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Everything posted by canucklehead

  1. I am going to add some pictures - just so it is not always hrzt8w who is uploading pcitures. Chinese Name: Dong Buo Ro English: Braised Pork Belly Description: Catonese take on a Northern Chinese Vinegar braised Pork Belly. Served at Sea Harbour Restaurant, Richmond B.C.
  2. This is the first time I've heard real pineapple inside pineapple bun. Are they dry? Fresh/canned pineapple contains a lot of water. I wonder how they can manage to put them inside the bread without it come out soggy. Like Ling said, a lot of pineapple bun has custard filling (which I don't like ). Plain (really, plain) old pineapple bun works the best for me... ← The pineapple - I think - are canned and are in light glaze. They remain quiet intact and frairly fresh tasting - but an anology would be like a filled donut. I was suprised by how light and 'bright' it tasted. I have had the custard ones - which I like also. But I agree the best are the plain old school ones. In HK - the most decadent was when they were HOT out of the oven - they were sliced open and an ICY slab of butter was sandwiched in between. It would take the rest of the day to get my eyes rolled forward again...
  3. Small new bakery @ 8291 Alexandra Road 160, Richmond - same mall as La Amigo.
  4. I went to a new bakery tonight in Richmond - Castle Bakery on Alexandra. They had a pineapple bun that actually had a pineapple filling - this is the first time I have seen this. So obvious yet revolutionary. It was quite good - the pineapple tasting like the kind you find in Asian whip cream cakes. Have I just been missing the boat on these little taste treats? There is also the added bonus that the bakery is open late (listed closing time is 8pm - but since they bake all night, they have been open as late as 10pm.
  5. Over rated - White Truffle Oil - too often used as a short cut for 'luxuriousness' rather then the underlying dish itself. Under rated - Eggs, nothing quite as delicous as a free run softly cooked egg with warm runny yolks.
  6. Have not been myself - but Stephen Wong wrote up about in the Georgia Straight - see here for Mooshmouse's Western Canada Eating News for the links.
  7. That also reminds of other places: Subeez on Commercial: Garlic fries good, 3 inch layer of dust and candle wax bad (and change the music tape while we are at it - there is only so much Bauhaus one can take). Havana: Should'nt the menu have something remotely connected with Cuba? Hon's Wonton: Okay - it is what it is... but, could they not use stained and scuffed plastic plates and bowls. And take your pick, Windex, Pinesol, or Mr. Clean, but please a little clean up on aisle 5. Dirty hole in the wall does NOT equate to authentic Chinese food. Oops - have I strayed from Neil's orginal posting about being nice and not using this as a personal vent. Sorry.
  8. There are some old Vancouver stalwarts that could use some tweaking - but as Jamie says, the difficulty is making improvements without throttling the soul out of the place. Places like Topanga, the Naam and Water Street Cafe have been around forever. Could they use a little tweak? Maybe. But I suspect that (given what I have seen of the show) that the redesign could do more harm than good. Then there are places that really need a rescuing - but I wonder if the current owners/managers have the desire to make the leap. One place that stands out in my mind is the Only Cafe. Not just because it has such a nice neon sign - but because I remember going there for my first clam chowder and remembering how delicous it was. As new Canandians making their may in Canada - it was probably where my parents had there first taste of western style seafood and liking it. Alas- it is probably too late for the Only. As for the 30k budget - is that for material and labour? It always strikes me that the budget is basically for materials and the show supplies the labour and consultants. It which case, would'nt the value of the renovation would be closer to 60k? You know who really should spend some money on renovations? Tojos - please, the 80's are over. Spend some money on paint - if for no other reason then to cover up the scuffs and dings.
  9. That's not any fried rice - that's Fukien fried rice! Pretty common actually - I just like saying Fukien. Great pictures - looks delicous. I am also guessing that the price tag was driven by the abalone. Gosh - I have not had crispy skinned chicken is soo long. Good stuff. I was at Sea Harbour again last week and along with the usual crab w/ black bean, kabocha pumpkin sauce - there were a couple of new things to try: Braised goose feet with Pomelo skins. Pomelo's are those giant citrus fruits that you see in asian markets. The skins can cleaned and dried and then used as a base for some braises - they taste like bread with a slight citrus bitterness. I find them comforting. The other thing you see is a deep fried cuttlefish cake stuffed with a small piece of goose liver not sure if its foie gras). The fish cake itself is very springy (too springy for my liking) and tasted very fresh. You get a small nugget of goose liver that added a real savory note to the fish cake. It was a very good addition - with the goal of adding an additional dimension to the fish cake - rather than give you alot of foie. Used like condiment really. Here is an example of where I think Vancouver Chinese restaurants innovate well - incorporating something local or new - without being gimmicky or losing its way from basic Chinese cooking principles.
  10. I buy mine frozen (which I think are cheaper) then toast them up at home. When they are fresh out of the oven... man o man are they ever good. I tend go for more of the nursery flavors - turkey and stuffing, chicken and ham - rather than the more out of the loop varieties.
  11. Andrew Thanks for the scoop - I was just curious how these things work out. Especially in this case where the review was quite negative - yet there is a huge color picture accompanying the article. You are right - and I can see that an extra layer of malice was not intended - but it does up the 'awkward' quotient. Better you than me making those phone calls.
  12. I agree - don't offer a special and then somehow put the onus on the customer to spend more (and then be displeased when they don't). To the diner it will feel like a switch and bait.
  13. Chambar has had various forms of Venison on their menu for a while now. The carpaccio and roasted loin - from personal experience, are truly excellent.
  14. Okay - just read the review for Wink in the Globe. It is not a nice review - but hey - its her M.O. - it makes for a quick read - so whatever. My question is this. Accompanying the article is a nicely lit (possibly staged) picture, so I am assuming that the restaurant participated in the photo shoot. Is this standard practice? To give a poor review but then have a picture staged at the scene of the crime? I don't think Wink would have allowed a photo to be taken and published if they knew that the accompanying text would be so negative. Seems like a mean trick to play - and adding salt to the wound.
  15. Went by for dinner last night and I really enjoyed it. Great food - bright flavors, top notch ingredients, great execution. Minna and the FOH were very friendly (some very very minor missteps - but really it was okay). Really good value - I will be back very soon. Starters were potato leek soup with horseradish foam, mussels in curry cream sauce The soup was actually very light - and the horseradish foam quite subtle - a very nice way to start the meal. The soup came out HOT - which was perfect given the weather last night. The mussels were plump and briny - very nice. My main was a veal chop with mushrooms - beautiful. Loaded with chanterelles and napped in a beatiful veal sauce. Came with a side of potatoes gratin that was perfection - I gave most it to my Aunt in an effort to somehow try and follow doctor's orders about my diet. My Aunt had the duck breast that was perfectly cooked and came with a very light orange sauce. Celeriac puree was smooth and luxurious - but the chestnuts that came with dish seemed a little underdone. This may be a matter of personal taste. Such an interesting food block with Lumiere, Feenie's and now Mistral. When you include Moderne Burger - there is a place for everybody's taste and pocket book (okay - maybe you have to include the White Spot accross the street).
  16. I've always thought the HSG GBP was an excellent take on sticky toffee pudding - especially if you let the caramel sauce that comes with it soak into the gingerbread. It has the warm comfort of a sticky toffee pudding - but with the bite and gentle heat of deep ginger flavors.
  17. I agree that something has happened to MB - things used to taste more lively. Now there is chemical undercurrent to everything that tastes of butane. Also all the meats are beginning to be indistinguishable from eachother - with a general move towards a soft and mushy mouthfeel (vs. succulent and savory). I have not been to DIX - but I will admit to going to Tony Roma's for their all you can eat beef ribs on Tuesdays... the idea of which is always better then the reality of the experience (much like a PPV dirty movie). Except the goodies made in people's homes, I have resigned myself to so-so BBQ and Pizza in Vancouver for now. I hope I am proven wrong someday soon.
  18. Can't speak for Brian - but all I meant to say was that it is pretty amazing how quickly words spreads and people act based upon this forum. The wine clerks at the Alma branch said that the wine had been sitting there for a while - with no interest - and then in one afternoon - their entire stock gets sold out. So - I hope that people will continue to use this thread to speak up when they find something particularly good tasting and good value for wine neophytes like myself. The recommendation that James made was particularly good for me - the wine was easy to drink and had nice forward fruit - things that a wine beginner is able to readily appreciate.
  19. Well....there's 81 bottles listed on vancouver island So I guess Aerie should have no supply issues hehe. ← I think the Vancouver stores are out. When I checked at the Alberni street outlet at lunch today, there were 35 bottles left at the Alma street branch - but mysteriously - by about 1:30, they were all spoken for! An Egullet Swarm is a thing of terrible beauty.
  20. All of the cold cuts and antipasti that I supplied were from Renzullo's in Vancouver. Great place - looks like a little grocery store from the outside but chock full of goodness. The meats were a thinly sliced Mortadella and Porchetta - both delicous.
  21. Looks like these are selling fast - I bought the last three bottles that they had out on display and the Park Royal Gov't Liqour store. Do you think that they will restock or - is it once it is gone - they are done? BTW - though my wine knowledge is not great - I thought it was delicous. Good flavours, went down very easily - a great value. I may search out some more and have it as a standby.
  22. Went to monthly Ukranian dinner at that Unkranian Church (10th and Main) and it was really good. The people are very nice and a good cross section of local community attend. The seating lady asked me and brother if we wanted to be seated with some nice young ladies. You get the idea that alot of people have hooked at these events. We sat with a older lady and a middle aged guy and a Carol James look-a-like. Everybody was pleasantly chatty and they all seemed like they had been looking forward to sitting down to a homey meal and dinner conversation all day. Like I've posted before - the room has nice church basement vibe. This meal came with 6 perogies, 2 cabbage rolls, saurkraut, and fried onion and bacon bits. The bortch was extra. The total comes to about $13 bucks. The perogies were homemade and delicous. The cabbage rolls were bland and contained only rice - but it worked in the comfort food sort of way. The saurkraut was (I think) cooked out with bits of bacon or ham. Mmmmmmmm. Take out is an INSANE deal. I bought 4 dozen perogies, a garlic sausage ring, and a dozen cabbage rolls to feed my friends family - all for $27!! A dozen perogies are only $4! - Obviously having free labour helps. Everything is cooked and you just need to reheat at home. You supply the sour cream though.
  23. Here are the places that the Canucks want you to go before the game: Canucks Preferred Restaurants As with anything like this - it is a mixed bag. I was wondering if you could not have plasma screens in your restaurant before they could be put on the list - then I recalled Jamie's assessment of Wilson's.
  24. I've tried to keep a pictorial of the Chinese Restaurants in Vancouver BC - so I will attach the link here. Chinese in Vancouver I will continue to post in the Vancouver thread - but I am not sure if I should post here also (seems like it would be double posting). Enjoy! Ugh - now I want Chinese food for lunch...
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