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Posts posted by Verbena-NZ

  1. I just picked up a whole duck foie gras to take make dinner for Christmas.  Since this is my first time cooking it, I've decided to just sear some slices.  I've been checking in the French Laundry cookbook which gives a fairly thorough explanation on cleaning the liver for a terrine.  My question is, if I'm just searing it, do I still need to take the lobes apart to remove the veins?  The terrine method Keller uses calls for cutting into it, and I'm worried that if I do that, it'll fall apart on a hot skillet.



    Just cut each slice(80grams) with a knife thats been heated slightly to help cut the lobe. Leave the lobes ice cold whilst cutting, this helps keep the edges neat and also with portioning.

    Don't season the foie gras prior to cooking.use some maldon salt or similar after cooking and try a pinch of medium ground white pepper after cooking as well.If you season prior to cooking then you run the risk of burning the perrer and imparting a slightly bitter taste to it :biggrin:

    If you take the viens out prior to searing it. IT WELL dissolve and fall apart on you :sad: . Remember de-vein if making a terrine, don't if searin or pan frying.

  2. Boo hoo. I'm upset that no one has congratulated me on my idea that Verbena-NZ should make a Tunnel of Fudge Cake. I think it is a fabulous idea and I even included a link and no one is validating me.  :sad:

    :raz:  :laugh:  :wink:

    I'll be trying it out tommorow morning :biggrin:

    Thank you so very much, shame more people here aren't as forward as offering their ideas and links to recipes.

    Once again :biggrin: THANK YOU :biggrin:

  3. Verbena I don't understand what you want. Is everyone supposed to hand you a recipe on demand? Wake-up, things don't work that way.

    I tried to help you based on what YOU asked to learn about. Apparently I wasted my time, after I explained how to make these you ignored my post and came back with ".....I can't seem to figure it out".

    There's about a million plus published recipes in every language creating "gooie chocolate desserts". Open a book!

    It's a forum, and I asume that means I can post questions.

    If your going to start getting rude then please either don't look at my post or don't reply :angry:

    I fail to see how your posts help me......I was after a recipe!!

    Sure there are heaps of recipes out there.............BUT........only a few are great!, Why should I waste my time and money trialing recipes when like minded people here have already got practical, easy, cost effective recipes??

    I have a problem and wanted help resolving it!!!, so where is the harm in my question?

  4. I've tried several differant recipes and from various differant books.

    A molton cake is preferable to me.BUT most of all.one that can be held or hold it's liquid center{or appear to anyway}

    I need to cook it in advance and then "flash" it for no more that 2 minutes before serving it to my guests, BUT still maintain that center.Knowing how hot and how well sugar holds it's heat with fat.......... :sad: ...............I can't seem to figure it out

  5. Verbena, you have to realize no one is interested in doing your work for you. BUT, if you were to talk about what you've come up with (thru looking at books and other sources) I believe many people would be happy to give you advice and guidance, at least I would help.

    What have you got so far?

    Well I've been working on the idea of doing a fudge type cake with a liquid center.....now this isn't anything new BUT I'm after a recipe that will allow the center to hold{or not carry on cooking}

    Every one that I've tried to date still carries on cooking.

    I've even tried putting a seperate center in{ganache} so that it remains liquid.

    There you go........anyone got or seen anything that'll do what I'm looking for!! :biggrin:

  6. I'm not sure what you're looking for.....but I would try a search on this site using chocolate and also looking in this forum.


    What am I looking for........well :biggrin:

    Must be able to be plated for dinner party

    Not take all day{or several days}

    Be fairly modern ie current flavours

    Able to stand...not need to be served at and overly exact time after making it.

  7. Don't be shy, Verbena-NZ. You don't need to hold back. :wink:

    I don't mean to go on BUT>>>>>>>

    As a chef here in London{originaly from NZ} I feel passionatly about the quality of the food I produce.

    Fresh, fresh and still more fresh is the way forward.

    Quality not quickness

  8. Has anyone had success preparing mashed potatos a couple hours in advance and then holding their temperature?  If so, what method have you used?  I have seen them being held over a bain marie or being kept in a poaching bag in simmering water (they can then be piped from the bag).  I haven't tried any of these techniques but was wondering if anyone else has and to what degree of success.  Obviously restaurants do this - how do they do it?  Any suggestions out there would be very much appreciated.

    Is this worthwhile?  How is the texture/consitency of potatos that have been holding for a while.

    Fresh, fresh and fresh.the only way to go. Any cook that pawns off reheats and such isn't a chef but a jumped up prep cook.

    When you go to a restaurant your paying for freshly prepaired food not reheats that a monkey could do !!! :angry:

    And if it were at home..make them{or your family} wait for fresh food. Always aim to serve fresh. Keeping things warm doen't do you or your food any favours and really negates the whole point of cooking fresh at home!!!

    If your prepaired to put in the effort, then others should be able to wait a short while to enjoy the TLC that you've put into THEIR meal.

    Any person with a problem over this should really consider 1/ why they cook, 2 who they cook for or 3 why bother with fresh food!

  9. I've heard of Cervena but haven't worked with it. It's a New Zealand breed. I don't know if it's even available here in Canada.

    Well being a Kiwi I can tell you that it's from the "red deer" and was developed{marketed} under the idea that the gamie taste wasn't needed to enjoy the flavour or taste of the meat.

    I personally prefur cervena to wild venison as it's more consistant and also has a greater range of cooking otions.

    look the web site up.well worth it and also it is available in Canada. :biggrin:

  10. You might want to post on the NYC board as well.

    The reason for sauces (often involving fruit) for venison is that it's pretty tasteless unless it's actual game that's been shot and hung properly. Most of the venison you can buy will be raised and for most people the reason for eaing it is because of the low fat content which means of course low flavour. The sauces supply some relief rom the pointlessness.

    Whatever you do, beat it up with a mallet and either wrap or drape it in bacon or bard it with lardons.

    Venison ....tasteless...without hanging....

    Explain Cervena to me then ???? :wacko:

  11. Silicone "orca" gloves. Definitely. I can reach into a deep-fryer wearing one.

    I was wondering about these.

    I figure that the pan last night must have been at 600* F or higher.

    Can silicone gloves handle those temps?

    I bought one of these over the weekend! They are amazing and I'm sorry I didn't buy more than one. I am definitely going out to get more and will be throwing away my "cloth" mitts as the 600-degree thing is no problem!

    Where can I get these gloves??

  12. :wink:

    I'm trying to 'poll' people to find out which knives they think are the best.

    German, american, asian.....

    I'd like to not spend a fortune, but hey, if they are worth it, I would...

    thanking you in advance

    I personally like my custom made Steve Wheelers ! NOTHING compares to custom made!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When there made for your hands.they truely fit like a glove. :biggrin:

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