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Everything posted by cuisinier1

  1. Greetings, This idea of using bacon was influenced by my mind being free. A lesson that I learned studding in France under Pierre Gagnaire & my greatest influence Craig Shelton. When a mind is free the artist can play. Understanding flavors and the structure of i.e. cells, acids, and fats one can really explore cuisine. The best thing about this dessert is that I dreamed of the flavors and let my mind dance with my heart. I am not trying to recreate anything like any of the other cooks you have spoken of I really do not leave my little world. Please do not think that I am trying to copy such masters. I am just studding the limits of cuisine (Molecular Gastronomy) in upstate NY. There are many ideas that we as scientists in a kitchen are exploring and we should be exploring as Cuisiniers. Everyday we must learn, love, and teach to share is a fine art alone.
  2. Greetings, If I charged you the quest the true cost of the cuisine, the main course alone would be around $45- and the tasting menu would be $120-$130 per quest. This would put my cuisine out of range for most of my guest. The education on cuisine in the US is not stronge to support the true cost. One must remember I am in upstate NY the education is not as well rounded as the city. Never the less wine prices that are 300% are out of control. The only true profit is wine and bar sales..... MJS
  3. Greetings, Do any of you own a restaurant? If you do you would understand that the profit in a up scale restaurant is only 4%-12% and this is if you are doing really well. The up scale restaurants are really high end wine Bars. This is most of the time the only profit the restaurant may even see. The salary of staff, NY taxes, rent, the list goes on and on. 300% is large in the increase of the sales. Please keep this in mind the cost of just opening a restaurant is very costly. In Good Cooking, Matthew Secich
  4. The vision of cuisine should have no limits. We should be pushing the limits of cuisine everyday. The restaurants that are doing something different, we as gourmands should support them. A Cuisinier is a poet, dreamer, a lover, an artist one must be free to express the life and love of cuisine.
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