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Everything posted by wyf4lyf
Patrick, Could you post the CI recipe? I have a subscription to their website, but I didn't see it on there when I looked. Thanks. Nina
Ptipois, Thanks so much for the link to the English part of Miam. I joined and have gotten some of the most helpful info to my queries. I'm excited to try their suggestions. Thanks again! Nina
Jamsie, Glenn and I remember the avocado layer being really thick, like a very thick, smooth pea soup. But I didn't think it was set like a mousse. However, that makes some sense, esp. with how creamy it was, if they used cream, they'd need to use gelatin or something to make it that thick. Hmm... I've posted an appeal for cold avocado soup recipes in the cooking section. Hoping to get some ideas to springboard from. Thanks again, Nina
Jamsie, Since you ate this meal more recently than I did, can you tell me everything you remember about the avocado-crab concoction? I want to try to re-create it for my husband's birthday next month. Do you remember if there was lemon or lime in either of both of the layers? Anything you can tell me would be great. Thanks...and glad you enjoyed the meal, too! It continues to be a wonderful memory for us. Nina
I second the idea of going to L'Etoile d'Or. It was a wonderful experience. The shopowner is delightfully eccentric and has such a passion for all things chocolate. Not to mention the fabulous caramels she sells as well!!!
Thank you all so much for your input. And let me first say that I feel stupid! It's clear as a bell in the recipe when to add the lemon peel. I just was being careless in reading through it. The sauce wasn't strained, it had *very* fine julienne of the peel in it. The flavor was out of this world. To clarify, and I'm looking at the card right now.... it is most definitely "fleur de thym"...not "feuille". I can tell because it's the same word he wrote in "miel de fleurs" but without the 's'. Your ideas about "syurpy" make sense, but the writing is very clearly "sp" at the beginning. This casserole "Torrifiu" or whatever is just baffling. But it sounds like it doesn't really matter. And the words at the end are definitely "a l'envoie au" and then the mystery word "chenage" though on further glance (and I think I'm going batty staring at this small handwriting!), it could be "drenage" or "churage" or "chinage" or "clunage". I'm hoping he'll respond to my request about how to cook the pork, and then perhaps some of these things will make sense. Thank you all again for your help and suggestions! Nina
Oops... I added the "e" to Thym a couple of times in the recipe! Old habits die hard.
Thanks for the help so far. I'll post the whole thing now, with stars/notes next to the things I'm not sure about. I'm writing it out exactly as I see it on the card. This is recipe is only for the sauce. I've written him again, thanking him for this, and asking if he could please tell me how to cook the pork! Filet Mignon de Porc au Citron Confit et Thyme Ingredients 5cl miel de fluers (this is flower honey, right?) 15cl jus de citrons jaunes 30cl fond de veau (veal stock?) 5cl vin blanc sec 3gr fleur de thym frais (does this really mean thyme flowers, or will fresh thyme leaves be OK?) Sel -- poivre -- coriandre "graine" (I'm assuming this means coriander powder?) Progression: 1. Citron --> peler..laver..couper en juilienne..blanchiz 2 fois --> reserver (blanch twice???) 2. Dans une casserol "Torrifiu"(**) cuire a sec le thyme 4 mn --> agouter le miel et le citron reduire de moitie "spiritueux" (**) --> agouter la julienne de citron cuire 3 mn --> agouter le vin blanc cuire 5 mn --> agouter le fond de veau cuire 15 mn reduire 1/3 --> anuisonner (**) a votre gout sel-poivre et coriandre a l'envoie au chenage. Bon appetit. I wasn't sure about the "annuisonner" at the end, but I inferred it's "season to taste with salt, pepper and coriander." When it says "reduire 1/3", is that to reduce by 1/3 or TO 1/3 of the amount? And it's a bit unclear when to add the julienne of lemon peel. I'm inclined to add it along with the lemon juice, but let me know what you think. This was such an amazing sauce...I said to my husband "this makes me want to sing!" The pork was in chunks, perfectly caramelized on the outside, and fork-tender. It was definitely braised, but I'm not sure if it was braised in this sauce, or in something else with the sauce added at the end. Thanks again for your help.
I received a handwritten recipe in French from a chef in Paris after I'd written to ask him for the recipe of a dish I'd had at his restaurant. I was so delighted to receive it, but I'm having some trouble deciphering his handwriting and undestanding a few of the words. Hoping someone out there in eGullet land can help me out. 1. He speaks of a casserole "Torrifiu" ...at least I think that's the word. It could be Torrifin, Torsifin, Torsifiu. It must be some kind of casserole dish, but what is it? 2. He then says to add honey, lemon juice and reduce "de moitre 'spiritueux'" ?? Perhaps it's maitre. "Spiritueux" means spirits, but I'm confused because the wine hasn't even been added yet. 3. At the very end he says "l'envoie au chenage." Is that "place in the oven?" Wasn't sure about chenage... Thanks for any help you can offer.
P.S. If anyone knows about a school or course that is more in line with the one at Paul Bocuse, but is perhaps a little less lengthy, please let me know. Thanks!
jbo, Your post was far from useless. I looked up the website for the Institut Paul Bocuse and I was so surprised and thrilled to find what I have been dreaming about. Among the various offerings is a 12-week school for amateurs who want to be taught in a professional environment and really learn the tricks of the trade. As much as the one-week "gourmet vacation" schools have sounded fun, I've really been looking for something a bit more serious on the cooking side. This one might be a bit *too* serious, or at least a bit too long, but I'm soooo glad to know it exists. He also offers a 1-week course that is more in line with the others I've seen. I have much to ponder. It will take me awhile to save up the funds for this summer program, and I have a family who needs me during the summer months. But perhaps once the kids are out of the house (2 teens...one will be going to college next year), it might be the right time to take the plunge. Thanks for alerting me to this option. It is something I will seriously consider!!!
I have not eaten here, but recently on bonjourparis someone mentioned a place in tht e6th called Fajitas. The poster said she'd lived in Phoenix for many years -- so she knows Mexican food. She said the food was preety good -- not the best but certainly not the worst. The only real problem was the "sour cream" which was more like whipped butter than sour cream. But all-in-all, she liked it and said it would be a fun place to go if you're looking for something different. Address is 15 rue Dauphine (metro Odeon or Pont Neuf). Hope this helps! Oh...they have a website, too -- www.fajitas-paris.com
Has anyone heard of La Cuisine de Marie-Blanche in Paris? Any comments?? For 1000e she offers a week with 5 cooking classes, 2 pastry classes, and 4 "art de vivre" classes about entertaining in the French manner, and the like. This sounds like quite a good deal. Supposedly she gave Princess Diana cooking lessons...and has an affiliation with the chef at the Plaza Athenee -- he teaches at her school from time to time. Let me know if you've heard anything, good or bad. Thanks!
Hi Kate, I checked out your website and I definitely would like more info. Please email me. Thanks!!
Oops...hanging head in shame...forgot I'd already mentioned the school in Julia Child's old home. I need to take my gingko biloba!!!!
Sign me up when your dream comes true...it sound fantastic!! In the meantime, has anyone heard of Cooking with Friends in France? It is a week-long class taught in the former homes of Julia Child and Simone Beck, where they wrote Mastering the Art of French Cooking, no less! The teacher is Kathie Alex, who was one of Simone Beck's students. Sounds like a fabulous opportunity, n'est-ce pas?
Chefzadi, I live in sweltering (at the moment) Tucson, AZ. ChezCherie, Thanks for that reminder! I loved her book. I'll investigate that option. I have a feeling there are going to be several that will be hard to choose from. I just heard about a week-long class in Provence, taught by Kathy Alex, which is held in the homes where Julia Child and Simone Beck wrote the first volume of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." Talk about an inspiring location for a cooking school!!
Forgive me if this is the wrong place for this...wasn't sure where to post. I have been interested in going to a French cooking school for years, but now that I've been to France, my desire for it has heightened immensely! I have no aspirations to become a chef or to make a career of cooking, but I would like to have some hands-on experience with either a professional chef or a seasoned home chef (like Patricia Wells). A week long class would be wonderful. I've seen the info on Patricia Wells's class and they look great. Wondering if you have knowledge or info on any others. My preference would be for the class/school to be in France, but that's not entirely necessary, as long as the focus was on French cuisine. And the classes would need to be taught in English. *sigh* I've always been better at speaking it than understanding it. Any and all suggestions will be much appreciated! Merci...
Ptipois, I'm sorry if my comment about the French language being lyrical offended you. I do not at all feel that the French have to live up to anything....that you have to TRY to be lyrical...I meant that as a compliment!!! I have always -- since I was 6 years old -- thought the French language was the most beautiful on the planet. That's why I studied it from 4th grade through freshman year of college. I'm a singer and when I speak French, I almost feel like I'm singing. When I hear French, to me it is just beautiful. I did not mean to imply that French people are museum pieces. You are humans like all of us. It drives me crazy when tourists expect everyone to be perfect...good grief, we all get grumpy, we all have our rude moments, etc.! But I was just saying that I loved being in France, and experiencing all the sights and sounds. That includes the people, the culture, the food, the Seine, etc! And I guess I thought that was better than "ugly Americans" who expect everyone and everything to be the same as at home. I never once expected anyone to speak English to me, but was most grateful when they did since I've always been far better at speaking French than understanding it. (And my speaking had gotten far too rusty, I'm afraid, since I hadn't used it in more than 20 years.) And really, I'm just a people person who loves to see groups of people gathering to enjoy themselves on a sunny day. I love to see people talking and hear them laugh...to experience the good side of humanity when there is so much pain in the world. (I was so glad to not watch the evening news for a week!) It brings joy to my soul. So having that bonus while on a picnic with my husband, just added to the day for me. That's really all I meant by it.
Absolutely, Laidback, and I'm pretty sure it was on your recommendation that we went there. I tip my cyber-hat in your direction, and blow you a thank-you kiss! I am still dreaming of the pork with lemon confit I had that night. I just wrote to Bon Appetit and asked them if they could get the recipe for me. A long shot, but it's worth a try!
Zeitoun, I'm suprised to hear that about Le P'tit Troquet as we had some of the best food there during our week in Paris. It had come so highly recommended by some folks who spend much time in Paris, and we were so glad we went there. Maybe they had an off night?
Ptipois, Sorry that was your experience. I guess we were early enough in the summer that it wasn't a problem. We didn't have mimes, bicycles, mayonnaise, or winos. All we encountered was a gorgeous day with a cool breeze, the sun glistening on the Seine, and small clusters of people sitting around enjoying the day. I love listening to French people talk and laugh...the language is so lyrical.
We bought everything we needed from little shops on Ile St. Louis and then walked to the Pont des Arts, a pedestrian bridge where people hang out and picnic, play music, and just soak up the sun. It was so great to sit on a bridge overlooking the Seine, with the water glistening in the afternoon sun. A memory we will treasure forever. We brought bread, pate, cheese, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries and cookies. We skipped the wine that afternoon, but be sure to bring a corkscrew with you if you want some.
Loved this report. I wish I knew more about wine...some day I'll have the time to study it more. Thanks for sharing the experience with us. The shrimp bread sounds really interesting!
I promised to post the details of our lunch at L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon. This was the one place where I kept a piece of paper and pen in my lap to scribble notes, as I knew there was no way I'd remember the names and details of 10 courses. We dressed up a bit and took a cab there, arriving just after noon on Saturday, June 11. Expecting to wait, I was surprised to find the restaurant only half-full and most people dressed much more casually than we were. Oh well, I'd much rather be overdressed than underdressed! We hopped onto our bartstools and settled in for quite an afternoon. There are no tables here, just 2 rooms with a big bar and high stools to sit on, much like a sushi bar. The kitchen is open for all to see. Very Asian in decor, with lots of black and red. Here is the Menu Decouverte we experienced: 1. L'Amuse Bouche -- gazpacho. But unlike any gazpacho we'd had. It was pureed, smooth, not too spicy-hot (good thing, as Glenn is a wimp), creamy, with little buttery crouton floating on top. We loved it...got us very excited about what was to come. 2. Le Tourteau -- THE dish of the meal. It looks like avocado soup with blanched almonds floating on top. But it's thicker than soup, totally silky and creamy and there is a surprise creamy crab concotion underneath. The textures and flavors are to die for. I don't think I saw Glenn's eyes light up over a food all week like it did when he tasted this. And for me, this was very much another "this makes me want to sing!" moment. WOW. There were little drops of chile oil floating between the almonds, and my chile-phobic husband ate it all up and said those chile droplets "balanced the dish" and I about fell off my barstool. :) We wanted to skip all the courses and have 8 more of this. Really amazing. Go here just for this if you have to. Seriously. (They do serve everything a la carte as well.) 3. Les Palurdes -- 3 little clams, served hot in open shells on a bed of rock salt. Much like traditional escargots -- a garlic-butter-parsley sauce with very finely minced mushrooms. Quite lovely. 4. Le Volaille -- a deep-fried chicken wing drummette with the bone whittled down to a twig. And the meat part was so round and plump and juicy. Because of the odd shape, we couldn't figure out what kind of bird we were eating, so we asked. (The staff was so friendly and gracious to us.) Served with a sweet-and-sour sauce on a razor-thin slice of pineapple. Nice. 5. La Morue -- a cube of codfish, draped in a wonton, with a beautiful herb leaf peeking through. Art on a place. This artful cube was set in a light broth, with parsley oil and veggies floating about. Very very delicate flavors; in contrast to the first 4 dishes, it seemed a bit bland. But in saying that, the bland flavors were really fresh, odd as that sounds. I think this dish served to cleanse the palate for what was to come. 6. L'Oeuf -- Another WOW for me. Served in a martini glass, the top layer was some kind of froth/foam with sauteed girolles floating in it. Dig deeper, and you break into a warm egg in butter. Dig even deeper, and there is a parsley puree. Scoop a bit of all the layers into your mouth at once and die happy. I was really tempted to ask for another one of these. Another "I need to sing" dish! Glenn liked it, but he was still wanting more of #2. :) 7a. Glenn's meat choice -- L'Agneau de Lait -- 2 little lamb choplettes with a smidge of their buttery mashed potatoes. He was happy. I had a taste of the lamb and it was pretty good. 7b. My meat choice -- Le Ris de Veau -- my biggest food adventure of the trip....sweetbreads! I was impressed. Delicate flavor, texture just fine. Not sure I'll order them again, but I'm glad I tried them; enjoyed them enough and ate the whole little mound. 8. La Framboise -- 1st dessert...fresh raspberries in a thin sauce with lychee and vanilla, with both grapefruilt and raspberry sorbets. A paper-thin lemon-lime tuile cookie on top with a twig of chocolate. Another artistic presentation, bursting with flavor. I loved the combo of grapefruit and rapsberry. Glenn thought they competed too much (since they are 2 of his favorite flavors, and he's a simple guy, he would have preferred to have them separately). This dish dfeinitely cleansed the palate for the intensity of the next dessert which was... 9. Le Chocolat Sensation -- one of the top dishes of the entire week. A large serving of a layered masterpiece. Dark chocolate on the bottom -- really thick and smoooth, almost like a fondant, layered with chocolate cookie crumbs, with white chocolate ice cream and a milk chocolate mousse layered on top. This chocoholic was swooning. 10. Our surprise gift from the restaurant. I'd whispered to the hostess that we were celebrating our 20th anniversary (why not milk the occasion all week if we can?!), and I asked if they could put a candle in my husband's dessert. When that didn't happen, I wasn't disappointed. The meal had been so fabulous, and the restaurant had gotten busy, so I figured they had more important things to do. The next thing I know, the staff has all turned toward us, singing "Joyeux Anniversaire" and one of the many servers was coming to us with a lovely platter that had a small cake/tarte with a candle on it and "Joyeux Anniversaire" written in chocolate sauce on the platter. I am still kicking myself that I didn't ask him to wait a minute so we could take a picture. He said he'd be right back with some slices for us. We were presented with little plates with 2 wedges of this wonderful dark chocolate-caramel-nut tarte, with squiggles of chocolate sauce. I was already so full, but had to eat every molecule, of course. It was heaven, and just so kind of them to give us something extra, and to make another memory for our already amazing week. We did manage to have coffee and the couple of little treats that came with it (which I failed to write down what they were). We rolled out of there a bit after 3 p.m. totally thrilled with our experience. So glad I'd read the review in the NY Times that said a 98e lunch could really be worth it. It was.