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Posts posted by hazardnc

  1. I, for one, love my All Clad and Le Creuset! We started off our married life 25+ years ago with a full set of Calphalon, which, at the time, was the be all and end all. It wasn't. As the anodized exterior wore off the calphalon, we slowly replaced pieces with ones we bought at Marshalls for significantly less than retail. The only other cookware we use as often is a 14" Lodge cast iron skillet and our Le Creuset Dutch oven that I use for no-knead bread at least twice a week.

    I also love my granite countertops. I can set a hot pan on it, knead dough, roll out pie cust - it's wonderful!

    What I don't get are the electonics - rice cookers, ice cream makers, etc etc etc. Who has the space for all of these things?

  2. Thanks to everyone. Now that I know that Bourride is from Sete and not Nice, I will look for something different. I am very thankful to you for telling me most of the brandade is from a can! We are planning on hitting the food markets in Nimes, and will ask for the real deal.

    So, since Bouillabaisse is from Marseilles and bourride is from Sete, what should we try in Nice (other than Salad Nicoise?)

    And Busboy, I have used Via Michelin quite a bit, but was leery of the recommendations. Have you ever used City Vox?

  3. Thanks for the tips. I have never tried sea urchin - Charlotte is not exactly a hot spot for ultra fresh seafood. Hopefully, one of these spots will have it on the menu.

    I guess I should start another thread for this, but we will spend a week in the Luberon after Nice. We will start in Saignon and then we will be in a rental near Gordes. Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated

  4. I love chickpeas! On the first page, someone mentioned the chickpeas with chorizo, which is an excellent tapa.

    When we were in Siena many years ago, we dined at a trattoria that specialized in vegetarian dishes, though it was not a vegetarian restaurant. They made a chickpea soup that was out of this world.

    I found this recipe on the web, and it tasted almost the same. Lots of garlic, rosemary and olive oil make it all the better. It's fast, easy, delicious and good for you.

    Tuscan Chickpea Soup

  5. I made made vegetable beef soup, using left over beef ribs (for stock) and green beans leftover from Christmas dinner. Last night, I made chicken and dumplings -does that count as soup?

    I have a terrible head cold - give me more soup!

  6. I am topping this thread b/c I received the book for Christmas and I am looking for guidance. I have successfully made several recipes from Reinhart's Bread Bakers Apprentice, and am a regular at making the No Knead Bread from the NYT article (I make 2-3 loaves of that each week). But, I want to make healthier, whole grain breads.

    I am most curious as to whether anyone has tried the miche? I LOVE Poilane bread, and would be extremely happy if I can develop the skill to make something similar.

    Anyone have updates?

  7. We are planning a very impromptu holiday party in hopes of bringing some cheer in this gloomy time. We have come up with an easy menu, but I would love some feedback. Here's what I have so far:

    Homemade biscuits with country ham spread

    Homemade smoked turkey with rolls and condiments

    Crudites with pimiento cheese

    Cheddar olives

    Spicy candied pecans

    Gingerbread cake with lemon curd and whipped cream

    Brownies (maybe?) or maybe that incredibly sweet Krispy Kreme bread pudding

    Comments? Anyone have a favorite ham spread recipe out there? I have seen versions with butter and bourbon and others with mayo and mustard.

  8. The SO and I put up 5 qts of romas on Sunday. This is only our second attempt at canning tomatoes, and I am still a bit insecure about what I am doing. We followed all the directions re: sterilizing, getting rid of air bubbles, leaving 1/2 of space and wiping the rims, etc. But, while they were processing, some of the liquid from the jars seeped out - enough that it is quite noticeable. The lids seemed to seal - they do not "pop" when pushed down - but I am concerned that the reduction in liquid at the top combined with a chance of tomato juice build-up inder the lids will mean botulism. Any suggestions?

  9. Thanks - and I should have read the captions in the photos. I was looking at the photo toward the top with what I now see is gumbo and jambalaya - but they still look delicious! We'll try Satchmos - and I will definitely call ahead.

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