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Posts posted by fisherman

  1. i hadnt bothered reading todays column, the first time since i started reading the guardian many years ago that i'd not read it, one look at the face of the idiot at the top of the page was enough to make me turn back to matthew forts piece with sam and sam from moro (cant wait for the new book!)

    after reading mobys post i thought i'd read the review just to see what the joke was, next week i definately won't waste my time. it's such a shame, as the guardian is in many ways the perfect newspaper, why they have to inflict this substandard rubbish on us is beyond me.

  2. i would guess the richard and judy thing (which i was lucky enough not to see) was not so much about attracting diners willing to pay £90 a head, and more about promoting the book he's about to launch.........

    daytime tv scum would no more pay £90 for a meal than they would eat pilchard ice cream. give them a book for £15 that will make them look trendy in their DFS furnished houses in front of their mates with bleached hair and they'll lap it up

  3. slammers has, thank god closed down. a brave move to open a fish restaurant in sheffield, and one which failed in everyway, poor service, poor food (often frozen) its a very fine line between being eclectic and being different for the sake of it, slammers was a bad idea from the start.

    i forgot to mention nonnas, a very very good italian on eccleshall road

  4. just off to work so i'll have to be quick, but will expand later! thyme and the tyme bistro (i think thats what its called) are excellent. theres is a fantastic deli (the best i've seen outside london) on sharrow vale road called dish. good indian called nirhmals on west street.

    cant think of anymore off hand

  5. I don't see asking for a time at quarter of the hour is in anyway requesting special treatment.

    If you take it in the context of restaurants only offering on the hour or half past the hour, then it is asking for something outside of their normal operations. Similar to ordering something not on their menu.

    why would tables on the hour and half hour be 'normal operations' surely 'normal operations' should be to offer the customer what they want? and i'm not talking off menu ordering, thats totally different.

    i think someones being a little beligerent here, and won't admit they're talking shite

  6. the red carpet treatment should indeed be enjoyed by all at those prices, if i was told i couldnt book a table for the time i wanted, not because a table wasnt available, but because my needs didnt fit in with their wants, i'm afraid i'd put the phone down and eat elsewhere..........

    these things are important in reviews, how you are welcomed both on the phones and in person are vital to your enjoyment of a night out.

  7. i cant believe you're giving jay a hard time over the 8.15 thing, no matter where i'm eating, i want to eat when i want to, if someone wants a table for 8.15 then so be it. why is 8 or 8.30 anymore acceptable than 8.15?

    i enjoyed reading the review and it reminded me a few places i've eaten lately, and certainly put me off dining there.

  8. went to see Hugh at the Brighton festival this year talking about Meat. Wasn't impressed with him as a public speaker - you could have condensed all he had to say in the hour and a half into about ten minutes, although I totally agree with "his" philosophy.

    I have a couple of his books - the river cottage cookbook and yearbook, and like them both. Quite handy for me as I have a (at the moment, very productive) allotment, and some of his vegetable recipes are good.

    you use of " " seems to suggest you doubt whether hugh is actually a man!

    as for ainsleys barbeque whatever, er, no thanks.

    i'm not sure where this myth about argentinian beef comes from, i agree they do oproduce some very good meat, but i've eaten scottish, welsh and english beef that is just as good, and in some cases better.

    back on topic, my most used books are meat, river cottage year, appetite, seafood odyssey, coastal journey and an old delia one i forget the name of

  9. On my only trip to Lidl, I spotted a smartly dressed couple, after the checkout, transferring their shopping into Sainsburys bags!

    I am stunned by Tesco adding all that c**p to fresh meat - I shall never shop there again (I don't often, but still).

    Now that's middle class!

    is it? sounds more nouveau riche to me :raz:

    anybody with slightest touch of riche, whether nouveau or otherwise wouldnt be seen within 10 miles of lidl. sounds like council estate plebs to me, just with ideas above their station, anyway poppyseedbagel, what were you doing in lidl in the first place?

  10. supermarkets are evil creations. i made a panorama about them some years ago and the things we discovered were shocking, too many to go into here but a one that springs to mind is:

    making a particular brussel sprout farmer produce only one type of sprout (not grown for flavour but for its shelf life) insisting he grows this sprout and only this sprout or they'll go elsewhere for their sprouts, then when he's turned over all his production to a vegetable he never even wated to produce they say 'ok, thanks for that, but you're too expensive, half the cost or we'll go elsewhere'

    we interviewed a couple of ex supermarket buyers who confirmed this sort of thing is commonplace, not just with fruit and veg but with anything supermarkets bu off indenpendant producers.

    since then i have almost totally weaned myself off supermarkets, i only buy meat, fruit and vegetables from local organic farms (leaving london made that easier as you can imagine) bread is either home made or from a local baker, eggs from our chickens, fresh herbs from the garden, loo roll and washing products etc come from local shops which charge a premium, but at least my money is helping local businesses not the supermarkets.

  11. the yumi yuki club in cork serves amazing sushi and other japanese food, its a couple of years ago since i've been but its among the best sushi i've eaten.

    the ivory tower in cork is also supposed to be good, i didnt get to eat there as my colleagues i was travelling with baulked at the price (its not that expensive they were just on limited expense accounts!! so dont let that put you off) but what i remember of the menu was very interesting.

  12. I certainly didn't intend to insult anyone, and don't actually believe I did, but apologies to origamicrane if I have insulted you. I'll do you a deal, I won't make posts like that if you don't eat such abominable food, intensively reared chicken is just about the worst food you can eat if you have any care for how your food is produced, i'm sure noone would argue with that.

  13. For those in EC1 this may sounds like a wierd recommendation

    but there is a Safeways(Morrisons) in Whitecross Street behind the Barbican that has a very nice rotisserie, sandwich bar, salad bar, deli, pizzeria. A whole rotisserie chicken is £2.99 and a 8 in fresh stone baked pizza is £3.79.

    Their is also a nice chippie down that road.

    mmmmmm a factory farmed chicken cooked by a spotty teenager, only £2.99, and think of all the drugs and growth hormones you get free with it!

    i cant believe anyone serious enough about food to visit egullet would eat crap like that.

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