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Everything posted by jbonne

  1. i've seen several places here in Seattle do a cold edamame salad. the flavoring didn't quite work for me (too much sugar, not enough vinegar) but it was a decent concept. i figure you could also sub them out for certain requirements for fava beans, if you wanted to experiment. but it's hard to beat them boiled-and-salted.
  2. sorry -- not moribund, or no one drinking it? [and thanks!]
  3. not to dwell on the concept of the perfect martini, which has been contemplated elsewhere, but since i'm trying to get insights from the vermouth makers themselves, i thought it'd be interesting to throw this into the mix: martinis have come back, but is vermouth moribund? after all, the hipster take on martinis is "dry," which may sound spiffy to say but is certainly a diminishment (and arguably an abomination) of the martini ideal. dry martinis don't do a lick to help the poor vermouth makers of the world. so, to the bartenders and others out there: are people actually drinking martinis with vermouth? or is it just chilled clear spirits in a pretty glass?
  4. in my heart, i thoroughly agree. and it's insane to think Animal Planet should contain warnings that getting cuddly with large reptiles can be dangerous, or that the Speed channel should remind folks they can't drive that way on the road. sadly, (1) TV chefs are doing things they (sometimes) want people to directly emulate in their own kitchens, and (2) people can be really stupid. i figure the occasional harangue by any TV chef at the beginning or end of a show about the value of kitchen hygiene seems like it'd be appropriate. maybe once or twice a season. better yet, they could talk about the specific cleaning and safety requirements for ingredients and techniques they're introducing. informative *and* interesting. "if you decide to try my pork tartare at home ... "
  5. nope, but would absolutely love to give 'em a shot. had bbq'd oysters on Saturday (in one of Seattle's more tolerable oyster houses, though not my personal pick). that in and of itself wouldn't have been bad -- but the sauces completely drowned out the oyster taste, and the whole thing was like a slightly retarded rethinking of oysters Rockefeller. the tastes here seem a lot more subtle. and i'm always happy to find a new concept that works, which this certainly sounds like ...
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