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little ms foodie

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Posts posted by little ms foodie

  1. Thanks to bleudauvergne posting her recipe in her blog long ago....

    tonight we had.....



    mmmm, I first had this exactly this time last year in Annecy, France while visting a friend. Tried making it once before but I didn't think the recipe was very good. This recipe is great and will become my staple so thanks again Lucy!

    Served with a simple salad, nice shiraz on my favorite table cloth bought also in France. Couldn't be happier!! :biggrin:

  2. While at Sambar last night (enjoying, among other things, a lovely matsutake and zucchini gratin), we asked about the monthly Le Gourmand cooking classes. The waiter told us that right now the classes are very mushroom focused, if anyone is interested in learning more about cooking 'shrooms.

    hmmm....we were at Sambar last night too!! Didn't get there until about 11 or so, after a costume event!! Small world!

  3. Delicata, butternut, cauliflower, onions, arugula, smoked salmon, eggs.

    We tried the buns. I was determined not to like them as we have been buying strudel from 'strudel lady' every market day for 2 years. But they were good!!! I had the wild mushroom one that Laurie B mentions. My husband had the almond pear with caramel. Both were wonderful!

    The market is really winding down, lots of empty spaces and vendors with less tables than before. It's kind of sad...... :sad:

  4. I have the day off today! Yeah for me  :biggrin:

    Slept in, am making a cup of my favorite loose tea direct from Paris and a hard boiled egg with salt.

    LMF, keep it up with the hard boiled eggs and we will have to nick name you LMHBE (little miss hard-boiled egg) :raz::raz::biggrin:

    LOL! Right you are, I love my eggs! ok this morning was cafe au lait made by my hubby and a wild mushroom with bechemel and swiss cheese brioche bun from the farmers market! No picture, ate it before we could get all the way home! :biggrin:

  5. Tonight we had roasted butternut squash flan with parmesan sage sauce. We were so excited to eat it I forgot to take a picture!  :angry:  It was good!

    Is that the recipe from the recent issue of Gourmet (or was it Bon Appetit....i forget)? Sounds very familiar. I made that a few weeks ago as part of my father's birthday dinner, and my whole family loved it. Very tasty recipe. Definitely will be repeated in the future :cool:

    I got it on Epicurious but I know they get a lot of recipes from different sources so it is probably the same!!

  6. Tonight we had roasted butternut squash flan with parmesan sage sauce. We were so excited to eat it I forgot to take a picture! :angry: It was good!

    That was our starter, for dinner we had dijion crusted rack of lamb with potatoes Joel Robuchon....so basically we had lamb with butter!! Served with a 1999 Bordeaux


  7. It's great to see what everyone's making and the elaborate and attractive platings of food - and at home.

    I'm new here, so "what's for dinner" is actually from this summer.  My wife and I planted over 30 varieties of tomatoes (most heirloom varieties).  Sooooo, we were inspired by the FL Cookbook to make Salad of Haricots Verts, Tomato Tartare,

    and Chive Oil:

    One would not have thought that green beans in whipped cream would be good, but the combination was absolutely wonderful - the very essense of tomato with all the tastes of summer.

    THAT is beautiful!! Wow!!! Welcome and thanks for that gorgeous picture!!

  8. A girlfriend and I finally checked out Marjorie last night. Of course many of you remember the space as Lush Life from before.

    We arrived about 5:30 and were the first inside. Within minutes though the bar filled up. Happy hour goes until 7pm and $2 chicken tikka and pulled pork sandwiches were busy being passed around.

    We had a few drinks from their hh menu. Both at $5 the margarita was good but short, the sangria was large but overly sweet. Mojitos and Red Stripe beers were also available.

    The inside layout is great now, bar up front- bright colors. We asked to be seated for dinner, it was actually quite busy. There was a private party going on near the back.

    We both opted for the prix fix menu for $25- chicken tikka or green salad, tri tip or 'ravioli' with four cheese, dessert choice.

    We had a Lirac wine at a good price. The chicken tikka was good. 3 skewers, really juicy, nice semi spicy sauce on the side. The raviolis are like pitas, crisp on the outside filled with cheese and folded in quarters. On a tomato ragu. excellent and way too much we both brought some home. Dessert we had the kafir lime infused pot au chocolate- excellent. A few dessert drinks.

    Donna is a great hostess, she came by and talked to us about our meal. I told her that I thought the menu actually read a bit boring but the food was really good. She said that is how she likes to do things! haha! She also said that she added the prix fix as she could never get on the 25 for $25 list. I think it is a permanent thing with the options probably changing now and then.

    We left about 9:30 and it was still full, gets a bit loud but in a good way.

    Darn it, I just realized I forgot to put SEA in the title! I'm sorry! :sad:

  9. I am trying recipes out of my amuse bouch book, last night made truffled lentils with bacon vinaigrette in a spoon. Tasty!

    That would be the Truffled Lentil Spoons from Amuse-Bouche...?? :smile: They sound wonderful... did you use the proportions as called for in the recipe? The recipe I'm familiar with, to serve four to six, called for three fresh truffles, 1/2 cup of truffle juice, and 1/2 cup of truffle oil!!! That pretty much precluded me from making it strictly by the recipe, but I would love to adapt it. I have some French green lentils I've been trying to decide about. Please do tell. :biggrin:

    Susan, I love looking at that book but sadly am just starting to try things out of it. I think I was a bit intimidated last year, but now I'm fearless!! haha!

    So yes you are referring to the same recipe. I cut the recipe in half since it was just my hubby and I testing (still have some in the fridge for a snack!).

    Here's what I did.... bought a jar of French truffles, 3 in the jar in juice- guess what?It's truffle juice! :biggrin: And I got white truffle oil, needed some as was done to my last drops anyway!

    So I just used 1 truffle, the juice which was about 2 TBS and just under 1/4 cup truffle oil. Even pairing back it is STRONG! I can't imagine going full strength and I love truffles! But even if you don't try this try the bacon vinaigrette, you use the bacon grease inplace of oil!! oh man!

    Oh and 1 other thing, cook your colored lentils seperately. I cooked the green and orange together and they just look grey :angry: next time will cook them seperately and then toss together with the vinaigrette.

    Next to try is the potato chips with vanilla foam! I am buying a foamer tomorrow!!


  10. I am trying recipes out of my amuse bouche book, last night made truffled lentils with bacon vinaigrette in a spoon. Tasty!

    Hubby made sausage and leek soup which was fantastic, served with a green salad- I used up the rest of my onion confit, goat cheese and the leftover bacon vinaigrette in the salad. YUM!

    Crusty bread and bottle of Zin....watched the Sox kick some ass!

  11. Seven Star Pepper again today. We actually set out for Bahn mi up on 12th and Jackson but we are dumb and didn't realize that these are very small little deli's without seating. We wanted to sit down and eat after out 12 block hike up from pioneer square.

    So across the street we went, very excited after our last lunch there. We had the leek pancakes which were very good (big!), the pork chow mein with hand shaved noodles on the recommendation of our waitress and the crab!!

    Holy crap! Our food was really good! The crab was the whole thing! I know you are all saying "Of course it was!" but we didn't know what to expect. It rocked! Really spicy but in a good way, mmmmm! Now lets talk about the chow mein with those noodles. Yeah, I think that is my favorite so far. There were no leftovers of that!!!

    And it was very inexpensive for all that food!

    Ok now that we know what kick's ass we are going to branch out and try some others.


  12. a few years ago I had to go to Philly 3 times in a month from seattle. I ate at Fork, Bistro St Tropez, Davio's and Pasion!

    I REALLY liked Fork and Pasion! to the locals, are these still good restaurants? The lamb tongue ceviche I had at Pasion still gets talked about.

    Davio's was ok, the portions were way to big for me. And it seemed a bit stuffy. I remember the people at the next table had the truffle tasting menu though, that smelled GOOD!

    drinks at Budakhan made me think that would be worth a visit.

  13. Thundering Hooves is at our local market, I have always heard very good things so I've ordered the broad breasted turkey for christmas (other family is doing thanksgiving this year!)

    Damn, for $70 I better learn how to cook the thing hu?? This will be my first year cooking turkey by myself.

    Great info as usual you guys! Thank you!

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