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Posts posted by OnlyTheBest

  1. I see many from very small family operations in Ontario/Quebec here in Toronto but I am not sure if these brands make it across the country.  I will post the name of the one I picked up the other day which was fantastic.

    GREAT! THANKS! I would appreciate that. what was the brand that you bought?

    i have seen on the web that they have maple syrup routes you can take to during the sugaring time and visit the small farms. that would be loads of fun.

    and ANN thanks so much for that website i read most of it !

    thank you both for the info.

    edited for my bad typing

  2. I believe there's a Popeye's in Abbotsford too... near the Sumas Border Crossing

    That location closed down several months ago, much to my eternal disappointment...no more trips to Costco with a side trip for biscuits. Sigh. Not that I don't know how to make those biscuits, but it's nice to have someone else do it for me. Guess I will just have to wait for Costco to bring back the lobster rolls so I have an excuse to go there again.

    The old location is for lease...anyone wanting to start a fried chicken empire could use this space as a launch pad...all the equipment is still intact, by the look of it.

    OH well...... i am not moving back to new orleans anytime soon.

    so.... i guess i am stuck with the the one in coquitlam.

    and as far as the bisquits go....if you want them badly enough....you wont find them anygood at that popeyes either. i dont know what they do to them but they are not what they ought to be.

    looks like its time to find some other fried chicken and bisquits.


  3. i got to thinking about it more tonight and decided to do a little research on the web. i stumbled on some people talking about how todays methods of evaporation do not showcase the flavour of maple syrup as in the old days of boiling it.

    i then i searched some more to see if anyone was indeed boiling it instead of the modern evaporative method. every little farm i came accross talked about the new method and not a single place boiled it anymore.

    the other thing i came accross were some people discussing syrup from single farms and not syrups mixed together from different places. they said it made a real difference in the taste. kind of like and estate bottled wine.

    i never really gave that much thought to maple syrup till i realized how much of it i use... then i got to thinkin ...am i getting most flavour out of it that i could?

    so... now in my spare time(whats that?) .... i am going to see if i can find a place that still boils their syrup the old fashioned way. i'd like to see for myself if theres a difference....and of course i will post what i find out.

    if anyone knows of any farms that still boil it....let me know.

    my curiousity is killing me.


  4. Is there a popeyes fried chicken anywhere in the vancouver area? or anything like it that i might try?


    Here are the Popeyes locations in Canada.

    Remember, Memo likes lots of Olive Oyl on his Popeyes. :raz:


    thanks so much for the info... i am leaving now for a popeyes FEAST!

    ok... so i drove the 35 miles from where i live to popeyes ...and when i got there all they had was a few dry pieces that had been sitting for a while. i asked when more was comming out. and the guys in the back said... right now and dumped a lovely pile of the spicy out of the fryer. now... thats great! RIGHT? ... but when i told the manager i wanted the fresh stuff he said ok and when I turned my attention for a moment...he slipped in a dry breast instead of giving me 2 fresh ones.

    i had ordered a 3 piece... 2 breasts and a leg. the other one was wonderful... everything that popeyes can be...tasty moist and fabulous. but the old one was dry and lifeless. i cant believe the bastard slipped me an old piece of chicken after i specifically asked for the fresh stuff.

    i have never had this happen in all the years i have been eating popeyes. even when i lived in new orleans for YEARS! and ate it damn near every day!

    normally i am very combative by nature but i let this slide. if i took it back to him... he would have denied it.... so i let it go.

    oh well....guess i will have to try the one in abbotsford ...or maybe somewhere else that makes spicy chicken.

  5. today i wandered down to the richmond public market and came accross the guy on the ground floor selling BBQ duck and BBQ pork and other things. I bought a whole duck to have over several meals and when i did get to it tonight it was good but it got me to thinkin about BBQ ducks....

    Where have you eaten them that you thought they were SUPER tasty?

    and what kind of prices were you paying?

    I always get the duck for takeaway ...usually from a BBQ place but...if anyone has any suggestions as to where they have had good ones in the richmond area i would really appreciate knowing.

    this was the first time i bought a whole duck but it looked good and i was really in the mood to dive in....and knowing there is more tomorrow means i dont have to think about dinner as i work such long hours. not alot of choices down here in the point roberts area.

    so... any help on the duck thing would be great i want to most flavor i can find.


  6. YES YES! thanks for all your replies i did go to Choices in white rock and they DID have the yogurts i was looking for.

    i am glad to see there is at least a good Canadian store for those things.

    whole foods is a good store but honestly alot of what i use to go there for was to buy good local products. i have never cared that much for their cooked foods they were never that tasty to me. they all look good but i never had anything from the takeaway that i thought was to die for.

    BUT! they always support local producers and for that... i shop there unless i can find them somewhere else.

    anyway... thanks again for information thats why i LOVE this board !

  7. I was in the whole foods yesterday and it took me FOREVER to get there as i was comming from Point Roberts. my question is... are there other stores like that in the area... especially south.

    i love the good yogurts they carry at whole foods....especially the non homognized ones. i also love goat and sheeps milk yogurt...which whole foods usually carries.

    BUT... its such a tough drive there with all the bridges and their traffic i am not sure i will be going up there again anytime soon.

    does anyone have any suggestions on where i might find any similar stores closer to the south end of the area.

    or maybe even organic markets as they usually carry good quality yogurts.


  8. ok...now another question. i LOVE good peking duck! where can i find it in richmond thats REALLY fabulous!

    and that brings me to the next question.

    Is peking duck just a BBQ duck thats rolled into the pancakes? or is it made a special way?

    and the last question... who makes a REALLY fabulous tasty juicy BBQ duck.

    i am talking strictly takeaway for the moment.

    i am planning to go the richmond public market at some point.....would that be the place to find good duck?


  9. richmond sushi mall?  wow !  i am so new here i have only been in the area about a week or so.  i am still trying to find my way around. i will have to go find that place...whats in the sushi mall?  that would be the mall of my dreams HA!

    andi like what you said about ocean... i think food has to be mindblowing  good...that what i look for.

    if its not then i wont bother with it.

    i cant wait to get to richmond public market...went by it yesterday but didnt have time to stop in.

    Richmond Sushi is on Akroyd Road - when you're on No. 3 Road (assuming you're coming in from Vancouver), turn left when you see Canadian Tire (it's the first traffic light you come to on No. 3 Road). Past Canadian Tire you'll see Gar Lok - that's the Richmond Sushi mall. There's a Meloty tea house there (Western-style tea house operated by Taiwanese people), a supermarket (Supermarket 2000, or something, is the name - I like Yaohan better, which, by the way, you can get to from behind Canadian Tire - it's the first street on the right when you're on Akroyd) which is almost next to Richmond Sushi, a bubble tea place, a Taiwanese casual restaurant (I don't like the tea they serve though - it's barley tea), that dim sum place (Gar Lok), & at least a couple other restaurants. Plus a karaoke, hair salon, & other things thrown in. Richmond Sushi is an all-you-can-eat place though - back when it opened a few years ago, it was really popular. I've heard that the quality has declined (yes I know, the quality was probably not that good to start off with in the first place... :rolleyes: )

    If you want unique dim sum, try Jade Seafood Restaurant on Alexandra Rd (just go through the car wash parking lot from Garden City) - it'll be on your right. They usually have some unusual dim sum items that make me go "Wow, I've never seen this before!" Dim sum items usually run from $3.75 - $5. If you go early (before 11 a.m. I think), dim sum is 10% off or something - a lot of dim sum places have deals like this. Some have different policies - in some places you have to get your bill before 11 (or 11:30), other places you just have to finish ordering before the cut-off time.

    Thanks for the heads up on that i will try to get over there. there are SO many places to go in richmond i just dont know where to go first. I STILL want to find vogue and try that place. and S. Wind is at the top of my list as well.

    thanks for all the information....i look forward to eating my way thru richmond.

    and THEN... i have to start in on the chinese bakeries!

    oh my GOODNESS!

    i have been eating take away now for 4 days and i am so addicted i cant help it.

    what is it about chinese food? or asian food in general. i also love thai and vietnamese.

    i have only been here for about 10 days or so but i am REAALLY getting into it!

    thanks for your help!

  10. has anyone eaten at south ocean on garden ciity rd in richmond?

    i pulled in there too late to get anything today but everything was in chinese and the waiter that was eating noodles took pitty on me and gave me the dim sum menu.  it looks like a place i would love to try ...the few chinese that were in there were looking at me funny.

    i dont mind that...i expect it.

    i would love to know more about it if anyone has eaten there


    We actually have a family friend who works there making rice noodle rolls ("cheung fun"). I've been there a few times, and while it's good, it's not mind-blowingly good. Their rice noodle rolls are quite good though :)

    There's a newish place called "Gar Lok" that opened a few months ago at the Richmond Sushi mall on... Akroyd Road, I think? Where Fortune City (? Fortune Garden?) used to be. It's the same dim sum place that was previously at Granville & 41st in Vancouver. The dim sum is really cheap ($2.75, I think?) & pretty good quality for cheap dim sum. When you compare it to regular (more expensive) dim sum though, it's just standard fare. The deep-fried squid is pretty good though - not rubbery, & lightly battered. Get 2 plates though, the portion is pretty small. Also, I'm not sure if they have it anymore, but they used to have these mini custard-filled pineapple buns that were SO GOOD - they were usually fresh out of the oven with crispy tops.

    richmond sushi mall? wow ! i am so new here i have only been in the area about a week or so. i am still trying to find my way around. i will have to go find that place...whats in the sushi mall? that would be the mall of my dreams HA!

    andi like what you said about ocean... i think food has to be mindblowing good...that what i look for.

    if its not then i wont bother with it.

    i cant wait to get to richmond public market...went by it yesterday but didnt have time to stop in.

    GOD! i have been here a week or so and i am alread addicted to this place!

  11. Yeah I drive by it all the time...it's been there for awhile. I can't remember if I've eaten there--I'll ask my parents tomorrow. The restaurant upstairs has some super crazy expensive items!!

    Thanks Ling... i would love to know more about it and if they have eaten there what did they like? i didnt know there was a resturant above it. i guess i was concentrating on getting a parking space.

    anyway.... i am looking forward to hearing what your parents have to say.

  12. has anyone eaten at south ocean on garden ciity rd in richmond?

    i pulled in there too late to get anything today but everything was in chinese and the waiter that was eating noodles took pitty on me and gave me the dim sum menu.  it looks like a place i would love to try ...the few chinese that were in there were looking at me funny.

    i dont mind that...i expect it.

    i would love to know more about it if anyone has eaten there


    Is this the restaurant on the second floor?

    Its called south ocean seafood its on the ground floor and it has a yellow sign that lights up at night i think its blue writing. its also got a strange entrance to the parking lot you have to go thru a car wash lot. its weird.

    its all chinese writing inside ...on the walls listing things to eat...it looks fabulous.

    i am dying to try it

  13. has anyone eaten at south ocean on garden ciity rd in richmond?

    i pulled in there too late to get anything today but everything was in chinese and the waiter that was eating noodles took pitty on me and gave me the dim sum menu. it looks like a place i would love to try ...the few chinese that were in there were looking at me funny.

    i dont mind that...i expect it.

    i would love to know more about it if anyone has eaten there


  14. I can't help with a source for what you are looking for, but I would be delighted share my just finished Icelandic Christmas Cake (Vineterta)  :smile:  Or at least give you the recipe.

    One of my mom's friends is Icelandic, so I called her...she said she's never, in all her 65 years of living in this country, found anything close to the food from home outside of a small area in Manitoba where some of her family settled.  So if you do come up with anything, I would love to hear about it.  She would be thrilled.

    There is a club...

    Icelandic Canadian Club of BC

    (604) 515-1224

    939 Sixth Street

    New Westminster, BC V3L 3C8

    Maybe they can help!

    Thanks for the help i appreciate it i will call them and see what they know of maybe there is a way to get things online.  somewhere i have saved the lid of that lovely shrimp spread if i can find it maybe i can actually even order it online..who knows.

    thanks again

  15. I used to buy alot of their yogurts and i loved this spread that was the consistancy of cream cheese....but it wasnt cream cheese... it was full of big plump juicy shrimps. it was SO fabulous i have been back there JUST to get my hands on THAT. there is something about the shrimp there... they are the absloute sweetest i have had anywhere.

    i am in the Vancouver area but i would drive a distance to get some of their goodies.... does anyone know of any shops?

    I am sure its a long shot...but maybe i will get lucky.


  16. My mom & auntie were at China World last week (Thursday?) and they said the stuff there is quite cheap, & apparently they have a large produce section.  Surprisingly, a lot of the products are made in Taiwan.  We try to avoid buying food products that are made in China, because they have no food regulations over there.  Mmm, soy sauce made with hair!  I'm not kidding, it was in the news - both the Ming Pao & Vancouver Sun reported it.  Apparently they were using the hair as a protein substitute.  :blink:  Obviously we don't get stuff that's as bad here, but you know, the products might contain high levels of chemicals that're bad for you, etc.

    I think Yaohan actually has a really good kitchen - their cold marinated items are really good, like the soy-sauce marinated beef brisket, tofu "noodles", and as mentioned before, "jai lo mei".  There are even periwinkles sometimes!  I don't like snails & their related cousins, so I haven't tried it, but they looked pretty good.  There are usually about 10 things to choose from.  They have a Japanese section as well, with sushi, sashimi, teriyaki chicken (it's not good - there's hardly any teriyaki sauce on it & the chicken is roasted), and yummy Japanese side dishes like those tiny fish, marinated shredded kelp, and Japanese pickles.  The sushi goes on sale at night-time - everybody makes a dash for it  :laugh:  And no, I'm not one of the dashers  :hmmm:

    WOW!!!! i didnt think about THAT! thaks for telling me ! hair in soy sauce !

    oh dear!!! now i am going to check the labels !

  17. WOW! thanks alot for all your input. i did go to richmond today but just drove around looking at everything.... i was in total heaven. I stumbled on china world at garden city and westminster. it was REALLY cheap so i got some things there.

    I was looking for Vogue but couldnt find it....is that even in richmond?

    I did see all the malls you mentioned and T and T as well. i just didnt have time to go into everything. it was GREAT fun! i passed shangi wind too but... it was closed. If i can manage it i might go over again thurs.

    Thanks for your help...but WHERE is vogue?

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