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Everything posted by mcabr

  1. are you serious? That is why I thought that kyupii was not real mayo, because it was not much like the american mayo which is an egg derivative. I had no idea that japanese mayo was made of egg, but it certainly has not bite to it. It is mild if anything and non-offensive to the tastbuds if you will. I don't know what you are talking about. I am talking to NORIO in this post. Sorry, I am used to other forums.
  2. Thanks for the info. So the second website says that I can buy it precut and everything. I am not really into the sweet stuff I want to vinegar type. I need to check if my local Japanese market has it. Thanks.
  3. I would like to know something. What is tokoro ten? Is it made with yam noodles? The noodles are kind of glassier than the common yam cake that you see. I would also like to know what goes on them other than vinegar. I would like to make some so that my girlfriend can taste it. I just want to know if she likes it or not.
  4. Who told you that? Japanese mayonnaise manufacturers do use eggs and all recipes for home-made mayonnaise contain eggs. And mayonnaise has to be put in the refrigerator once the cap is opened and the aluminum seal is peeled off. Mind-boggling question! One more thing. There is mayonnaise without eggs--it contains tofu instead of eggs. It's mainly for those who are allergic to eggs and those who are calorie-conscious. well nobody told me that. I just remember when I lived in miyazaki that kids would have their own kyuupi mayo in the little clear and red cap squeeze container. We didn't have refridgerators in our dorm rooms so they would just have it out in their room sitting on their desk or something. So nobody told me that but I was just under the impression that this type of mayo was not made with the same ingredients of mayo made in the U.S.
  5. There are recipes for making mayonnaise. Ingredients of one recipe are: Egg yolk: 1 Salad oil: 150 cc Vinegar: 15 cc Is this the recipe for Japanese mayo? I was under the impression that Japanese mayo had no egg in it because it never needs to be refrigerated even once it has been opened.
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