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Posts posted by Gastro888

  1. It would be better enhanced if they had their stuff better organized! Geez. I guess they're still working out the kinks. I'd like a cafe/bakery. Then again, Peking Village is next door and they have a mean fatty bacon in spicy sauce appetizer. Yum!

    The wall of fish was nice, but if things were fresher, that would be even better. I thought the seafood needed to be better iced and better taken care of. All the scallops in their shell were dead when I was there last night. They didn't close their shells when you poked them.

  2. Has anybody been to "gm" at 37-02 Main St. Flushing, NY 11354. Tel. 718-888-9293I? I have not, but a chinese friend mentioned it as a palce to try.

    Yup, I have. I would highly recommend going. It's a very large place with lots of dim and many interesting dishes to offer. I had a flaky durian pastry there when I first went in October with some friends after practice. The pastry was well made, flaky and not too oily and the durian flavor was quite pronounced - which is good if you like durian.

    I'm sure my dining companions appreciated my breath after I ate that sucker. :laugh:

    Oh and they do offer Iron Kun Yin tea - very nice!

  3. Very wow. Thanks for the post Toby. And best of all, being a 2.5 generation descendant from a small village outside Toi San (keywords: VERY SMALL VILLAGE), I can affirm what Toby's posted as being the truth with good translations too :)...

    My friend visited Toisan this summer. It ain't no small village anymore! They have two highways now - one east/west and one north/south.

    Wah, so fancy-lah! :laugh:

    A fellow village-ite.

  4. Wow, food handling and identification. I didn't think of those aspects.

    Thanks for pointing that out to me.

    How did your fellow students handle the courseload of both management and arts? Was it too much? I saw the syllabus of the arts program, module 2, and was amazed at the amount of work the students had to do. On top of the management course, I'm surprised they had time to breathe.

    Then again, would this be comparable to taking 4 university courses in one semester? I don't know - I was a good college student but this may be comparing apples to oranges. (No pun intended)

  5. Actually, one of my dream jobs is to be a buyer for someplace like Dean and Deluca!

    I am concerned that I might be shortchanging myself if I choose NOT to do the culinary arts program long with the culinary management program. Funding is a concern but I'd have to get a loan regardless. Does anyone know of someone who's doing both programs? I would not be working at all while I'm doing this, just attending classes while I'm there. The schedule would be:

    Culinary Arts

    M-F 8-12

    Culinary Management

    T, Th, F 1-5

    I have no idea what to expect and how difficult this may be. I know it's definitely not like taking standard university courses. Since I don't want to work the line, would it be a waste of time? But then again, I would walk away with alot of knowledge.

    Thanks for all your reponses and help!

  6. Hello all!

    Well, I got back from my visit to ICE today. Their facilities are quite impressive. They occupy about 5 floors in an office building on the West Side. I found their two professors of culinary management to be knowledgable and personable as well. They have a placement rate of 80% and an alumni network - I will need to investigate further to compare it to CIA's and J&W's program. (Thanks for the tip, Malawry!). As for relocating, hey, living in the Big Apple for a bit wouldn't hurt me.

    I was impressed with the program and now I've walked away wondering should I do culinary management and culinary arts as well.

    I know the admissions office is keen on having people double "major" as it were - hey, it is a business after all. I'm more concerned from a career aspect. Since I do NOT want to work a line (great kudos to those who do!), would it still be beneficial to me to invest the additional time and money in a culinary arts degree when my ideal job would be say, a buyer for Dean and Deluca or opening my own retail shop?

  7. Thanks so much for the feedback, everyone, I really appreciate it.

    I am so surprised that people aren't very interested in their education. Considering they're paying 12K for it, why would they want to waste their money and time by not taking it seriously? Is this common in culinary schools?

    I am looking forward to checking the school out soon. Right now I'm debating if I should couple my trip with a short visit to NYC or just do the train up and back in the same day. The lure of eating in the city is a siren's call that I can't ignore! Decisions, decisions...

  8. Thanks for the feedback, y'all!

    Well, if I am investing my time and at 12K for the tuition alone, you better bet I'm going to take everything seriously. I'll be dammned if I let anyone get in my way of my education or career change!

    Since they are accepting anyone who can pay the tuition, doesn't that affect the quality? Hey, the top schools didn't get that way by just accepting anyone who could fork out the tuition, ya know.

    I, like everyone else, am inspired by Food TV but don't want to be famous. I want to work with food and be in the food industry as it's my true passion and having a business background, I feel this program is a good match for me. I'm quite excited to go visit next month and was curious to know what I should look for in particular. Anything I should look out for in the school? Any markers for a good school? A bad school?

  9. Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it! Wow, great detail.

    I'll be visiting the school in Nov. I'm concerned about how legit the institution is...I know, that's terrible of me to say. I had a rather bad experience with a cooking school in Florence where they turned out to be nothing but a profit-making machine instead of a real institution where you actually LEARN something.

  10. I'm unsure if I am posting in the right forum but since the ICE is located in NYC, I figured this would be a good place. If I'm in the wrong place, apologies for my mistake!

    I came across the ICE while doing a random search for culinary schools in NYC. They have a culinary management program that interests me as I want to be in the food/restaurant industry but I do not want to work a line as a chef. I've great respect for chefs but I know myself having grown up in a restaurant and seen my father work a line - it's not what I want to do.

    The program looks well-thought out and planned and I was curious to know if anyone has completed the program and what they think of it. Has it helped you find a path in the food industry? Is it worth the investment? What is ICE's reputation in the culinary world? Any thoughts, feedback and/or comments are greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your help!

  11. Fann gor is typical for HK dim sum offering but Chiu Jow means that it's from Chiu Jow, not Guangzhou, right?

    Or it could be the work of an incredibly bored dim sum chef who had lots of peanuts and pork to play with one morning.

  12. 88 Palace on 88 E. Broadway.  their pork and peanut filled dumplings are great.

    Based on your description of the dumplings, I'm assuming 88 Palace is not Cantonese - is this correct? Is it a Shanghai/Taiwanese restaurant?

  13. Cripes. Hmm. I've eaten about 4 mooncakes (white lotus paste, double yolk Wing Wah brand and a gum tuei (golden ham) verison...wonder if they make that with a yolk or two?...) over the course of the past month that means I've consumed an extra 4000 calories?! Holy moly.

    But that is one good 1000 calorie bomb. Better than eating a Cheesecake Factory original cheesecake which is the same amount of calories!

  14. I think you'd have to wrap anything that's destined for the freezer really well lest you get freezer burn.

    So no one has any idea on how many calories are in one double yolk white lotus paste mooncake? I fear for my mortal soul.

    OK, my mortal figure but you get what I'm saying...

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