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Jenny, it has not gotten better since we all visited, that is for sure.
But you thought it was silly and funny? So she failed then?
Colorado Kitchen is smack dab in a diverse, sometimes violent and gentrifying neighborhood. Great location, as good food should not be limited to K St. However, to use a name that mocks the speach patterns (and consequently perceived lack of education) of the (still) dominant ethnic group in that area is (at best) stupid and at worst offensive. It does not matter if the creator in question is black, its still an unwise choice. I can imagine plenty of racist jokes made around this store name (lets ride up to da hood and go to da store). You say its harmless? Harmless to you? Probably. Harmless to the girl who walks by everyday on her way to school where she is unable to learn proper English in her overcrowded classroom? Not so sure its harmless to her.
Geez what a dumb name. Why not Gin&Juice?
I think Gotto's varies significantly by location. The Bethany shop puts out some poor product, at least a few years ago it did. Right on the Domino's plane. This was three+ years ago. Just got back from 3 days in South Bethany. Rain, rain and more rain meant more time for home cooked lobster, shrimp, steaks, corn, etc.
Robin (General Manager at Colorado Kitchen) contacted me about this, and gave me permission to post her comments. Fess up, how many of you really knew Gillian was pronounced with a hard G? Be glad her last name isn't Zyeland. -------- "Was doing a little "Colorado Kitchen" surfing and ran across your eGullet post regarding our email blast. I thought I'd just put out there, for the record, that Gillian never intended to rename herself "Chef". The name Chef is just easier for the multitudes that can't pronounce Gillian...mostly the staff. You'd be amused to hear folks trying to form a hard G sound with their mouths. After repeating "Gillian" for the third time she goes back to 'Chef'." But the email list is not for employees, is it? Neither is it read out loud...
There was an article in the Cville free weekly about this, but of course I can't seem to find it. I remember it reiterated the rumors I'd been hearing for years that the owner doesn't take out loans or hire a general contractor. So who knows. That is correct but financially he is not too bright. He has had that corner location for 5++ years and its sitting there. He is either paying a lease for nothing or if he owns it he could be renting it out. Strange! Best ceasar salad in the world at Bodos! Watch the garlic though.
I think its a joke. When Bodos first opened in Cville in 1990 they had that same sign on their original location for two years before.
Sam Shepard is/was notorious for that kind of behavior. I hear the Bodo's on the Corner *still* hasn't opened (I'm a Curry M.Ed, Winter '00), but Shepard also likes the Bodo's downtown for his undergrad-scoping-needs. Keswick Hall used to be owned by Laura Ashley's family but they sold out to a Korean (I think) company five or more years ago. Reportedly, there's good food to be found there, too, as well as at the Boar's Head Inn, although both places were too rich for my grad student blood when I was down there. Metropolitan is widely regarded to be the best restaurant in C'ville. C&O was considered the runner-up. There are also lots of nice places on the Downtown Mall, although they seem to come and go, that are more affordable and less spectacular, where you can get a decent meal. (I did eat at both Metropolitan and C&O, thanks to kindness of others!) And everyone's right about The Tavern. You can't go to C'ville without eating at The Tavern. LOL! I was talking 1989 about "The Bagels Are Coming".....the first interation of Bodos. College 91, Darden 98
How many people remember Le Lion d'Or? Rocks. I do! My parents loved that place and took me there when I was five or so.
Crystal City Restaurant for steak night.
You can tell alot about a prospective mate by they way they treat the help at a restaurant.....
I think you are way over estimating the power of EG if you think 400-500 make their decision based on a Delmarva post.
Thats easy. Kuna on U Street would just fit under that $$ range and San Marco on 18th in Adams Morgan would be below. Both delightful family-owned restaurants.
Just a note from a semi-expert on US immigration. First, this type of post may be helpful for one person but is highly problematic and frankly I am surprised the strict EGullet policy has allowed it to stay up. There is advice here on skirting immigration law so be careful. For any non-US citizens reading this and hoping to apply the same lessons to their stay in the US, I say DO NOT. US immigration law can be quite strict and is getting more strict. Over-stay of the US Visa Waiver program by a European, or non-authorized work, can result in a ban from the US for 3 or 10 years, or even a permanent ban. Marriage to a US citizen does not neccessarily remove this ban. Also keep in mind that statements that one is not a lawyer or not 'your' lawyer have been proven on US immigration messageboards to be less than perfect protection from later consequences of qusai-legal advice. Good luck
I ate at NamViet last night in DelRay. Garden rolls w/prok and shrimp were standard fare (excellent) and the curry special with squid, shrimp and scallops was very nice at $11.95. Negatives: Push waiter trying to sell softshells, bringing a beer not ordered and charging us for two specials at $14.95 instead of $11.95. place was empty...
Le refuge is good, La Bergerie I have not been to in years. Its very expensive.
Having lived there for many years, its always been a big dissapointment. Not that there are not some ok restaurants (and with Eve a great one) but it seriously could do better with that type of local income brackets. Le Gaulois used to be great, I am not sure about it anymore.
Their Squalgels are excellent. Their Barista in Dupont speaks French. They are not Starbucks.
I am with you 100%. This place has been sooo great to me but they drove away all the good waiters (most of them Morrocan or Algerian). Now the service sucks. The problem is at the top....
Ugh. I hate that. Saying something makes you look like an ass but not saying anything makes me feel like an ass. I ate out of a canoe this weekend but I was camping...
I remember that place from being very young. I was living in Europe with my parents and visits there on home leave reminded me of old-school french restaurants in France. Ostrich anyone? DonRocks, I had a dream about you last night. I have never met you but in my dream you have a beard and wore a big hat....
If there is anything I can teach the EG community, its never, EVER go to Lulus. Even if they give away free $20s.....
Georgetown 'chic' casual: Mie N You on M St Bistro Lepic has a nice lounge Neither cheap though.
The best spice on that street is at CCR!