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  1. I made Mocha Truffle Cookies again: http://www.bhg.com/recipe/cookies/mocha-truffle-cookies/
  2. My favorite source is Beanilla. Great quality and great customer service. I've ordered their vanilla beans, and they were outstanding. http://www.beanilla.com/vanilla I've ordered Arizona Mexican vanilla extract from Amazon, and it was good, but I don't think Amazon offers it anymore. However, you can order directly from Arizona's site: http://www.arizonavanilla.com/Store/vanillastore.php?cat=21 I love Penzey's double Madagascar vanilla extract.
  3. merstar

    Breakfast! 2014

    Chocolate Croissant.
  4. Tonight was a mega salad with tuna, navy beans, pasta, red bell pepper, tomatoes, sweet onion, black olives, and green peas, tossed with a lemon vinaigrette. Baguette on the side.
  5. Tonight is salmon with an orange/ginger/soy glaze and brown rice, garnished with scallions.
  6. You're very welcome. Let me know how it turns out.
  7. My friend served this at his wedding - big hit. He served the sauce separately, rather than mixing it in with the shrimp. SHRIMP IN GREEN MAYO http://www.recipezaar.com/85788
  8. I use a 9x5 loaf pan. Here are my tweaks in parentheses that I posted on another forum in 2008. They're basically up to date, except I don't fold over the whole batter, just the very top layer slightly. I also dust the pan with flour after buttering. http://www.eat.at/swap/forum/index.php?action=display&forumid=5&msgid=11
  9. I'm baking this for the upteenth time with my tweaks: Cinnamon Quick Bread http://www.food.com/recipe/cinnamon-quick-bread-49525
  10. Peppercorn-crusted filet mignon, baked potato, and salad. Vanilla ice cream with homemade hot fudge sauce for dessert.
  11. Today I had a chocolate croissant. Needless to say, it was delicious.
  12. I made these again. I've tried tons of brownie recipes, and this is definitely my favorite. The only change I made was to reduce the salt: THE BAKED BROWNIE Fall into Cooking Featured Recipe: The Baked Brownie and Chocolate Stout Milkshake from Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito Also posted with great photos at: The Baked Brownie | Brown Eyed Baker
  13. Tonight was penne with sauteed garlic, red bell peppers, and mushrooms in a white wine sauce. Served with Parmigiano Reggiano, and lots of white wine! Roasted cauliflower on the side.
  14. They're chewy and fudgy at the same time. Very deep chocolatey and decadent - nice and melty/gooey. I omit the nuts, use 2 1/2 tsp finely ground espresso beans instead of 1 Tbsp dark roast, and bake them 10 minutes.
  15. I made these again - they're insanely good: http://www.eat.at/swap/forum8/40_Chocolate_Espresso_Chews Photo: http://media3.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/photo/2006/07/13/PH2006071301541.jpg
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