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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Nathan

    Del Posto

    My working assumption was (and still is) that it was simply posturing aimed at a rent increase of some sort.
  2. 2 quick comments: 1. the ONLY way to eat comfortably and enjoyably at Otto is at the bar (at least on a weekend). the service is also considerably better. 2. Meredith Kurtzman is responsible for the gelato...she develops the flavor combinations.
  3. Nathan


    your Spanish sparkling was a cava. your rose was by Muga. Edited for additional content.
  4. of course it has a place...it tells you something about your fellow diners...something which one may want to know before eating there. I'll note that others have read it the same way I did: http://brunidigest.blogspot.com/ Classy, Frank, classy. ← I think he's just implying that some coke use was taking place...which is probably true and worth mentioning in the context of a restaurant's vibe. I take it you read it differently than I.... ← I also wondered if it may be another case of NFL cheerleaders.But of coarse I'm guilty of having a dirty mind at least once a year. ← well, I think that's what Bryanz was reading Bruni as implying...thus his "classless" remark. I just read it as implying cocaine use (the standard reason for two people to go into the bathroom together in a Manhattan restaurant or bar). ← Cocaine use or whatever else, a comment like that really has no place in a restaurant review. Sure he wants to comment on the scene, but by that point in the review it was just overkill. ←
  5. Nathan


    another btw....the desserts are fantastic....
  6. Nathan


    btw...I take back some of my initial skepticism...although the place is still a work in progress, the menu and cooking are much more ambitious than anything he did at Suba. The lobster entree with pickled rhubarb and pumpkin salsify is already a standout. Prices are reasonable as well.
  7. considering that it's only 3 blocks from my apartment it is a shame I didn't make it here until last night. I wasn't hungry so I only had a taste of my friend's "A Voyage to India"....involving some mango concoction, creamed or milled coconut (best combined with the mango) and some version of a chocolate panna cotta...it seemed terrific. I had a couple glasses of a fine sherry (quite off-dry)....but the real pleasure was simply the conversation with Will & co. it really is a pleasant place for a drink, not only dessert (I don't have a sweet tooth anyway).
  8. Classy, Frank, classy. ← I think he's just implying that some coke use was taking place...which is probably true and worth mentioning in the context of a restaurant's vibe. I take it you read it differently than I.... ← I also wondered if it may be another case of NFL cheerleaders.But of coarse I'm guilty of having a dirty mind at least once a year. ← well, I think that's what Bryanz was reading Bruni as implying...thus his "classless" remark. I just read it as implying cocaine use (the standard reason for two people to go into the bathroom together in a Manhattan restaurant or bar).
  9. Classy, Frank, classy. ← I think he's just implying that some coke use was taking place...which is probably true and worth mentioning in the context of a restaurant's vibe. I take it you read it differently than I....
  10. Nathan

    La Esquina

    of course, there's nothing to stop you from using someone else's name when making your reservation....especially if it could also plausibly be your own.
  11. Nathan

    La Esquina

    I'm sure they still check your name with the secret number....I make my Balthazar reservations through their "secret number" and they always ask me for my name first. I've used it often enough that they usually have something available so I imagine that being a frequent customer gets you somewhere.
  12. Nathan


    oh...I've had decent meals there in the last two years....just not anything worth remembering (I can't recall a single dish).
  13. I enjoyed it quite a bit...but did think the buns and the saam were slightly too sweet (but then I have no sweet tooth)
  14. its definitely shocking....otherwise, I expect to see Fat Guy arguing for Katz's as worthy of 3-stars. the point is, every reviewer has made egregious errors...if we really wanted to have fun...look at posts from 3 or 4 years ago (even 1 or 2) by some here..... based on what Leonard Kim has done (80 reviews is certainly a significant sample in terms of the Times review universe), it appears that Bruni is not out of wack with other reviewers...data such as that carries more weight with me than specific examples of his errors.
  15. Nathan


    sneakeater: I hope you're right.
  16. Nathan


    I've only had decent meals at Suba so I'm a little skeptical...
  17. I think we agree.
  18. "He's giving out stars like their going out of style. " As Leonard Kim demonstrated above...this is patently false. You may not like Bruni's judgments or his reviews, but he is not guilty of "star inflation".... I preferred Grimes...but I can recall when he was lambasted for his Otto review...I've noticed a definite "grass is always greener" phenomenon when it comes to critiques of the Times' critics. (edited for syntax)
  19. Nathan


    he didn't "criticize the value" (unless you count the Dover sole comment -- which seems justifiable)...he noted that the advertised price was misleading and the wine pricing outrageous. that's actually quite different from saying whether the meal is worth it. I'm beginning to think that most criticisms of Bruni are actually stylistic and not substantive.
  20. interesting. as is the usual, perceptions are almost never born out by empirical data (usually the opposite).
  21. Nathan


    What it comes down to is that some have some sort of a Platonic notion as to how a newspaper food section should be organized and as to what, exactly, constitutes a review. I simply don't see it that way.
  22. Nathan


    Rich: this is getting off-topic, but Bruni has had a long and credible career as a journalist...his non-culinary credentials can't be fairly impugned.
  23. Nathan


    JohnL: I think Bruni's actual point was simply that Gilt is not quite honest with their listed price. In other words, they should just charge $125 and do away with most of the supplements and the obscene wine markup (maybe the wines aren't obscenely marked up...maybe they're just not using any cheaper bottles to begin with?)
  24. closer to a Weltanschauung
  25. ah...I like the sausages at RVR...but you're right that once you've had a bit of the vodka none of it matters. alas, I am no longer in contact with my Brighton Beach guide...
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