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Jeff L

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Everything posted by Jeff L

  1. This is true and Jonathan Newman all but said it twice in his interview the other night on WHYY. He was careful in saying that he didn't condone the "illegal" importation of wine into PA from border states and went further by saying if PA wants to stop liquor bleed into other states than we must do a better job of making the stores more consumer friendly and having the depth of product with "hot pricing" as he calls it. Wait, isn't that what was starting to happen under his tutelage?
  2. It's amazing how many folks prefer Hamilton Ave. No comparison in my view
  3. Off topic but which Delorenzo's? I'm headed to Hudson street for lunch in an hour. As a long standing customer for about 40 years, I must agree with your assesment of what comes out of those ovens
  4. Matthew makes a strong point and one that I agree with. Typically all we consumers can do is complain and rant here and in other forums about how ridiculous this system is to no avail. The idea of an organized, well heeled corporate front going up against the PALCB is encouraging but I think ultimately one destined to fail. There is no question that food chains in the state stand to make significant profit on the sale of alcoholic beverages. The question I have is if any realistic alliance of chains can happen and if it does, how much money will they commit to this uphill fight in Harrisburg?
  5. Today's Inquirer reports that Wegman's wants to sell beer wine and spirits in its cafes. Acme markets announced that their "top regulatory issue this year would be to sell beer, wine and alcohol at its Pennsylvania stores". The article goes on to say how distributors would be hurt in this scenario but also quotes Rendell's spokesperson Kate Phillips as saying "He's not looking to change the law now". Why should the Commonwealth want to promote consumer convenience let alone competition in our fair state? After reading many posts on the topic of liquor privatization, it is becoming increasingly clear to me that this is merely a pipe dream that will never happen. Just when you thought good things were happening (wine-wise anyway) in the lcb, Rendel does his end around with Newman and brings in Conti as CEO.
  6. Wow, Diann, thanks for the commentary. Looks like you guys had an outstanding meal. I think this answers the question as to how good Pif is w/out Ansil.
  7. It's really too bad about this place. It wasn't your imagination, when they first opened, it was really a great little place with really good food. I would never go back after our last time there a year or so ago
  8. We all wish you the best in whatever it is you end up doing. You've done an outstanding job with an impossible system here in PA. It is our loss as consumers to no longer have your extensive knowledge in wines of all types and more importantly, your ability to negotiate with vineyards around the world bringing unheard of price points to consumers via your Chairmans Selection program.
  9. This isn't Tara, I've been there before and it's in a building built in the mid 1800's.
  10. Welcome to the world of big business and politics. Really not so unheard of except he's not in it for the $$$. He is really in to changing peoples lives as it relates to their education, knowledge and consumption of wines. Listen, don't you think he was making more than $65,000 at his former law firm?
  11. About the only positive thing to come out of his leaving is his replacement, P.J Stapleton's quote in today's Inky that he will continue with the Chairman's Selection program. I am really distressed about this but not at all surprised by it. I wish Mr. Newman much success in whatever he decides to do. I am certain his passion, drive and commitment will continue to define him.
  12. Phila-Foodie, I'll pile on my praise of your interview with the Chairman. Great questions and you seem to employ an endearing way of having him open up to you. It will be a sad day for all wine buyers in this state if he steps down
  13. This almost sounds like the Capogiro of chocolates - single malt scotch? I now have a reson to go to West Chester
  14. I'd have agreed with you about 8 years ago but I'm afraid this place has jumped the shark. We used to be regulars eating there at least 2-3 times a month but I feel the quality has totally been lacking while the price is rising. ← depressing... ← Truly so because after Peter Lugers, I thought it was the best dry aged steak anywhere
  15. I'd have agreed with you about 8 years ago but I'm afraid this place has jumped the shark. We used to be regulars eating there at least 2-3 times a month but I feel the quality has totally been lacking while the price is rising.
  16. Let me be the first to welcome you to E Gullet Keith. Looking forward to more posts on this and other topics. I am sure everyone who posts on this thread as well as many more Pennsylvanians will want to know of the future of the Chairmans Selection program. I for one think it has been a godsend for a really tired and bureaucratic state system.
  17. It's heating up. Newman is now acknowledging that losing the chairmanship is a possibility. Rendell has the option of letting him go but I really hope he has seen the good work that Newman has done in his tenure so far. As an aside, Conte has nothing but praise for Newman according to today's article. Stay tuned
  18. From today's Inky: "This is not transparency in public government," said Jonathan Newman, adding that he learned of Conti's hiring when Rendell's office gave him a job description for the new position at 3 p.m. yesterday." I'd say that's a pretty strong and clear statement, given his usual tact. ← Yeah, I read that... still would like to know how this will impact the Chairman's Selection program which everyone here has embraced so much. The thing that impressed me most about Mr. Newman was that he seemed to be guided solely by his love of wines of all types, pricepoints and countries of origin and trying to obtain the best possible deals for all Pennsylvanians. What I am really saying is that he didn't strike me as a politico or even a typical agency chief, just a smart businessman. We could rant on and on about how much better it would be if the state were to somehow privatize the purchase of wine and spirits, but to what end? We've already discussed this on several threads.
  19. Just finished reading the article and all I can say is that I pray he'll leave things alone in the wine department. Conti's not a bad guy and will probably reign in spending at the LCB. We used to eat at his restaurant in Doylestown often. Jonathan, if you are reading this, I'm sure we'd all love to hear your thoughts besides what's in the paper.
  20. Katie, you beat me to this post. Congratulations to the Standard Tap and particularly Chef Angle on this nod from Bon Appetite. I'm going to try the Cornish Hens recipe in the magazine this weekend.
  21. I was in NY earlier today on business and around 3:00 pm realized how hungry I was, not having eaten all day. Meetings were over and there was nothing around (should have checked the NY board I guess) What do I pass but Ruby Tuesday and promptly remember something about a triple prime burger being really good. I hate chains, really hate them. But, I was really hungry and ended up going in. To my astonishment this burger was delightful, really flavorful and juicy. It was even cooked to my liking - rare (well really close to rare anyway) They serve them on a funky long and narrow plate with a few ok fries. Only complaint was for $10 it could have been a bigger burger. The roll was also excellent, some brioche thing.
  22. Percy, wonderful job on reporting as usual. When I was in the airline industry, I stayed in The Four Seasons regularly all over the world. There is no question in my mind that they are at the top of their game in every category, especially the food. Usually, their dining rooms are the best or one of the best in the cities they have a presence. Philly of course is no exception. I can remember one particularly late night when I called room service well after 1:00 am and got the most perfect cheeseburgers and hand cut fries I've ever had. I was so impressed with their headquarters facility in Toronto that I felt compelled to write a letter to Izzy Sharp, Chairman of the company. He sent me a personal note back asking if I would mind if he used my letter in their training program..classy guy, classy company.
  23. I'm glad you felt that way because I had told you the prix fixe was $30 and it ended up being almost double that. I was a little concerned about telling you that and then asking Todd to bring on all the food not really knowing what the final tab would be. Bottom line, well worth it and in my opinion, a hell of a value for the sheer quantity and obvious quality of the food. Todd, if you're reading...great job done by all.
  24. Gonna have to change my avatar now
  25. Jeff L

    Good Dog

    2 bells in tomorrow's paper. Craig thinks it's the best burger in town. Nice review of non burger fare as well.
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