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Everything posted by canucklehead

  1. TFA - was the place busy - when I walk by it - it always seems to be a little empty (but I can't really see into the place). Glad to know that you enjoyed so much - a nice place to try out when all the Izakaya places seem to be bursting at the seams. Have you ever tried to get into Guu with Garlic on a Friday evening (they now thankfully take reservations). Thanks for the tip.
  2. There's a lot of talk about whether a DOV experience is representative of a restaurants calibre the other 330-odd days a year. It's regrettably impossible to gauge a restaurants' soul this month. We've all discovered this... To package it methphorically: imagine driving to an amusement park in a Jag, and then imagine climbing into a cage full of bumper cars driven by pre-pubescents. You bang around for a while, have some fun, and then get back in the Jag and turn up the Brahms. We'll all be back in the Jag soon. ← Dude! You totally captured my thoughts about DOV - I felt like I was doing a very poor job of explaining myself. Alot of people I know have enjoyed the DOV thing and I am looking forward to hitting some new places once the dust has settled (West and Feenie's among others). But for me - I want to try out these places in their 'natural' setting. FYI - My brother has been hitting DOV pretty hard and the big winner for him so far has been Pastis.
  3. I have lived in a number of cities in the US and Asia and you simply do not see the same kind of domination of that earl's-keg-cactus club that you see in Vancouver. There are larger chain places such as Chili's and Cheesecake Factory but the quality and service at earl's et al is much much better. As with anything - I think competition breeds excellence. The cost structure and economics in Vancouver are tougher than anywhere else. Though absolute rent etc... in other cities may be higher - the margins between what people take home and what people make are razor thin here. You have to be very very good to get people to part with their money in Vancouver. Also - these CFD restaurants reflects a combination of a high awareness of food but a general lack of food snobbery (look at the postings in the Vancouver forum vs. other cities) in Vancouver. But for most people really interested in food - the FD are always pushing the envelope and bringing increasing sophistication into the Vancouver dining scene - but the CFD are very quick incorporate trends that work into their menus (White Spot has Butter Chicken!). It was very interesting to see on Food Network Chef Michael Smith pitch new ideas to the Cactus Club and seeing the thought process of what gets on the menu. I really tip my hat to anyone who opens a restaurant in Vancouver - particulary those who compete in the CFD price range even though their quality may be better (HSG). That is why I think most people (myself included) hold back on really slamming a bad place - they die a quick death on their own. I have heard that there may be some consolidation between some of CFD companies in Vancouver not sure if there is any truth to this - but with the hyper competition and the tough real estate game - I would'nt be surprised.
  4. I am sensing some tension here... I know I try to be a good diner. But seriously - I am a person who does'nt drink - just cannot hold my alcohol. But I do feel bad just having water - and I would like to order something else - but soda's and cola's seem very sad and kind of mess up the taste of a serious dinner. I asked this before - but what would be good manners to order - short of a shirley temple or a virgin version of a cocktail. Bottled water?
  5. You are so right about there website music - terrible! (almost as bad as my spelling abililties) Especaily since it seems to have no relationship to what the restaurant is like.
  6. Isn't hitting 3 places in one night about par for the course for you, Ling? ← Ling - you ARE a machine. I am in awe and humbled by your eating abilities.
  7. Ling - Beautiful pictures! Okay - I am seriously jealous now... But I am glad that everybody had such a great time.
  8. I've seen Whole Foods in West Van have a large variety of different anchovies - not sure if they are the type you are looking for - but they may be of some help if you give them a call.
  9. Ling I am sorry to hear about your experience - I had heard very good things about Bis and was eager to give them a try. To be honest - I've been very careful about the DOV thing. I am afraid of having your experience - and not being sure if the restaraunt is at it's "A" level game. I think that the DOV may get some restaraunts busier then they are really comfortable with and the food may be a little more assembly line then usual. I know that you eat out alot - and I do to - so you will continue to frequent your favorite restaraunts. I am waiting for most of the DOV strain to die down a little and try some places in their "natural" state.
  10. Have the burgers at Save-on-meats on E Hastings been considered recently? When I went - a few years ago - it was basically the cook reaching into his refrigerator and forming a patty with fresh ground chuck (or something). It was really good in the unfussed sort of way. But obviously the environs leave much to be desired. Though I did go onto the Costal Health Website and they got a clean bill of health. I actually tried to "dig the dirt" on some of my favorite place but everybody is basically really clean. Darn.
  11. Just wanted to say that I like BF Contessa also. I think that it is the same production company that produced the Nigella Bites series - so it always looks terrific. The food looks easy and Ina has a good food "voice" (unfortunately - the vocabulary always seems to contain 3 sticks of butter). BTW, her husband (I think) is the Dean of Yale Business School and that's why he is never around - they are both busy people. I believe that Ina started life as a Nuclear Policy anaylyst in the White House before getting into food. I am in Canada and FN Canada's hosts always look super mean. They had some promo's from the guys on "Man Made Food" and he was trying so hard to smile - but he looked like all he wanted to do was rip you a new asshole.
  12. Re: your comments on Ripert, Boulud, Keller et al. It seems to me that there must be some sort of Inverse Law of Food Celebrity whereby: (Cooking Ability/Amount of FoodTV Airtime) x (EyeMakeup Squared over the Square Root of Foreign Accent) and the hypotenuse of RealChef Credibility plus Actually Breaking a Sweat Over a Stove = Actual Great Food Produced Your math is actually very good - I would add Rocco Disprito (sic) - going from one the most promising young chefs to becoming this really terrible sad media hungry sap. As for ICA - I missed the ending and I am absolutely f-ing floored that Flay won - the lack of justice makes me cringe. As for the ewok vs tony - it would be fun fireworks but let's not kid ourselves about the cooking wattage that would be on display - dim. But I am glad that some of the camp was lowered and the cooking seemed relatively serious. The thing that will be missed will be the semi-porno comments that the actress judges seem to spout on ICJ "the texture felt so good in my mouth... melting on my tongue...."
  13. You're kidding right? Did you also eat a three ounce portion of beef stroganoff with a spork while reading the magazine on tv tray in the most uncomfortable chair in your house? If you'd like, I'll gladly send my kids over to kick the back of your chair while dining to fully recreate the mile high experience. Who willingly reads En Route? I drag "in case of emergency, break seal" Tolstoy on board, just on the outside chance we're delayed and I run out of reading material. I've been known to read half a page of text, realize I'm reading the french side of the page, and really not feel the need to go back and read the english version to find out what I missed regarding the crafts of the Inuit on Baffin Island. Now the Skymall catalogue on US flights, that's some good reading. You can kill half the flight to LA reworking the inspirational slogans of the "Successories" posters to more accurately reflect workplace attitudes. Spend the other half price comparing glow in the dark dog leashes and those hyper-cool vacuums that suck up spiders and boom, you're surrounded by palm trees and drive-by shootings. ← Keith - you're killing me! I actually found the magazine in my bathroom - someone had left it as "reading" material. That being said - Jamie Maw was listed as a "foodie" contributor - though I could not find any direct contribution from him. Off topic here - but they had to remove a man from my flight home from Toronto on Westjet because he thought that me and my co-worker were undercover policemen following him and he needed to move to more private seating. It was kind of sad - but this guy set off everybody's radar. Still - it was much much better than flying Air Canada - they are so incredibly awful. Anyways - I just wanted to add my two cents worth on what were considered the best new places in Vancouver.
  14. Just ran over a November 04 Enroute magazine (thankfully did not have to fly Air Canada to get a look) and they had come out with their top 10 new restaraunts in Canada. BC and Quebec duked it out for the most number of entrants in the top 10 with each getting 4 spaces. The vancouver entrants were Cru, Feenie's, and Aurora Bistro. Surprised at Chambar not making the grade. Have only been to Aurora and found the food very sweet (fruits and vanilla seemed to find their way into everything). Have heard good things about Cru, mixed on Feenie's.
  15. Was down and a new coffee shop on Commercial - "Prado". Very beautiful space and lots of organic coffee for sale. Had a latte and it tasted very "light". But then, I wonder if this is because I started drinking coffee when Starbuck came out and now and am a big Artigiano guy - and my palate (sic?) has been burned on dark italian roasts. Apparently - overly dark roasting is a good way to hide flaws in the beans. This is a result of reading Edward Behr's "Artful Eater" and his deep research on coffee. Hopkin - your information is excellent and very much in line with Edward Behr's writings. Perhaps I am over analyzing and should simply enjoy what I enjoy.
  16. Had a nice Commercial St lunch yesterday - Falconetti's sausages. Split a hot italian sausage and lamb sausage and they were very good. Grind and stuff their own. 4.25 to eat in, $2 a piece to take home and cook your own. Not bad for a 1/4 lb sausage. I plan to buy them raw and cook them at home - cheap and good.
  17. Is it wrong to like Church's Fried Chicken? Because I f-ing love the stuff.
  18. Thanks to egullet - I have tried my first kolachy's - delicous! (Mind my spelling - I failed typing in grade 9). Went to Kim Phung yesterday and the pho was indeed very good. But - they also had something called shrimp and pork in banana leaf. It was the weirdest thing - looked like a steamed mochi with some chopped pork stuffing and it was DELICIOUS! So kudo's to Kim Phung. BTW - I was told that "pho" was derived from "feu" as in pot au feu from the French Colonial days. Urban legend? Also went to Cafe D'light based upon this thread - the Hainan Chicken was very good - but Mui's yellow rice (rice cooked in chicken fat) was way better IMHO. It had more schmaltz.
  19. Is that why they have stopped advertising the curry of the day at Showcase? The curries were good - and as I have said - they should have done take out. Too Bad. The should remodel Showcase - it is truly one of the ugliest spots ever. Whenever I walk by it - the theme music for Expo 86 starts playing in my head.
  20. I'm sorry but.....HOLY SHIT!! That's a lot of money! I hope they had some brilliant wines and champagnes for that. ← Ditto on the HOLY SHIT!! I damn near spit my latte all over the computer screen. ← GASP - that can't be right. It better have included an oil change and tune up.
  21. Darn I was going to surpise everyone and show up today. Since Ling's and Deborah's avatars are pictures of themselves - I was going say hello let you guys know in person how much I enjoy everyone's postings. But - work had be trapped - partly because I spent 3 hours of work time on egullet last Friday. The you guys could also see that I look nothing like Nigella Lawson. Not. Even. Close. I look forward to the next impromptu egullet swarming.
  22. I agree that the logistics sound tough - but there is brutal democracy at work here. If the food is bad - then no-one will ever show up. But if you want to participate in something interesting - then you have to give yourself over to the chef and follow him/her where they want to go. We do it (or should do it) when we give ourselves up to a tasting menu at Lumiere or having a real kanseki meal. But really - the food at these places (in HK at least) are usually not very fancy at all. The cantonese really favor well done home style cooking. I would love to eat at the home where someone is making real italian home cooking or indian food. It is like the perogy night at the ukranian church near main - the kitsch factor is fun - but those darn perogies are really good. Goodbye cheemo!
  23. I think I know what you're talking about. It's on Westwood and Lougheed/Barnett Hwy in the same complex as De Dutch Pannekoek House. Never been there though. ← Taryn I think for the good of the team - as they would say in Hockey - take a puck to the body and go out there and try it. It sounds so crazy to me that it could be terribly delicous or just plain terrible. Just kidding - though I would be interested in hearing if anyone has had it. Tell me it is terrible and kill my curiousity. I am the kind of man who as driven for an hour and half for good BBQ in the Bay Area (Everett and Jones #2 - on Telegraph - you ROCK).
  24. What is Indian Pizza? ← My brother said is it basically an Italian (well Canadian style) Pizza with Indian spices. Kind of spontaneous fusion - and I know that it sounds dubious, that's why I am asking around.
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