Some people (myself included!) insist on a fourth branch...nonya food (sometimes spelled nyonya). I love ikan bakar (barbequed fish)...with that limey, sambal sauce on top. Loh Bak is an another lovely one...traditionally beancurd skin wrapped seasoned pork, deep fried. They also deep fry tofu, fish cake, etc, all wrapped in beancurd skin. Hokkien mee...not the light coloured Singaporean version...but the dark dark dark Malaysian one with thick yellow noodles, some meat and veg and the necessary pieces of fried lard, all coated in a very dark sauce. My family calls it black mee. Oh, yong tau fu is very comforting in its lovely cake stuffed, uh, items....veg and tofu. I could go on forever...I love too many dishes... My favourite dish, though, is more Singaporean...or should I say, better made in Singapore. Chai tow kueh....fried radish cake with egg, some chilli, pickled turnip...prawns are added today too. Light or dark (thick dark soy sauce added). My ultimate comfort food! No wait, hang on....rendang!!! Rendang daging! No, give me a sec...hang on...uh...Crud, can't select a favourite. Regarding nasi ulam, Umami recently made the dish for the latest My Blog is Burning...