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Posts posted by PoppySeedBagel

  1. Oooh Curly both of those sound good. I have an excellent recipe in Anne Willan's Real Food for Rocquefort and Onion Quiche - the sweetness of the onions tempers the sharpness of the Rocquefort and it's gorgeous

  2. Tesco used to be good for fish but when I went to our local one at Gatwick recently, after a 2 year gap, things had gone downhill.

    They no longer keep the fish behind glass (so it's kept cool) but on a display so we customers could touch the fish if we wanted - and obviously the top side is exposed to the warmth of the atmosphere. I've never seen such dead looking mackerel in my life.

    I bought some mussels (from the fridge)which were good althogh they needed a lot of prep. My 4 1/2 year old, who's not backward in coming forward, actually asked the fishmonger why they sold such horrid fish. French supermarkets manage to have open displays in which the fish is fresh, but I suppose that's because there's a faster turnover.

  3. I've just had lunch at Latium - I started with really delicious pumpkin ravioli with sage butter.

    Then roast lamb with sauté potatoes and grilled asparagus and a simple much reduced sauce. Nice to have such simple, good quality food on offer, though I would have preferred plain boiled to the sauté spuds - given there was a sauce on the plate they just got soggy. Some might have quibbled at the small portion but it was OK for me - and the breads were excellent.

    Puddings were the weak point - all rather too rich/chocolatey - I had a rather dull baba with grandmarnier and hazelnut sauce. The ice creams would be a better choice.

    I wasn't paying but it seemed reasonable at £79 for lunch for two with 2 glasses of champagne, water, 3 courses and coffee. The service was good - indeed they seemed to have more staff than were strictly necessary. I shall definitely return.

  4. Would any newcomer be treated like then? Or was it just because she was one of Jamie's Fifteen, and that aroused resentment (someof it justified I suspect)

    What do people think of this:

    according to the Equal Opportunities Commission, the hospitality industry routinely receives more complaints of bullying and sexual harassment than any other employment sector.
  5. I think it's reasonable (subject to amount of course) - after all they don't charge if you cancel at 13.59 but they don't let the table.

    We went to the Seafood Restaurant (and booked a room there for 3 nights) in Padstow for my husband's 40th -but my husband celebrated so enthusiastically at his family party before we set off that we missed the first night (!). They didn't charge us for that night even though they didn't let the room, which impressed me

  6. I think you could find it tough to make ends meet even with all the good suggestions above. If the weather's fine you could consider having picnics for some lunches - so I suggest that you bring a sharp knife, a corkscrew and some plastic cups. I'd buy good bread and cheeses etc from food halls like Selfridges or the various good food shops around. I'd avoid Marks & Spencer, and buy fruit from the many street stalls - they are generally pretty good.

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