that many of the full service places are learning to adapt to the will of wine friendly and value driven patrons by instituting a limited byo policy or providing for corkage fees. Lastly, it was quite interesting to learn that a survey by opentable.com found that in Philadelphia, 63% of patrons brought their own wine to a white tablecloth restaurant in their last 10 meals out. The national average was 27% and New York's average was 25%.
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