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Wild Pegasus

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  1. I could be mistaken but weren't Salt & Vinegar Munchos available at one time? There is no problem in finding Munchos in Ottawa. I think the difficulty in finding Munchos in Canada is in the west where Frito Lay has less market share due to Old Dutch's popularity.
  2. It reminds me of a cross between ginger ale and cream soda.
  3. I just picked up a Staub set from a Canadian Costco store for $40 off the regular price. It included a 5 quart round, 2 quart round and a spatula, all in red, for just under $140 CDN.
  4. I'll second the OC Grapefruit over the PC version. I've grown fond of the PC Raspberry-Cranberry soda. I haven't tried the Our Compliments version yet to see how it compares though.
  5. Wild Pegasus


    I prefer to take whatever frozen fruit I can get at Costco and mix it with fruit juice, preferably some kind of tropical mix, and occasionally vanilla or plain yogurt. The best fruit mix I've got at Costco was a tropical mix that included mango, papaya, and blackberries but it isn't available in Canada anymore. The berry mix is good and can usually be found at there. I've also found strawberries and a mango/peach combination.
  6. Oops! My mistake. Mistook Brockville for Belleville. Guess I should look a little closer when I'm surfing late at night.
  7. Could the same thing occur from Canada since, I believe, Coke and other soft drinks in Canada use sugar instead of corn syrup?
  8. Have you tried Hendrix Equipment (http://www.hendrixequip.com)? They have a store in Belleville.
  9. Bella Vista at Bank & Alta Vista is probably the best in the city. Others rave about Johnny Pizza on Laurier near Ottawa U but I haven't been there in a long time. When I lived in the south end, I found that the 1 item medium pizza from Shwarma Hassoon ( right on the corner of Bank & Albion) for $8.03 (including tax!) was an awesome deal.
  10. It's still available and it is my favourite as well. You can even get it in a standard size bottle now, as well as the traditional 500 ml bottle.
  11. You could try a Napoleon Apollo.
  12. I thought that there once was a flavoured version of Munchos produced. I'm thinking it was Salt & Vinegar but it could have been BBQ.
  13. A Canadian cookie company named Leclerc also makes knock-offs of the LU Schoolboy cookies. They're pretty good and much cheaper (especially when bought at Costco) although the quality isn't quite as high considering that the chocolate can come loose from the biscuit.
  14. Wild Pegasus


    Liberty Méditerranée yogurt is the best that I've had. Liberty is based out of Monteal but has some products available in the US. Their website is available at http://www.liberte.qc.ca/html/home.asp
  15. Kostick is by far the worst food personality I've ever encountered. My wife used to intentionally torture me by changing the channel to "What's for Dinner?". I can't even imagine how god awful his solo show is. For Canadian shows you missed Rob Rainford. His vocabulary is limited to about four or five different phrases. Every ingredient he uses "brings it all together" and every thing he makes is "absolutely perfect" while he's always "letting the grill do the work". There's some interesting information on the show but the obviously fake friends, brutal premises behind the "friends" coming over, and the worst sidekick on a food show, that guy that brings the fish over (he makes Rooney look like the Fonz), that the show is barely watchable.
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