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During this season's closure, three shrimp boats have been selected to collect sample harvests of Gulf Of Maine shrimp between Feb 1 and Mar 20. They came in Wednesday and biologists measured and tested some before turning them over to Portland Fish Exchange for auction. 1200 pounds were snapped up at a record $4/lb. http://www.pressherald.com/2015/02/20/sample-harvest-of-maine-shrimp-makes-big-splash-at-market/ My local fishmonger here in Portland sold out a half hour before I got there. If you are in New York, some place named Smitty's bought some of that haul.
Simmered 2qt water w/white vinegar for about a half hour and it's odor free. Cooked a couple soups and everything seems fine. Not sure I would trust the same pot purchased at a lower price
Thanks, Smithy The detergent did diminish the odor, as did an airing, but I'm still concerned about contaminating any future food cooked in this. It's considerably better today, but I'm going to try both of your remedies - maybe twice each - just for peace of mind. It's only a couple months old, and the 'net says it will gas off at 400F, which will kill birds and make people have flu-like symptoms, but who knows. DuPont squirms when people bring up the subject, and there's nothing out there that tells you what to do if that happens, just to not do it!
Like an idiot, I got distracted from cooking and left a calphalon non-stick 3qt - with lid on - at medium heat for a while, maybe 20mins. I left it to cool overnight but it smells like a smelter in there now. Washed with dishsoap but residual odor remains. What to do? Leave to air out side? Simmer some water for an hour? Discard???
Zagat has published a list of their top 10 Portland restaurants: http://www.zagat.com/b/the-10-hottest-restaurants-in-portland-maine#10
Those damned green crabs are eating everything. I hear on the waterfront here in Portland that someone is trying to find a use for the buggers, like fertilizer. Apparently they are not tasty.
Try Maine purveyors - very good quality, and delicious. About $20/lb shipped http://www.harborfish.com/products/product-detail.php?id=104
You nailed it Kelly Beal! It took me a couple days to get around to Fridays NYT so when I got to Stevens obit this morning I leapt out of my chair and fired up the desktop - the same keyboard I sat at for hours, days and weeks, ten years ago, checking in on what everybody was cooking, or saying about, or places that sucked, or markets that had that impossibly rare item, or about farms growing heirlooms, or fisheries going bust. I practically went broke sitting here reading what all you people wrote, and I don't regret a single second. Thank you, Steven, Jason, Andy, Mayhew Man, Tommy (I still can't face a plate of Laab without laughing at that thread) Maggie, Marlene, and everybody else, for what I believe, will become a hallmark in social media, of a magnitude yet realized. After all - didn't Byron goad Shelly into writing "Frankenstein" on a drunken dare?
2014 Gulf of Maine Shrimp Season: probably none
johnnyd replied to a topic in New England: Cooking & Baking
Award-winning Portland chefs at Hugo's and Eventide Oyster Co. chat with Maine Public Radio about the loss of a key winter menu component, http://www.mpbn.net/Home/tabid/36/ctl/ViewItem/mid/5347/ItemId/31204/Default.aspx -
Read it and weep, bitches! http://travel.nytimes.com/2013/09/01/travel/portland-me-locavore-in-menu-and-decor.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
Those are lovely, Prawncrackers. We get razors here every so often - I've bookmarked your post. An historic marine event happened the other day: A 7-foot long, 250 pound Sturgeon was netted in the nearby Saco (Maine, USA) river, marking the resurgence of the prehistoric creature after having been completely exterminated from the Saco more than 60 years ago. Story/pictures here: http://bangordailynews.com/2013/06/06/outdoors/une-researcher-nets-7-foot-250-pound-atlantic-sturgeon-in-saco-river-says-its-a-sign-of-the-prehistoric-fishs-comeback/
Chef Andrew Taylor takes his forays into the Cascades to a new level as chef/owner of Eventide Oyster Co. in Portland, Maine. Writer Sharon Kitchens joins him and co-owners Arlin Smith and Chef Mike Wiley in a skiff around the shoreline and come back loaded with interesting stuff: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sharon-kitchens/beach-foraging-maine_b_3372621.html Peak foraging season runs mid June to end of July here in the Northestern USA
Yeah, no kidding! But that price is all about the shipping, I'll wager. I am paying $15/lb for U10's from a local dragger this month, but our season is ending soon. The news here is about shrimp. It appears the biomass has headed north owing to warmer temps in the Gulf of Maine. Lowest harvest since 1978 has feds calling for a year off next year. People get 100lbs/ tow vs. 500 last year, and even though the price has tripled, it's still not worth going out. Canadian shrimpers are, I hear, doing fine.
Yeah, baby !!! Here in Maine, it is illegal to dock at pier with whole scallops. A shame as that may be, it was established to avoid spoiling the meats (abductor muscle) with highly perishable roe/coral and other parts. Sometimes we had to drift off shore and shuck our catch before tying up at the buyer. There are recently, however, efforts to address the demand of in-shell scallops. I've seen whole small bay scallops (ridged shell) for sale on Portland's waterfront for $3 each, and there is an outfit out of Gloucester Mass that will ship you 5 Atlantic scallops for, like, fourty bucks.
Recent Portland news article calls shrimp season "a bust". http://www.pressherald.com/news/Gulf-of-Maine-shrimp-season-turns-into-a-bust.html This year's catch is the lowest since 1978 when the fishery was shut down altogether - There is a possibility that will actually happen next year
This just in: Starting next Wednesday, shrimp boats will be able to fish 7 days a week. The season will officially close April 12th or until quota is reached. Given the low catch rates so far, 4/12 closing is very likely. peeled shrimp is $11.99/lb on Portland's waterfront retail. I've eaten a about a pound a week, sauteed in various ways
That sounds interesting. Im very picky with tomatoes in my chili. I always use fresh when its harvest time, and in a pinch i use good quality can crushed tomatoes and a few fresh from the grocery store. But i never heard of using reconstituted chiles. Are these chiles mild as to not add heat? I prefer to add powders for the heat level. Oh yeah and chili would not be complete without adding beer. Basically dried chiles I got at the Bodega: guajillo, pasilla, ancho, anaheim; which I throw into simmering water until soft. Then they're into a blender with the now-rich simmer broth. After searing diced stew beef with powders (onion, garlic, cayenne, paprika, oregano, salt, white pepper, crushed cumin/clove), then add beef broth and simmer 1/2hr. Then add beer and chiles w/simmer water mixture, minced fresh serrano, a splash of red wine vinegar, shaved bittersweet chocolate, brown sugar, and a jolt of tabasco for good measure - simmer 45mins. At this point you mix a 1/4 cup masa harina with the chili, one ladle at a time, blend, and put on lowest setting, covered for 2hrs. When I first made this, I realized cowboys on the range had to pack efficiently, so the best way to flavor meals was with spice powders - and dried foods like chiles. Tomatoes were out of the question and beans were too heavy. I always think I'm reaping the fruits of American history when I make "Texas Red" - it was LBJ's favorite meal. [exact recipe from Clifford Wright's "Real Stew" http://www.amazon.com/Real-Stew-Home-Cooked-Minestrone-Bouillabaise/dp/1558321993
I've been making 'Texas Red' for a few years now - also called 'son of a bitch in a sack'. Basically an 'old' cattle drive recipe of beef chili cooked with powdered spices, various reconstituted chiles and beer - no tomatoes and no beans. We used it on nachos with a sprinkle of scallion - hits the spot
First shrimp boat pulled up to Harbor Fish dock today at noon. $3.49/lb or $2.99/lb after 5bs
Portuguese crab with red wine -- looking for a recipe
johnnyd replied to a topic in Spain & Portugal: Cooking & Baking
I'm thinking it was a wine reduction for a sauce and I bet there was butter involved -
The town was flooded with tourists on NYD and just about everything - restos, retail - were closed. WTF?
You know what Peter? There were 3 totes of Canadian shrimp at Portland's Harbor Fish a couple weeks ago for five bucks a pound. Needless to say, I bought some. I don't know the details but I assume that's going to happen again. People here complain about flawed studies pointing to decline of biomass. I'd like to see what Canadian studies have determined
Season is on but catch quota has been cut 75% http://www.pressherald.com/news/Panel-to-set-dates-of-New-England-shrimp-season-.html Trawl harvests begin 1/22/13 and trappers can start 2/5/12. I always felt a little funny buying them with all their eggs attached.
eG Foodblogs: Coming Attractions 2012 & 2013
johnnyd replied to a topic in Food Traditions & Culture
Akee, not popcorn, I think