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Everything posted by stephle

  1. Yeah, that's a tough one (no pun intended). What about a very long slow roast on low heat (just enough to cook through to rare) then putting on a meat slicer to make paper thin slices of rare roast beef? I'd think with some crusty french bread slathered with lashings of butter and horseradish, a little coarse Maldon sea salt, it'd make a fine lunch for 5- 100 friends
  2. stephle

    Yogurt-making @ home

    I've followed this thread off and on since it got started, and thanks to everyone I've had some great sucess tweaking the recipe -- (1/2 gal nf milk + 2 big tbs milk powder + 2 tbs Strauss organic yogurt - incubate 7 hours in jars) After rereading the thread top to bottom, something has just occured to me -- has anyone tried adding evaporated milk to their recipe? I can't help but wonder if the milk proteins are the key to making nice thick yogurt how the concentration of them in the evap would work. Pulling out the yogurt maker today and will report in tomorrow
  3. When I was in my teens and learning to cook, I came up with this version of Crepes Suzette utilizing the everpresent frozen can o'OJ in the freezer -- Put concentrate in a skillet + butter + a *little* water, splash of brandy and dash of salt. Pour over freshly made crepes and top with a little whipped cream (back then it was CoolWhip -- ha!) Suprisingly enough, with the addition of a little more water than I added as a kid, it still stands the test of time (even though I know the classisists are probably turning over in their graves ).
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