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Posts posted by Gastro888

  1. ...that the cakes themselves were much too large....

    aznsailorboi is doing a great job with posts. Careful with the ginseng, you're gonna be up all night cleaning your house if you don't watch how much tong you're drinking there! :laugh: It happened to my friend one time. She was up until 2am cleaning!

    And sheetz, there's nothing wrong with a super-size lo poh beng! :wub:

    Or are they supposed to be all delicate like? :huh:

  2. So if I bought it on Friday morning I could wrap it up and store it at room temp for Saturday? My mom likes the geeh mah guen and I wanted to take some home for her. Even though they are black and not really a good luck color.

    If anyone has a recipe, I would really appreciate it as I'd like to learn how to make these at home for her.

  3. Thanks, sheetz! I think I'll wait until you post your pictures online before I attempt it. It looks complicated and I'm not a baker.

    OOOH! *DO* please post the baked cha siu bao recipe that you plan to try out. I would love to see it.

    Then again, I've 5 Chinese bakeries about 10 minutes from me...

  4. Yeap, and that's why I'm heading home that weekend. Betcha you'll see alot of Chinese ppl on the road CNY weekend. Ooh, I can't wait.

    Off topic - does anyone know if "gee mah guen" (black sesame rolls) travel well? I've only seen them on the dim sum trollys but not in the bakeries. How would I store them if I bought them the night before to take home with me? In the fridge? Room temp?

    Even better, does anyone know how to make them?

  5. ...Another day, some friends joined me at Taylors Refresher.  Very good.  They really liked it.  On Friday, after having lunch at Bistro Burger in the financial district, I walked back down to the Ferry Building for a plate of oysters at Hog Island.  Oh so tasty!!  :)...

    What oysters did you have at Hog Island? Are there any West Coast oysters that I should specifically try while I'm out there? I love raw oysters and I'll bet they're alot better when they're closer to the source!

  6. I want candied leen jee, leen gnow, wintermelon, persimmons, coconut wedges, carrot slices, red melon seeds. 

    I was excited to see my tiny grocer received a shipment of candied winter melon. Of course that means I'll be making wife cakes this week!

    WIFE CAKES! :wub:

    Do you have a recipe that you could share, please, sheetz? Or could you do a pictoral a la Ah Leung Goh? Oh my goodness. Wife cakes! :wub:

  7. OH! Thank you, StephMac! That's great. Although now, after watching a bit of the movie "Super Size Me" (okay, a little late to the party...) I'm leery of eating a burger from a fast food place. Unless IAO burger does theirs differently than McD?

    One more week and I'll be at SFO! I can't wait to try the soughdough bread at the Ferry Building.

  8. Thank you Raoul, Carolyn, eje and djyee100! I didn't know that the walk could be daunting. A cable car ride to IAO? Wow, that sounds great! I was thinking of taking a taxi from SFO to IAO but at those prices, maybe not. I'll check into the BART system for getting to and from the airport. Thanks for the hints!

    I'll wait in line for Hog Island. I want to try a dozen fresh oysters there. I've only had raw oysters on the East Coast, I wonder how they'll be in SF?

  9. ...

    The collapse of the cod, the sea bass, the orange roughy etc.shouldgive us all pause. I beg to disagree with Gastro 888's contention that if i have the $$$ then i can pretty much dictate whatever i wnat....

    [Also, Gastro888 does me the extreme disservice by innacurately portraying me as wanting to force him or anone to do anything. Read my post carefully and honestly, Gastro, and see if the imperative is ever used! To urge, to beg and to demand are several quite different things quite undeserving your intemperate and uncivil comments.]


    I agree we need to be aware of where our food is coming from and the impact on the environment, however, v. gautam's c omment to aznsailorboi went beyond environmental impact:

    "...As a devout Buddhist, you especially will understand the plight of these beings and reflect on your bodhisattva vow to intervene in their sufferings.



    You may not have used the imperative but who are you to call out someone on their religious beliefs in a FOOD forum? That's where I take issue. You've no right - none of us do - to comment on what people eat in conjunction with their spiritual and/or religious beliefs. That crossed a line and that is why I responded with:

    "If someone doesn't want to eat something, they don't have to eat it. Just don't make me follow your beliefs. I take issue with people telling others what they should not eat. Unless you're paying for my grocery bill/meal..."

    To put it bluntly, unless you pay for what I eat, you have no right commenting on what I consume.

    It's good to spread the word on environmental impact but it's quite another to be dictating an edict from an ivory tower.

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