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Posts posted by reid

  1. It took more than a year for me to receive my book. 

    That part's not really a valid complaint considering the release date has always been Oct. 2008 regardless of when you decided to place the order.

    The damaged part sucks, did you file a report with the carrier?

    Oh I was not complaining about that. I spoke to the Post Office about it. They did not commit to anything. :angry:

  2. I tried to book a table at Schwa and I did get a call back from Michael. Apparently, they are not open on the day that I wanted to dine there. They did have tables available for Saturday night, but I am already booked at Alinea.

    Oh well, I guess Schwa will be on my list for my next visit,

  3. I received my book yesterday and I must say that I am truly disappointed. :sad:

    It took more than a year for me to receive my book and it arrived damaged. If I had known that it would be shipped via surface mail, I would have gladly paid extra to have it shipped via air mail.

    The book was poorly packaged so it was easy to see why it arrived in the condition that it did. A couple of emails sent via the contact us link on the Mosaic site have gone unanswered. I am not sure what to do at this point, especially since all the limited edition copies have been sold out.

    Hopefully, Nick will read this and provide some insight. According to the initial email I received from the Alinea team the book should have been shipped via "track-able" airfreight.

  4. I will be in Chicago in November and am definitely going to be dining at Alinea (if I can get a booking there!) I am also considering Charlie Trotter's, TRU or Avenues. Does anyone here have a preference? If I can, I am also going to try for a table at Schwa.

  5. That would be a tough one for me. One of them makes me sick and the other leaves me hungry. That said, Gagnaire is the higher risk, higher reward choice. L'Astrance is also likely to be less expensive, since cost will be kept under 290 per person no matter what (that's the price of the surprise menu with surprise wines --do they even have a wine list, by the way ?). You can see a recent review of Gagnaire on alifewortheating.com and some picsand comments of a recent meal at l'Astrance on my Picasa gallery http://picasaweb.google.com/jultort/LAstrance28Mars2008 and a more through blog report here: http://www.julotlespinceaux.com/2007/09/la...vent-grand.html

    Also, maybe you could explain your pre-choice, your tastes and expectations for more personalised advice?

    There was no rhyme or reason as to the pre-choice. I have wanted to book a table at Pierre Gagnaire for many years now and have never had the opportunity. L'Astrance was recommended to me by a friend who said she had an outstanding meal there just a few weeks ago.

    That said, I have decided on Gagnaire and Le Meurice.

    Any one have any other suggestions/recommendations?

  6. If anyone sees a copy of this book around, please let me know. I looked browsed through several dozen book shops while in Sydney recently, and came up empty handed.

    I do know that there is a copy in the Momofuku Ko bathroom! :)

    Seriously though....I would appreciate anyone's help in locating this book.

    Thanks much!

  7. molto e: I just got off the phone with Kitchen Arts and Letters and was told that the restaurant stopped sending copies of the book out around the first of the year. Apparently, the chef was not happy with the book and is working on another.

    I am still looking for a copy of the book and if anyone can help me out, that would be great.

  8. emsny: I actually did contact the restaurant and was told that it was a limited run. No more English copies are being printed.

    molto e: Thanks for the tip. I will try to contact them this weekend.

  9. I have been trying to locate a copy of the Noma cookbook in English for a while now. Every time I think I have got a copy in my grasp, it slips away. I have recently been told that it was a limited run and that no more copies in English will be printed.

    Can someone help me locate a copy? Please....

  10. Everything we ordered at St. John today was wonderful. We started with the roasted bone marrow and parsley salad and the langoustines and mayonnaise. What I really wanted was the sardines that they were serving at the bar out front, but they would not let us order it inside the restaurant.

    For our mains, we had the smoked eel, beetroot and horseradish and the skate, chips and tartare sauce. Our sides were potatoes and runner beans.

    The hostess was named Emily and apparently she is from the states (SF, I think). We just missed Fergus as we walked in, or so we were told. I would not hesitate to visit this place again. Next time, I think I'll go for the chitterlings and dandelion and the snail, sausage and chickpeas (these were alternate dishes that we were thinking of having).

  11. There are several threads  that discuss lunch options in Paris.  It depends on if you have any special requirements.  Some discuss recommendations if you only have one lunch, others good value, others high end

    If nothing there fits the bill, can you give us a better idea of what you're looking for - typically french? location? price range? etc.

    Forest hit the nail on the head. You've got everything on the France Forum from Gagnaire, old and a lotta food to Spring, new and inventive, from chains to independants, from multi-stars to unfound places and remember- 5 places open here or get new owners or chefs a week. Almost every place that serves dinner serves lunch, it's just cheaper and more likely to have French not foreign customers.

    Again, to repeat Forest, what are you looking for? A confit de carard with potatoes, couscous, steak/frites, fish soup, a slab of beef, tartare, haute, bourgeois, edgy, classic, inventive, bistro, brasserie; we got it all, and at lunch.


    To be honest with you, it's been a few years since I was last in Paris and that last time, I did the same thing -- pass through. It would be great to have a meal that is memorable in its own way. The type of food doesn't matter, nor does price as I have mentioned above.

    I'm really just looking for something that will make me want to come back.

    I've also heard a lot of good things about Spring and understand that they don't do lunch on Tuesdays either.

  12. I'm just looking for somewhere that is representative of a good meal. Price, at this point, is irrelevant. I was looking forward to trying to get a table at L'Astrance, but was told that they are closed on Tuesdays. I'll be taking a train to London that evening and enjoying lunch at the Fat Duck on Wednesday before returning home to the states.

    I thought of lunch at Le Meurice, but wasn't sure if there were any other options. If not, there's always Cafe Constant.

  13. Since my last post, I have made a few more discoveries.  Here they are:

    The Cuis-Zine

    Anuhea focuses mainly on home cooking and baking, but also offers her take on some of our local dining hot spots.  I'm not sure how long Anuhea, and The Cuis-Zine, will be around (especially since she notes "soon to be LA" in her sidebar), but make sure you drop by and tell her hello...she wants to hear from all US lurkers out there!

    The KCC Foodie

    Ty started his blog a while back and I actually found his site by way of Gail and Hawaii Diner.  A thinking man's blog, Ty offers great commentary on what's going on in the world of food.  I'd like to see what his place, Basil, looks like when it opens someday (good luck, Ty!).

    And finally, another newbie orbiting around Hawaii's foodblogosphere, da weekend foodie.  There's only an introductory post and a post about Ted's chantilly cake up, but what a great way to start!

    Ty actually moved from Blogger to Typepad. I have correct the link above. Sorry, but I didn't know how to edit the previous post. :sad:

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