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Everything posted by chiantiglace

  1. Frappe is great for a lot of things, a lot. be creative. a lot.....
  2. Blueberry has enough pectin to make its own pate de fruit, you don't even need to add apple pectin if you don't want, but you can for a garuntee. And typically the most commonly used pectins are apple pectin and citrus pectin (pectin juane). Test the firmness of your pate de fruit with ice water. Use a spoon to extract a small amount, place it in the ice water until cool and touch it for firmness. Continue cooking the pate until you get the texture you want. You can also quickly strain the pate right before setting it to remove the graininess. Also, the myth about it being irreversible is simply that, a myth. You can gently melt down the pate de fruit and continue cooking, once its in liquid form, to your desired texture.
  3. reduce the sugar content.
  4. dehydration. gelatin can help with the glazing. A proper glaze is made with cream, sugar, cocoa powder, gelatin and chocolate. As for the tarts, rotate them more often, try not to let them sit more than two days.
  5. pretend you are painting a brick. if you dont have a paint sprayer, what would you use as another option....... guess what. Whatever it is you come up with can also be used in this application. In case you haven't come up with any ideas, the answer is you can use just about anything to apply a chocolate finish, a brush, a sponge, a piece of cloth, hell you can rub it on with a gloved hand. They all give a different finish. The product is frozen, so its just like use warm paint on a cold brick.
  6. I have never used goose, but I have used quail and duck eggs, they both work just fine. I would imagine goose eggs making a very interesting end product.
  7. Its amazing how few people realize he doesn't know what he is talking about. He screwed up so much on Top Chef, we picked him a part viciously, but he is amazing at bullshitting his way out of his faultiness. There are so many talented intelligent people out there who truly do understand food on the molecular level, I doubt he has even glanced at a chemistry book. Appalling.
  8. I didn't read anyone's posts. My answer to the original question is very simple, people talk too much and have no idea what they are talking about. "Cooking" can be as precise as "Baking/Pastry" and "Baking/Pastry" can be as improvised as "Cooking". Take it from someone who has been doing both his whole life. The end.
  9. -6or8 inch hotel pan on top of a mild heated surface -smoldering chips in hotel pan -4 inch perforated hotel pan lined completely with aluminum foil on top with a few holes poked out at one end -a bowl of chocolate at opposite end of punched holes. -wrap top with foil as air tight as possible. -poke a couple of holes at the opposite end above the chocolate. -wait.
  10. Pre-bake your streusel laid out on a sheet pan lined with parchment or silpat at 275F for about 15 minutes. After every five minutes use a spatula to break it up in pieces. Allow mixture to cool and then sprinkle on top of your pie, now bake.
  11. Lets look at some percentages shall we? 170g (6oz) dark chocolate (52% cocoa) 150ml (5fl oz) full-fat milk 1 egg yolk 4 egg whites 20g (3/4oz) powdered sugar So out of 495g total we have: 170 - 34% Chocolate 150 - 30% Milk 15 - 3% yolk 140 - 28% white 20 - 4% sugar setting agent is at 34% and aeration agent is at 28%. Unfortunately your aeration is too low and unstable for your setting amount. You have a few options, all leading to reducing your liquifying agent at 37% (milk, sugar, yolk) and since you are not cooking this mix eggs will simply count as a liquefier. Here are your options, you can replace all ingredients, besides chocolate, with heavy cream and even reduce your chocolate quantity as low as 20%, or you can reduce your milk by half which is completely logical as well. A two to one ratio of chocolate to milk will give you enough stabilization to gain a firm mousse. You can also use a more stable aeration and reduce your liquefier by a quarter. A stable aeration like whipped cream, pate a bombe or italian meringue. Part of your problem is the egg whites breaking down as the mousse sets. The egg whites are very dry on top as all of the moisture/water molecules drop to the bottom, thats why it appears to be set on top and not all the way through, really its just forming a thick aerated skin. You may have also over whipped the egg whites and or waited to long to incorporate, having a more stable aerating ingredient can resolve these issues. Switching to cream for the milk in a "ganache" is not going to give you a much better result, not really at all because the cream is not being aerated and remains in the liquid form. Try to get your aeration percentage above 50% and you will be just fine.
  12. ha, think about the problem though, even if the breaking down of proteins in specifically eggs (wheat protein as well right?) was possible, you are still baking it, not setting a gel. All the bromelain does is make it difficult for protein to retain water in a gel, without a doubt that will not be a problem baking a cake. Remember, the starch in the flour absorbs most of the water while mixing and baking, the enzyme will get broken down during baking just like the proteins will be denatured and "set" themselves. During that process the starch will slightly gelatinize to help hold the shape of the cake as well, really not a problem. To add, I would use pineapple puree, you can add more puree than juice.
  13. It's sweeter if you you control for the water content. But if you're just comparing trimoline to sucrose, gram to gram, sucrose will be slightly sweeter. Corn syrup or glucose syrup will be much less sweet. Thats not true, gram to gram invert sugar will always be sweeter than sucrose because being that invert sugar is the disaccharide molecules broken down to monosaccharide, the immediate availability of raw fructose on your tongue creates a much sweeter sensation. Thats basically the same reason sucralose is so much sweeter, because the particles break down on the tongue so much faster. Obviously the more you break down glucose syrup (DE) the sweeter it is as well, correct? So replacing a little sugar with high fructose corn syrup will give the desired sweetness and the softness, adding glucose will reduce the sweetness, and from what I gather thats not what percival wants.
  14. -when plugged in, does anything come on, light, sound, switch, etc? -if so, is there a gear that has been stripped? Could be the motor, could be a minor electrical issue.
  15. invert sugar is sweeter than sugar. ....use corn syrup....
  16. For all pate de fruit, I think the secret is grabbing one recipe and just practicing over and over until you understand it through and through. Every fruit is going to be different, and the acid is kind of a myth, I have made nearly every kind of fruit pate de fruit in absence of additional acid and they have all come out with perfect texture. If anything the acid can help with flavor sometimes, because pate de fruit is a bit too sweet. Sometimes its good to put a little acid in the coating sugar to help cut the burning sweetness. For the induction burning issue, I hear ya. Simple answer, reduce your heat a couple of notches. The thing about the heating process through magnetism is, though it will heat evenely over the bottom surface, it definitely generates a large amount of heat directly to that surface, and the thicker the pate de fruit (or anything similar, ie pastry cream, jam, etc) the longer it takes for that direct heat to carry upwards. So stirring is essentialy for induction heating not for conventional reasons, the main reason is to help carry the excess heat upwards. Thats why everytime you stir and induction heated pate de fruit and boils excessively and dangerously. It also helps if the mixture has more width than depth, if the pate de fruit is too deep, it can have disaster written all over it. I use the biggest pot that will fit on it, and if I have to make a lot of pate de fruit I will do it in batches, it will actually take less time to do 3 small batches than 1 big batch. And another note, temperature really isn't that accurate of a measurement I have noticed, for several reasons. I would get into the practice of using a spoon in ice water. Every half a minute to minute, dip your spoon in and then plunge into ice water, give it some time to properly cool and then feel its texture. It should be slightly softer than what you want because its going to continue cooking after you start pouring into molds and allowing to set, remember that the finished product isn't being plunged into ice, so just barely softer than properly set.
  17. I remember at michael minas the pastry department made a grains of paradise marshmallow for one of the entrees, cant remember what. Brown sugar/jack daniels marshmallow could be good for pork loin Port wine marshmallow could be good for duck.
  18. In the future, I would label containers on the outside with a label maker or a piece of tape and marker, and always use the same container so there is no debate. I had a young inexperienced chef who use to do the same thing by cutting out a piece of the bag and throwing it in there, absolutely drove me nuts. The cooks would completely disregard the label and bash it apart with the scoops creating frays from the bag which would eventually end up in the food/finished product. And even if that wasn't an issue, why would you want to have to move it out of your way everytime you went to dig out some flour, seems silly.
  19. wait, doesn't anyone see a different problem here, he has brownies in the oven for over a half an hour. Something is seriosuly wrong I think. how deep are your brownies, 4 inches? My brioche takes 25 minutes. Also, your brownies should be dense enough to put nuts ontop in the beginning, not most of the way through baking. If they are falling then that means the batter is practically cake, once again calling to question why they are in the oven so long and still not baked completely. I think your temperature is way too low.
  20. I have made tens of thousands of pretzels by now (with sodium hydroxide, the scary stuff) so I am sure I can help you with this. Post your recipe and I'll adjust it for you. By the way, freezing is not going to help you with this issue. The two most likely culprits are over proofing and outside moisture degradation. To explain, either the inside is collapsing as its losing moisture, or the humidity and temperature changes are causing the "skin" to retract from the moisture (ie. skin on your hands after being in the pool too long).
  21. more than likely undermixing was not the problem. Infact that should have had the opposite effect. When its undermixed the meringue doesn't level out well and keeps the distinctive piped look. First, I prefer to cook all kinds of cookies on parchment rather than silpats because the oven ends up cooking the top faster than the bottom on a silpat. Second, I would assume your sugar quantity and or almond flour quantity is off. Too much sugar, especially if not properly mixed in, could cause the mixture to spread when heated. The sugar melts and flows outward. Same thing happens with chocolate chip cookies, if you get a couple cookies with a high butter/sugar ratio to flour and eggs it likes to spread out like a tuile. Sugar most definitely is whats causing your calamity. But, theres other possibilities I suppose.
  22. I would imagine the reason being your chocolate wasn't properly emulsified and or properly cooled. Next time I suggest tempering the chocolate with one of chef greweling's methods before allowing it to set up in bulk form.
  23. Unless the yeast strain is wild, the properties are going to be the same eventually no matter where the starter came from. I suggest starting th sourdough with one of your favorite fruits. Try grapes. I have used potatoes, onions, pears, all stone fruits practically, and various other things to start my sourdough in the past. That can give you a really unique flavor. But once in a while you may end up finding yourself adding purchased yeast to the mix to get it going again, so you will just end up diluting the starter and it will always end up your personal one, whether you like it or not.
  24. yes, but not recommended. its very easy to star your own.
  25. To the people that keep plugging modern concepts like siphons (though sort of losing their novelty feel) stop...ha, seriously it is getting redundant now. Its not a bad idea, infact I have done that myself with berliners, but thats not her question. Some mom and pop bakery was not charging up custard base in the siphon and injecting their donuts. Save that for the concept questions. I am going to throw my hat in the ring along with the others on the pastry cream powder. I have seen many bakers utilize this concept. Also, it may be their ratios that is throwing you. You say it wasn't chibouste because it was too sweet, well maybe they weren't putting sugar in their pastry cream and less sugar in their meringue than you were. Maybe they were using less custard in their diplomat mixture than you, making it lighter. Maybe they were using a non-dairy whipped cream instead of cream. Maybe they were using tortina vegetarian mousse mix. Maybe it was a sabayon base with whipped cream. Could be a lot of things. But, I am going to guess pastry cream powder mix like the others.
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