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Everything posted by Daddy-A

  1. Sounds like we grew up in the same household. Once mom got her Bosch mixmaster/blender thingy, she bought a couple attachments. One made peanut butter (although I can't remember if that was its intended use) and the other was a juicer. The only thing I drank more of than milk, was home-made juices. Something about pulverising things appealed to me. Of course we never cleaned up the "pulp" that was left over after juicing. I have no juicer (yet), but the boys know how to use the Saeco to steam their own milk. We also buy boxes of low-fat puddings from Costco. Of course, the veggie crisper and the fruit bowl are always available. Now if I could just get them to load/unload the DW without hastle. Arne
  2. My wife's office is around the corner from the Artigiano on Thurlow. I always treat if we're there early enough to get free street parking and beat the 8:45 line-ups. What an amazing city we live in when you have to flip a coin to choose between two such restaurants! Thanks for the review Hal.
  3. I think you're talking about Apollonia. They've recently remodelled, so I think perhaps a visit is due for wife & I. Arne
  4. I can completely relate! My sons are 10 & 13, and come from "healthy" stock (i.e. both their mother & I are sturdy folk) so eating healthy is even more important. We put on weight easily. We also have the challenge of a split household ... the boys lives with their mom 70% and with me 30%. Their mom thinks Orville's Light Microwave Popcorn is a healthy snack, and sees nothing wrong with letting them veg in front of the Nintendo for hours. But I digress ... My wife & I do what we can ... insist on healthy eating and portion control (a big challenge with growing boys), and compliment it with regular exercise ... we have two Jack Russels so that's NO problem. We're are starting to see my oldest son eating better on his own ... chosing fruit for snacks (I agree with Mayhaw about not having pop or chips in the house) and not eating more at dinner if he's not hungry. Keeping him busy is another story, but par for the course with a lot of teens. Not the case with the 10 year old who is non-stop active, but doesn't eat as well as the 13 year old. We still have some work to do It all comes down to my philosophy on raising my kids "My job is to prepare them for life, not to be their best bud." Arne
  5. Keep in mind us po' folk outside the US of A who don't tailgate per se. I know what "tailgating", but haven't experienced one, except on TV with Kevin Braugh on Thirsty Traveller. I'll be looking forward to that part of the blog for sure. Arne
  6. My son at 8 asked my wife to make him some biscones. After a while we realized he had combined the names of two things she bakes that he likes: Biscotti & scones. BTW, he meant scones and we still call them biscones to this day. Arne
  7. Tana, I totally agree. I mentioned to Danielle before about a childrens' blog, don't you think it would be interesting to see what kids are eating these days? Add my vote for the kid info. I'd honour the request for a "kid's blog" when I do my blog, but my kids are older now (10 & 13) and eat pretty much what my wife & I do. Or as I'm often heard to say ... "You'll eat what I put in front of you!" or "I'm not a short order cook" or my personal fave, "If you don't like it, you can try th other restaurant down the street." Sound familiar? Arne
  8. Don't know if this means anything ... but I found a listing for Go Fish! on the Where! Vancouver web site. It's the third entry down the list, and even has a phone number listed! I'll try and check it out tomorrow. Arne
  9. I am walking over right now to see Neil...should be eating in the next 30 minutes! Bastard!
  10. Chef ... how was the merguez? I was going to drop in on you guys today ... but there was this lunatic yelling at a tow-truck driver .... Just PM'd Fat Guy about the moderator ... seems we don't have one, so we'll see what he has to say. Arne
  11. I second Keith on that! I used to work very close to The Drive and would frequent Le Grec. After they moved to 4th ... well it was just sad that's all. So much so that it's now Hell's Kitchen. I really miss Le Grec. Minerva's is great. Just be prepared for the post -lunch-garlic-breath. I lifted this from another thread ... and its a sentiment echoed by a lot of my friends who have moved here from Toronto & Montreal. The Greek community here is very active (just check out my neighbour with his Greek flag out ever since Euro 2004), and yet the food scene is mediocre at best. Arne
  12. Any thoughts on Lagostina? It may be pretty pedestrian, but we picked up a set (Costco ... don't shoot me, I'm just there for the cheese ) and it works fine. Granted I'm only talking about one non-stick (everything else is pots), but the bases are heavy, and can handle the flame. I also have a heavy bottomed stainless-steel pan. EVERYTHING sticks in it, so I rarely use it. However, after reading this and other posts I'm sure it's just my technique (or lack thereof). How best should I use this pan? It seems there are some "must-haves" as far as pans go. I'm not a professional, nor even an amateur (like Coop), but want a decent selction to handle most situations. What are your "must haves"? Arne
  13. You are cruel! First you tempt us with pastrami ... now this!!! I need a sandwich dammit! Arne
  14. Chef, Let us know where you went and what you liked after your trip. My wife & I are staying at a little hideaway in Tuwanek for New Year's ... probably best to make reservations early Arne
  15. Did they turn the fat you trim off the top of stocks into a yummy pate?
  16. Found this site on dining in Sechelt. I've only been to the Blue Heron ... not bad, not great. Seafood was very fresh, and the wine list was decent. Again, not great. Molly's Reach in Gibson's is good for a greasy breakfast. I'm sure the whole Beachcomber's thing is now lost on anyone under 30 ... although they still show re-runs of it in Norway & Dennmark. Arne
  17. Not that it matters ... but I have a teenage son too (OK, he turned 13 last month). So you ain't that old. Ummmmm ... you shouldn't NEED to hide Kokanee. Like someone's gonna drink that stuff?? (Sorry ... I'm a beer snob). I had my gallbladder removed 5 years ago ... not about to ingest one from a snake! I will try the meat though ... Nope ... it's a FRIDAY! Maybe you're teenage daughter can be your designated driver. I hear Coop's bringing his son for the same reason. Maybe your kids could double date Arne
  18. hshiau, Welcome to my world. I am a Certified Kitchen Designer (CKD), and I do this for a living. Unfortunately, unless you want to fly me out to NYC I can't help in person. Fortunately, there are some easy things you can do to help make this as painless as possible. 1) Start drinking heavily ... My first piece of advice, you have already done ... budget. This is so important. And figure out your MAXIMUM budget, then back it off by about 20%. This will be the budget you tell to your contactor. Suprises behind walls, delivery chatges the appliance people forgot to tell you about, or those hand-made Italian backsplah tiles your wife must have will all add up. Find a CKD in your area. Go to The National Kitchen & Bath Association web site and you can search by Zip code. A CKD can walk you through each step, and are especially helpfull when you just aren't sure what it is you want. They'll keep budget in mind, and are usually pretty knowledgeable about what material choices there are. PM me if you have any specific questions, and I'll help where I can. Arne
  19. Yeah, but I got to hear a preview at Rathtrevor! Stovetop Steve ... got my vote. Arne
  20. Went by Go Fish on Sunday. Building is in place, patio 90% complete, and the smell of fresh stain & paint in the air. Can't wait! Arne
  21. You're all addicts! Hopeless addicts! Yeah Neil, I gotta admitt I sometimes have pangs of regret not using my real name ... perhaps I'll start signing with it. Oh, and by the way ... you ARE an Uber-geek. Just be at peace with that and you'll do fine. I'll start the new thread after Labour Day ... this group NEVER stays on topic anyway. Our current count is 27, including a couple tentatives. I will be PM-ing those who haven't PM-d me by September ... I just want to keep this thread on topic right? Arne
  22. I second that DANG Sam! Is it any wonder I get out to see my kids as often as I can? I have to save them from the vortex of indifference! DA
  23. Sam, My kids live out that way so I'm in the neigbourhood at least once a week. I like their deli for lunch. Didn't really pay attention to the smokehouse until now. Thanks for the heads up! DA Wonder if they'd do trout?
  24. I doubt they are made from scratch with the volume they do, but I don't know for sure. I think this is a case of repuation exceeding expectation ... people just buy Fischer Scones because, well, that's what you do at the PNE. Kinda like the burgers with the onions that have been there since 1965 or Hunky Bill's ... tradition. But hey, when you're at the fair, have one or five. At least that way you can say you've had one. Then you can shrug your shoulders and wonder what the big deal is, just like the rest of us. DA
  25. Fischer Scones! My mom used to drag us all into the Food building just to have those damn scones. AS long as you get them warm and with strawberry jam thay're pretty darn good. Not enought to drag me away from Playland mind you ... bit good. DA
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