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Everything posted by Leonard

  1. Let me know! Leonard C GM
  2. Restaurants need to look outside the box. We should bench mark with the asian community in order to get a better understanding of each of the different cultures. Approach college profs who specialize in this area and have them come in and talk to the staff. Put this in your manuals, and make it part of training. Just an idea, Leonard C GM
  3. Don't mess it up? Leonard C GM
  4. Let us not forget about the Rex Grill on Dunsmuir. In my mind they have the best prime rib in the city. The rub on the rib is incredible. Leonard C GM
  5. Grouse Mountain bistro. They have some comfy couches in the far back. Nowhone is ever sitting there. Coffee? Maybe a nice glass of wine or a cold beer. Leonard J Nakonechny C Restaurant GM
  6. My first restaurant job was at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre as a dishwasher. It payed $3.25/hour. At the same time I was at Expo 86 at the Saskatchewan Pavillion working as a busboy. That was the resaurant where people would line up for hours for simple comfort food. Turkey, mash, gravy and veg. Mountain berry muffins in the morning. I would show up to work in the morning and there would be a line up for muffins! Crazy time, bring on the Olympics! Leonard J Nakonechny C Restaurant GM
  7. Neil, Hey thanks! I am just trying to get enough so I can learn the secret handshake. Leonard J Nakonechny C GM
  8. Lee, Well, first of all I want to thank you for joining us for dinner. I am pleased to know that you had an enjoyable experience. As your friend mentioned to you, the patio is stunning with the view of the False Creek. We hope to see you sometime during summer. I am disappointed you were too full for dessert. You will have to come back and try the Warm Manjari Chocolate Pudding with the malted milk chocolate shake. It's so tasty. Sincerely, Leonard J Nakonechny C Restaurant GM
  9. ← We look forward to it. Leonard J Nakonechny C Restaurant GM
  10. Stephen, We look forward to you and your wife joining us for dinner. Please contact me directly when you decide to join us. Sincerely, Leonard J Nakonechnyd
  11. Restaurant owners and managers are always seeking information from customers on how to improve the guest experience. Lately, your comments have made an impact in a few areas of the restaurant. I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to post comments about our restaurant and assisting us in improving your experience. Looking foward to late night reading and a few postings. Leonard J Nakonechny General Manager C Restaurant Ps. EGullet's Newest Member
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