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Posts posted by megwoo

  1. WOW. I'm so impressed and inspired by these ideas.

    Have you already seen this post on Chocolate Coated Bacon? It sounds like it's not such a great combo...


    I've been wanting to make bacon ice cream for a while now, although I wasn't able to find a recipe online. I was thinking of making a brown sugar ice cream and then just stirring in crisp bacon bits (homemade) near the end of freezing.

    Can't wait to hear what you decide on for your bacon dessert!

  2. I make quick (and inexpensive) cucumber appetizers topped with bay shrimp, crème fraîche and dill:

    1/2 pound bay shrimp, rinsed and patted dry

    1-2 tablespoons dill, chopped

    4 tablespoons crème fraîche

    Sometimes I'm really lazy and instead of making cups I just slice the cucumber into rounds and place a mound of filling on top. Very easy, delicious and pretty.

  3. I just ordered a Foodsaver Pro III vacuum sealer and am excited to try out some sous vide recipes.

    However. I'm am terribly paranoid about Botulism, as the oxygen depleted and lukewarm environment is a perfect breeding ground.

    Can anyone suggest some "starter" recipes that don't have very long cooking times--or higher temps? Also, I don't have a circulating water bath (yet), so is it possible to make something on the stovetop or oven that doesn't require a perfectly constant temperature? Someone mentioned something about duck confit earlier, but I couldn't find the recipe...

    Thanks for your help!

  4. My favorite Dim Sum place in Seattle is Sun Ya. I think it's worlds better than Honey Court. Sun Ya has great hum bow, sticky rice and amazing roasted/bbq'd meats (like char sieu)--the roast crispy pork is incredible. Oh and if you go, order the Garlic Spareribs from the kitchen (not available on the carts).

    More here, if interested:



    Oh, one more tip: try and sit at the bank of tables furthest from the windows. This will put you right next to the kitchen where you can snag the freshest dim sum, plus specials that sell out after only a few tables.

  5. I love iceberg lettuce salads. My favorite one was actually at Morton's of all places. It was a nice crisp wedge topped with thin blue cheese dressing, cubed hard-boiled egg and ANCHOVIES. It's an amazing combination.

  6. I just bought a Le Creuset Doufeu off of eBay. It was something like $130, brand new.


    It's the smaller, 7 1/4 quart model, but to me it seemed gigantic! Like, I could fit a whole chicken in it--and then some. It barely fits in my small, apartment-sized stove.

    I can't even tell you how much I love it. It's so beautiful and unusual, but more than that, it makes incredible slow braises. I roasted a pork shoulder roast and it came out so tender that it fell apart when I touched it with my fork.



    Recipe and more pics, if anyone's interested!


  7. Anzu, Thanks for the back-up! A naked wild boar may be just the ticket...

    Adam, a body bag??!! That's just a little too creepy for me. I was thinking I'd buy an $8 inflatable kiddie pool and take the pig for a swim in the brine. I haven't ever brined a whole pig, but I have brined pork chops before and they were delicious. The meat still had a nice texture, so it wasn't like ham, but it was very juicy and flavorful. Although, I wonder if you could over-brine and it would end up tasting like ham... That would be bad, so that's a good thing for me to consider.

    Chezcherie, it never even crossed my mind to inject it! I've never done that before... can you give me some details? Like, what do you use to inject the marinade? It sounds very interesting.


  8. Yeah, that's a really good point. Maybe I should just do it naked and dress it up with sauce after it's cooked. Last year I did a Cuban marinade that didn't have much flavor--but the citrus in the marinade did weird things to the meat.

    I'm using the same technique as I did last year:


    So the pig will be butterflied, but maybe I'll just stick with making slits in the meat side and stuffing it with garlic. Or would you even bother with that? How do you feel about brines?

    Thanks for the feedback... I really appreciate it!

    P.S. Please tell me more about wood chunks... what kind of wood? I did get applewood chips, but those will only last an hour tops!

  9. Hi All,

    I'm hosting a pig roast in a few weeks and need help with marinade ideas. The plan is to roast a whole, wild boar (about 50 lbs) and then chop it up and serve it in banh mi sandwiches.

    I'd like a Vietnamese style marinade, but the trick is I'm looking for one that doesn't contain sugar. I'm worried that roasting the pig for 7 hours with a sugared marinade will cause it to burn (if you don't think I need to worry about that, tell me that too, please).

    So anyways, I did a trial marinade on some ribs last week but it was really boring (which is weird because it sounded good, but it was practically flavorless--maybe my proportions were off?):

    2 stalks lemon grass

    1/2 yellow onion

    3 cloves garlic

    2 T fish sauce (nam pla)

    2 T soy sauce

    1 T tablespoons rice vinegar

    pinch of 5-spice

    Any ideas will be GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks!

  10. I once had a delicious cabrales blue cheese flan served with crackers. I don't have a recipe, BUT I saw a similar cheese flan recipe in the French Laundry cookbook. It looks a little labor intensive, but good.

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