Hi Pan, You're right about what you said about Sayur Lodeh. A friend of mine, a Malay girl from Singapore, used to make this Sayur Lodeh with quite a bit of fine pureed udang kering (dried shrimps). So we kind of ate her Sayur Lodeh (curry) as the main dish, with rice. Sometimes, the kuah (sauce) was so thick, we used the Sayur Lodeh (& sauce) on some soft chow mein type of noodles (yellow noodles), garnished it with broken up pieces of kropok (shrimp crackers), fresh lettuce, fried shallots, fresh sliced red chilies, a wedge of limau kesturi (kalamansi lime), and ate it "Indian Mee Rebus" (Blanched Indian Noodles) ..style So I guess, I had her version of Sayur Lodeh in mind..