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Scotty O

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Posts posted by Scotty O

  1. Went for dinner last week to the Park Ave location, but it appears it had been shuttered by the DOH minutes before we arrived. There were still diners inside, but the trademark yellow stickers were in the window and the door was locked.

    As a side note, I'm getting real sick of this DOH rampage. It seems to be all about saving face after the taco bell incident.

  2. As long as we are bending the rules with Jersey reccomendations, why not throw Luger's out there? Steak for 2 will easily feed 3 people, bringing the price down to probably at or below 30 per person, and it's some of the best steak you can find in the city.

    And as far as presentation--it doesn't get much bigger than a Luger's Porterhouse for 2. Also a quintessential steakhouse vibe.

  3. Picture

    Here is a picture. The website doesn't have any info on ordering one as a replacement for the old design--just "Contact Dealer"

    It does say that the new design allows the mixer to knead 25% more dough than the older hooks.

    EDIT: Sonofabitch.

    The spiral dough hook is included in the newest version of the 6 qt mixer, the Pro600. If you have a "c" shaped hook and are interested in using the spiral instead..that would be a "no no" Only the Professional 600 and the Professional HD, Professional 5 PLUS, can utilize the Spiral Hook.You'd find the internal gearing is not designed to handle the extra pressure the vertical kneading process puts on the mixer. If you want to make sure, feel free to call our Customer Service Center where we can verify the manufacture date and assure you of whether or not you can use the spiral.
  4. Since this is my first thanksgiving in the city, and it seems like there is a particular way to do just about everything in the city I thought I'd ask how everyone here gets their Thanksgiving turkeys.

    I've heard that to avoid waiting in a line that stretches around the block one should get it delivered. Citarella and Fresh Direct have been suggested. Anyone have experience with either? How does Whole Foods handle orders around Thanksgiving?

  5. By the way--frozen desserts would make a great eGCI course if anyone who has the know-how also has the time. It's one of those things that once you understand the underlying principles and formulas it opens the door for tons of experimentation with different flavors.

  6. Well thats about what I was coming up with, but I am still amazed at how much of a departure this is from typical recipes. Most I have seen contain at least 1:1 milk to cream and many times 1:2 milk to cream, all the while containing more yolks than the above recipe.

    For home use would you sub cane sugar for the other two sugars? I guess corn syrup could stand in for trimoline, but I don't know what to sub for glucose. Also, could lecithin be subbed in for the emulsifier, or does it have different properties than the monostearate.

    One more question--I have seen some recipes that call for whole eggs. Are these just too lazy to seperate the eggs? I can't really think of what the egg white could possible contribute to the recipe.

  7. I made some cinnamon ice cream the other night using a 2:1 ratio of cream to milk along with 4 egg yolks for the base. The final product leaves a film on the spoon and on the roof of my mouth, which I don't find to pleasant. Using typical values of 4% and 30% butterfat for the milk and cream respectively, I get about a 21% butterfat content using some cocktail napkin math. Should I adjust the milk/cream ration or leave out some egg yolks next time I try this recipe?

    I'd also like to know if there are ideal levels of butterfat that should be used for different types of ice cream. I know lower levels of fat are needed when using more delicate flavors, or things like chocolate, but I don't know enough to formulate my own recipes--which I'd like to do.

  8. I used to live close to a restaurant supply that sharpened knives for 2 bucks each. I doubt I'll be able to find anything that cheap in NYC, but I'd like to find something. I live in Upper East/Midtown East, and being close is always nicer, but I usually only sharpen about 4 times a year professionally, so I don't mind a little trek.

  9. For me (and I'm from south florida, so I've had my share) the best key lime pie consists of egg yolks, sweetened condensed milk, and key lime juice. Just mixed and poured into the shell--not baked. I don't believe that there is any salmonella risk because of the acidity of the pie, but I have no evidence to support this claim.

  10. I would use the blender if I were you. I don't think the stick blender will get the job done. I add a squeeze of honey instead of sugar, and then just add oil in a stream, just until it becomes creamy. I think I usually use about 1-2 Tb's or oil (walnut, peanut, or neutral) per half cup of nut butter.

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