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  1. Brithack


    Thanks, Andiesenji, for clearing up my question - in advance! - about whether you can freeze beef fat. I've had some in my freezer for a fortnight and I only put it in on the assumption that nothing happens to the fat on a frozen steak after it's defrosted, but I wasn't sure if it would be OK - had a vague feeling of worry about it. Now I am - thanks again.
  2. I second Rowley's No Place Like Home. There are SO many seasonal cookery books out there doing a very fine job, but Rowley's is the one I return to and cook from most often.
  3. OK so I might be being very dim here. I've got some lovely recipes for short ribs but I can't find them anywhere - even Lidgate/Ginger Pig-type places say they just don't cut them like that. But you must be able to buy them somewhere. I've never eaten them and would like to try. Am I just being stupid and not calling them by any Anglicised name they may have? Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  4. And I agree with BOTH of you! I don't want to stuff it from a culinary point of view, but I'm worrying about leaving it empty from a festive one...!
  5. Hope this isn't on the wrong thread, but I'm having goose on 11 December for friends (trying to loosen the tyranny of parental Christmas three-line whip). I've done goose before and, though it's a fairly big deal to drain all the fat, I'm not worried about roasting it. My question, though, is can anyone convince me that there is a stuffing that 'goes' with goose? I think any pork-based stuffing, or indeed breadcrumb-based forcemeat, far too rich. I once tried an apple/prune/onion combo with no binder, but I didn't think that worth the trouble. So at the moment I'm not stuffing the goose. Unless anyone has a good idea? Any help much appreciated, as I'm already going to be lynched by my friends for banning sprouts. I think there'd be a mass-defection if they find there's no stufing either.
  6. Harrods told me a couple of weeks ago it's not open until 21 Nov - is it open already, then?
  7. About the risotto cakes - if you chill the risotto, then roll it into balls around a chunk of mozzarella, then breadcrumb it, you can deep fry them. They're wonderful like that - and Marlene has top-notch deep fryer as we know from her onion-flowers.
  8. Brithack

    Baked Apples

    Mincemeat! Easy and delicious just core apples, open jar, spoon in and bake. Yum.
  9. errrrrrrrrrrrrm, OK - deep breath. this is sort of hard to admit. i've had a mouli-legumes for four years. i've used it once. i'd love to use it more often but i'm pretty sure i'm not using it right. it doesn't seem very efficient. when i turn the handles nothing very much happens. purees come out in dribs and drabs, not in a clean, easy mass. i've tried turning the handle both ways and nothing seems... well... right. any idea what i'm doing wrong?
  10. You could do worse than The Brilliant, 72-76 Western Rd, Southall, Middx 8574 1928; brilliantrestaurant.com - huge place - seats 250. Genuine Punjabi - special award from the Good Food Guide
  11. For Indian I agree Southall's pretty unbeatable - though also fairly hard to get to. For high-end Indian you could try Amaya, though I'm still unconvinced by posh Indians, Amaya and Benares are the best two around I think.
  12. Bubble-and-squeak cakes. Yum.
  13. Not my idea but might help: We've just serialised a book called Dough by a French baker called Richard Bertinet, who has very many interesting ideas about dough - as you can imagine. One of his tip-top priorities is having very wet dough and he explains wonderfully how to handle it and get it elastic without adding flour. You should maybe get the book - I don't know where in the world you are based but in England it's published by Kyle Cathie.
  14. Dear Kim, For what it's worth: YES buy scallops with roes on - they aren't a patch without it, in my HO. At Borough: Ginger Pig sausages Northfield Farm burgers (to eat there) Label Anglaise chickens And whatever veg looks good at Tony Booths. Don't worry with the fruit unless you want niche products (which for you fellow brits means cobnuts blah blah blah)
  15. Brithack

    Dinner! 2005

    Dear Alinka, It may be 'simple' (though the care with which it has been made - the moellet eggs; the beautifully marked toast - suggests a great deal of detailed care), but the two shots are SO magnificent that I'm drooling over this as much as I have over any more complicated meal in this thread - and that's a lot of dinners! You're very talented. Keep posting!
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