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Everything posted by PoetsGirl

  1. Hey Maggie, is this still an ongoing project? Did you ever get your hands on any?
  2. (Got this idea from the http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showtopic=50119). Taking the fear out of cooking intimidating foods? Maybe not the exact foods from that thread, especially since the average everyday American has never even seen any of those, (gorgeous pics, by the way), but stuff that's out there that a lot of people are afraid to prepare, like....tofu, calamari, chili, homemade bread, homemade ice cream, sushi, chitlins (sp), various ethnic dishes, hollandaise, alfredo sauce. Most eGulleters already know how to cook all this stuff already, huh? So I'm a little behind.
  3. A vodka cranberry will give me a headache every time; and if I don't get my coffee, which never happens.
  4. Eric Clapton, King Arthur, Michaelangelo, and Alton Brown - in that order - and I'm not even going to try to explain that. Varmint, your the man!
  5. The only man for whom I have ever baked a pie is my Dad. It was a black bottom pie and took all damn day to bake. Don't know why this means something, but it does. Also, I would never feed my family out of a box.
  6. Soooo, maybe this goes under one of the obsurdly stupid questions threads, but, if they are not open when you get them- how do you get them open to eat them?
  7. Hey Chris, Alton updated his website. You've probably seen this already but here it is anyway. http://www.altonbrown.com/pages/webfavs.html That is just so cool! (Some new tour dates are listed also - doggy bag -)
  8. Doritos and cream cheese.
  9. I totally dig the hole in the counter thing. When I get a real kitchen, I want one of those.
  10. The buzz on the Good Eats fan page is that the kitchen has been recreated in a studio, and has been in use since last fall. Not even the die-hard AB fans noticed the switch. Everybody just went...oooh, he got a new stove. He went with GE appliances instead of Viking in the new kitchen. Here's the discussion: http://goodeats.dyns.net:/viewtopic.php?t=6041
  11. My Dad always eats "green" food on New Years Day. He claims it's supposed to bring financial stability throughout the coming year. His standard is split pea soup and collard greens; it seems to be working.
  12. Steak, sauted mushrooms and oreo cookies. Pop in a movie and try to focus on that; eat while your watching (and even cook while your watching) and and won't really realize how much your eating until your done. It's sort of a force thing at first.
  13. hmmm, they weren't talking about Alton He put's cross-contamination warnings in nearly every show. Sometimes more than once depending on what he is cooking, especially chicken, and washes every damn thing with a bleach solution. I think they could have at least specified the chefs with better records.
  14. Does anybody love over-cooked green peppers? I dunno - if not, why do they put them on pizza?? ewwwww They shouldn't put them on pizza. They shouldn't put anything on pizza. As a matter of fact, they shouldn't make pizza at all. It should be outlawed! Yuck!
  15. Ahem, I had to step in to provide a little inside perspective that might help all the UNI haters. Indeed a challenging top-shelf sushi item, especially since it is highly perishable, and since people like Stone don't order it UNI doesn't move nearly as much as the usual suspects. Oh, sure. It's all my fault. I'm not one to judge. But you're a freak. I don't like beer either. Gag. Or pizza. (edited to add pizza)
  16. (My first post) I agree! And you should be aware that there is "fore milk" and "hind milk", the hind milk is thicker and fattier than the fore milk so it's a little sweeter. What an interesting article. p.s. the hubbie loves B-milk Welcome to eGullet, PoetsGirl. In fact, I am still looking for an opportunity to try breast molk, but short of carrying a breast pump on my person and soliciting strangers, my sources have, er, dried up. But I have a (different) neice who's giving birth around Thanksgiving... Well I would donate, but as the kid is now 16 mos. old, (I know some people think this is way out of bounds,) the bod is regulated to drop milk at precisely the same time every day - bedtime. The pump was retired about 6 mos, ago. I really would if I thought I had the extra milk, which is why your probably going to need a pretty new mom, that's when there's a lot of "extra". You might try Le Leche League, their website will route you to a local group. You could envite the uninhibited nursing mommies to come visit eGullet; one may offer to donate. Still, if I were you, I'd wait for your neice. That way you won't have any "emotional" issues to deal with. You know, like a who's body am consuming type of thing. A confession: I've never had the balls to taste it myself; what is with that?
  17. Well would you eat the cheese with the.....M....word...in it? (You have to go back and look because I'm not going to say it, write it or go see who wrote about it. Just disgusting. Don't eat it.)
  18. How often does and adult go out and willingly buy, cook and eat food they know they don’t like? They don’t. If you cooked dinner for your father and you knew he didn’t like what you cooked, would you tell him to eat what he is being served or go hungry? No. Most of the time children are at the mercy of adults when it comes to food. Kids are people too and I think their individual tastes should be taken into consideration when meals are planned - It’s the considerate, loving and respectful thing to do. Forcing a kid to eat something he/she doesn’t like only does one thing – makes them afraid to try anything new for fear of being forced to eat it if they don’t like it. This is completely counterproductive. I don’t make pb&j or any other thing when I make something for dinner that one of my kids doesn’t like, (and I have four of them and they are all different) but I would rather take a little extra time in my planning and preparation to make sure there is a little extra of something I know they DO like as part of a meal that I know they don’t care for. And the nice thing is I will usually get a secret “thanks Mom” from the one who knows he was covered. I also ask my kids often - what they want to eat, what they want to try, what sounds good, lets try something new. It’s amazing what kids will eat when they have a say in the matter, (and I am not talking about crap, they know McDonalds is not an option). My children are not spoiled, but they know I care about their opinion and I care what they eat, and I know that they appreciate that. Geez, I love my kids. I think I'll go make all their favorite dinners! (Because I know what they all are.)
  19. Good Morning Mr. Brown, First I want to let you know that my very favorite reason for loving GE is that it is the only show that my entire family will sit and watch every day. Even the baby, 16 mos., comes runnin’ when he hears the GE theme song, (I actually think he’s really just watching us laugh). And let me tell you, with me, Poet, and four boys fighting over the TV - that’s a near miracle. We’re huge fans, and we sport our gear shirts with pride – Thank you. Question no. 1: Do you have any plans to do a show on how to make your own baby food? I know your little one is past that, but something tells me you didn’t feed her out of a jar.(?) This subject has come up where your fans gather on the internet, and the mommy fans have decided we would love to see a show on this subject. hint hint Question no. 2: Would you do battle? Huh, Iron AB? Thanks for taking the time to come talk to us, we dig that. Best wishes to you, StaciAnne p.s. My 13 year old thought the little dudes punching you in the face on the pie crust episode was hysterical. He watched it so many times I think he could probably make a pie from memory with no problem at all. (Poet says to tell you: ALTON ROCKS!)
  20. I would starve to death before I would eat this. OMG I'm going to have nightmares tonight.
  21. A couple times a year I get an overwhelming craving for brown sugar. It's not that I don't like brown sugar, it's just that when this happens I will eat huge spoonfuls piled high one after the other until I can't eat any more. I've even had to leave late at night once to get a new bag.
  22. (My first post) I agree! And you should be aware that there is "fore milk" and "hind milk", the hind milk is thicker and fattier than the fore milk so it's a little sweeter. What an interesting article. p.s. the hubbie loves B-milk
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