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    Atlanta, GA
  1. Just wanted to add my thumbs up!
  2. Let's hope they don't include any full-page ads in the AJC when he gets into a pissing match with the local food critics.
  3. If you're definitely between those 2 places, absolutely go with Rathbun's. ITO dress, jeans you might be able to get away with, but you would be 100% safe if you go business casual.
  4. A little late, but wanted to add my congrats to ChefG and his team on a well deserved honor! Keep up the great work - and I'm sure this is just the beginning!
  5. Working on some Dogfish Head Raison D'etre right now...got a few other options ahead of me...Maredsous Dark Brune or more Dogfish - the Immort Ale. Taking advantage of being back in MD this weekend to try some of the Dogfish brews...haven't been able to find 'em in Atl yet.
  6. c'mon...please let it be heather...lot of growing up to do, but she's got the chops
  7. Well said, voodoo - i definitely worry at times about the direction this city is heading. A lot of cookie cutter/chain stuff seems to be the default, unfortunately. Still a lot of great stuff here, but damn this sucks to lose those 3 and their vision (which moreso than their food, might be part of the reason they felt the need to leave ATL).
  8. Wow...just...wow. Thx for doing this, Alina...the photography is incredible and I appreciate your giving us a glimpse into life/society/food in a place that is so different, yet similar to the States.
  9. good luck to you and your crew, tony - be safe and we'll all keep a good thought for you guys!
  10. Tremendous - I absolutely LOVE haggis and this definitely was a lot of fun to read along with you...just wish I could run out and get some to eat this easily!
  11. Thanks for the link, Ronnie - that's a very good interview. Great to see Chef G getting the kind of recognition he richly deserves!
  12. Radegast is very nice, as is Golden Pheasant (very simiilar to Urquell)
  13. Just top of mind ramblings right now (the 8th cup of coffee hasn't quite kicked in yet) - will put some more thought behind this today and try to add to the list. Some of my initial thoughts on places that constitute "off the beaten path" dining experiences in Atlanta: Kool Korners sandwich shop on 14th street - great Cuban sandwiches Brick Store Pub in Decatur - THE best beer list in Atlanta and excellent pub grub Happy Valley for dim sum One Star Ranch in Buckhead for Texas style BBQ - very solid beef brisket sammiches and you have to try the brontosaurus sized beef rib...my stomach is distended just thinking of it (sorry about that image people!) Vreny's Biergarten in Duluth - good German food and a nice patio/garden area to sit and enjoy our city's fine weather The Slovakia Restaurant in Marietta Square - authentic Slovakian cuisine, plus two of the nicest people you'll ever meet in Ivana and Stefan (owners & chef) Osteria del Figo - good, fresh pasta dishes and a boisterous atmosphere combine well Sushi Huku - my favorite Japanese restaurant in the city (so much more than just sushi)
  14. May be a little late in the game here, but thank you, Doc, for sharing your experience with us and posting such amazing photos. I just read the entire thread start to finish (needless to say my productivity this afternoon is now shot) and I am amazed at what a rich experience that trip must have been. Consider yourself blessed and lucky to be able to take part in such a journey...
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