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Posts posted by chefleen

  1. Wow, paulraphael, how did I miss that other thread? Thanks for finding it.

    The Ducasse financiers were good; I've sent it to my friend to test. I'll test some other recipes once I can store up a good supply of egg whites - need to make some ice cream or custard.

    I've had good success with almond financier cake using Suzanne Goin's Recipe in Sunday Supper at Lucques Sunday Supper at Lucques. Usually serve it with lavendar or vanilla ice cream. Doesn't last long around here.

  2. Last Saturday I picked up a 2 pack of Prime New York. Yes, you read that right. Prime. It wasn't even that expensive either. Like $10 a pound? That's like $1 more than Choice. Cooked it SV at 140 then finished it in a cash iron with some canola oil.

    well? how were they? just picked up a 4 pack today (Sterling VA), $8.99/lb. they also had whole strip loin cryo; and cut rib steaks. fire up the grill!

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