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Everything posted by farming'stef

  1. A little advice for the melons is try to start the seeds indoors in May, transplant beginning of June. Melons do not like to grow in a pot and when they get too big indoors they have trouble adapting when transplanted. The problem is in the roots, melons have roots like their stems, they crawl far and wide. In a pot the roots curl up and this causes stress to the plant....and everyone knows that stress is bad for health :) Its better to have a small healthy plant, transplanted into a hot soil. (this is true for any curcubitacea: melon, cucumber, squash) Hope this helps... happy growing, stef.
  2. The chevril at the market does not taste like the one grown fresh in a garden. Garden chevril has a stronger flavor. If you use it raw, it is very strong, so maybe the market chevril is better for this use. If used cooked on seafood, the market chevril is tastless and so the garden one would be better. Aragula grown in the garden is very peppery. I prefer this one, but for those who like it mellow, the market aragula would better. To sum it up, farm(market) vegetables and garden vegetables have different taste...it is up to you to decide which you prefer Cheers, stef.
  3. I have been making bread from Nancy Silvertons book for several years, some suggestions in this thread has improved my bread. But I would like to make a Kamut sourdough bread, but it never works out? The bread is grainy and falls apart! What do I have to modify when using Kamut flour?...I tried playing with the quantities of starter but have yet to succeed. Thanks for your help Cheers, stef.
  4. Hello, It's Springtime and the time has come to start our seedlings. I will be farming in St-Catherine de Hatley and was wondering if anyone had some fun suggestions of vegetables/varieties that I should try growing this year? spices? herbs? fruit? I tried over 50 varieties of veggies last year and here are some that we liked: We loved piment d'espelette. It grows well and is a great spice for everything, including desserts! We tried Montreal Melon, but did not have great results, I will try again this year. Baby Hubbard squash is amazingly tasty even raw, and keeps all winter long. Garden Peach yellow tomatoes are medium size fuzzy yellow tomatoes with a sweet but not too acid taste. They grow very well and are beautiful in salades. Chevril grown in the garden does not compare with the tray grown chevril you buy at the market...same goes for aragula. Chevril is very tasty...rediscover chevril...it's amazing on seafood and in salades... Red Sails is a great lettuce and has striking red leaves. ...all fresh vegetables from the garden are tasty no matter what you decide to grow... Cheers, stef
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