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Posts posted by RobertM

  1. Actually, his name is Tim Burke - but, I don't think he'd mind of you called him Mr. Candy -

    If you're having difficulty finding different hard to find ingredients, give them a call, if they can help you, I'm sure they will, they are really nice and friendly people.

    They also sell a powdered cream that you can reconsitute to whatever fat % your formula's require - for years I used fresh cream with good results, but his powdered.... all I can say is Amazing - no expiration date, excellent product results, easy to use -

    Tim's the man...

  2. Many Thanks - I was searching some books last night - and will (of course) add your suggestions to the pile to review - I think I created a monster with the first party, because our friends have been asking us for some time now when the next party will be.

    You can see my issue - I have to create something as memorable as the first...

    Thanks again


  3. Everyone:

    I am hosting a Chocolate Tasting Party on 2/14/2009. This will be my second CTP and I'm looking to anyone here for assistance in the menu. If I may explain:

    While I have different chocolates available for tasting (e.g. different % of dark chocolate from different manuf) the party itself is a "dessert" party, with three desserts and matching wines. one dessert of White Chocolate, one from Milk Chocolate and the third and last with Dark Chocolate.

    My previous party had a White Choc Rounds of Mousse with Raspberry Coulis paired with ice wines; Milk Chocolate Cheesecake with a delicious Pinot Noir and ending with a flourless chocolate cake and Port)

    This party I've already decided on a White Chocolate pudding with Citrus and a dark chocolate cake with pomegranite and cranberry jelly). Notice what's missing? The milk chocolate dessert - and so my friends, I turn to you - does anyone here have any suggestions for an amazing milk chocolate dessert?

    I'm trying to make them "different" from each other - notice pudding/cheesecake/flourless cake -

    Also - please note, I like to think I'm a more advanced pastry cook (no - won't use the word chef) than I probably am -

    Any ideas, recipes etc are greatly appreciated.

    Bless you all and a Happy New Year

  4. I apologize for the tardiness in my posting - I always seem to be on the "back end" of discussions.

    I found 42DE Corn Syrup at my local Bakery Supply House in Baltimore Maryland, take a look around your area for Bakery supply and I'm sure they would have it. Of course, I buy in 50 pound pails, which may be excessive for your use.

    If I'm not mistaken, Karo Syrup is equivalent to 42DE, but don't take my word on that one until you try it or check it out further.

    But wait - there's more. If all else fails, contact Burke Candy - he carries a full line of confection based ingredients, he would be more than happy to help you out, he's an amazing guy and very friendly and very helpful.

    Just do a Google search for Burke Candy - you'll find him.

    Bless you for the input and output on the class - I've been wanting to attend that one for years...

  5. Jaz - I've been making caramel corn for 30 years, having learned at the elbow of my grandfather - 'nuff of that.

    Instead of using roasted, salted nuts at the end of your cooking process, try adding the same volume of raw peanuts 1/2 through your cooking time. They'll still "sink" but they will all become mixed with the corn once you complete your cooking process, add the corn and stir

  6. Hi - first time ever posting, so please bear with me.

    There are several machines available for what (I think) you're trying to accomplish. Hilliards makes a very good machine, very reliable, as does AMC. Hilliards has several different sizes to handle whatever load you're attempting to use.

    I also have looked at a unit by Design Realisation, in Canada, there equipment is designed (like Hilliards) to allow the end user to add on additional equipment as need and/or money allows.

    I hope this information helps -

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