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Posts posted by Betts

  1. We don't get a lot of trick or treaters but I now have adopted the following strategy.

    Buy the premium popular stuff 2-3 bags - mini Milky Way, Peanut Butter Cups or Almond Joy the afternoon of the big night.

    Put it in a big basket and hand it out generously. Eat a few pieces for old times sake and when it's about 9 pm - the last kid get everything and I turn out the lights.

  2. I've been lurking on this thread for a few days and have been inspired to actually make my fruitcake for the year. I have several recipes but this year it is Emily Dickenson's Black Cake that is very similar to the Jamaican Black cakes up thread.

    This thread was helpful because someone asked me to donate to a silent auction and I do not want to do a dinner ( too much unspecified obligation - much experience with this) and it is much better to have a displayed item for the auction.

    I hit upon a "Basket of Traditional British Christmas Baking" - thus the basket got one of the aforementioned fruitcakes, Grandma McCracken's Carrot Pudding (my contribution to recipe gullet) and the classic shortbread - petticoat tails style. A couple of candles, some small Christmas crackers - not the edible kind, the snapping kind and a recipe for Brandy sauce.

    The printed material that goes with it - sort of tap dances around the fruit cake issue I called it Black Cake and suggested it be served with a wedge of cheddar or Stilton and port - suggestion of an early poster - and a fine suggestion it was.

    The packaging materials cost more than the edible ingredients but it looks very stylish and appealing .

    • Like 1
  3. As a transplanted American, I can tell you that I do nothing special for neither Canadian nor American Thanksgiving.  It's sort of sad.  Though I've been here 7 years or so, I haven't yet gotten used to having Thanksgiving so early in the fall season, so I usually skip it ... and by the time American Thanksgiving rolls around, I'm not interested because I'm in Canada!  So I'll probably just end up going out somewhere in the neighbourhood.  Sad, I know...

    I know what you are going through. I am a Canadian transplanted to the States and Thanksgiving is the "lost holiday". If I try to do something in October it's a Monday and most people have things to do and even my kids were not very enthusiastic. Then November comes and I can't get really excited because it's not my memories or experiences to pass on - that and the fact that the menu is NOT TO BE TAMPERED WITH. If I'm feeling really puckish, I'll mention that I am thinking of doing something "creative" for the meal and it's a lot of fun to watch the rest of the family throw a collective snit. Good leverage to get someone to peel potatoes.

  4. I think fewer ingredients are better - leeks and onion, potatoes, water rather than chicken stock, a good amount of salt - potatoes really suck up the salt, pepper, big pinch herbes de Provence and dairy at the end but not too much. I also like it semi pureed with visible chunks and chive garnish.

    Please save me from restaurant potato soup - wall paper paste with chunks!

  5. I was delighted that the WI went so well -- down 2.6#. This week is not going so well - too many eating out situations and Mother in law is still here. I think this week is just watch those portions and make the best of it.

    I am paying much more attention to how hungry I am and then adjust my intake. Where last week on core I was scarcely hungry, this week with the lmodest portions of all foods - I am much hungrier most of the time.

    For chicken stew - I recently made Julia Child's Poached Chicken from Vol 2 , an in memoriam meal and was struck by how low cal this dish can be and delicious to boot.

  6. This is my first week of CORE and my mother in law is visiting for a couple of weeks and I like to show off ( she appreciates what hubby takes for granted) and I still want to try the program.

    There has been a lot of fruit and some very good meals -

    Tonight was a warm lentil salad with a good olive oil vinaigrette topped with a modest portion of grilled salmon, asparagus spears and diced tomato. I skipped the hors d'oeuvres but indulged in a small glass of wine.

    We had Thai red curried turkey and vegetables on brown rice last night that had a half cup of coconut milk split between 5 portions. I counted it for 1 point. Fruit for dessert and a lot of water.

    Another night it was a wild rice pilaf with carrots and calery , a small portion of pork tenderloin with homemade fresh plum chutney( Splenda instead of brown sugar) and lots of green beans and a 1/2 cup SF FF chocolate pudding.

    I made a big pot of French Canadian Split pea soup and that has made a substantial lunch and is all core.

    Breakfast is the hardest adjustment. I'm not much for cereal and I miss my special low cal bagels. Today I had a scrambled Eggbeaters on a slice of high fiber toast and a erzatz latte later in the morning.

  7. Oh Susan I loved your report.

    No one has mentioned the pork chop on a stick and it is , I honestly swear, the favorite fair food of all my Jewish friends - the rules don't apply at State Fair time.

    The fresh french fries with malt vinegar washed down with the fresh lemonade are worth the price of admission and are the only things I long for.

    For 2 years I supplied the sweet potato pies for the potato booth - mashed, baked, etc but not the same people as the french fries. I pressed everyone into sweet potato pie production and by the end of the fair no amount of money would get them to work. It was produce all day and deliver at midnight. Nobody in this house eats a sweet potato voluntarily anymore. :biggrin:

  8. I have 2 pressure cookers - a Kuhn Rikon and a Bravetti and each has 2 bases for their lids. The Bravetti is a little ( well a lot) clunky looking but was dirt cheap -$35.00 on Overstock.com. It has the most convenient sizes for what I cook.

    I make great wild rice the "national dish" of Minnesota, risotto, stews of all kinds and always tender, perfectly cooked chicken breasts ( 5 min), whole artichokes and vegetable soup is better in the PC. A pasta sauce with meat is especially rich tasting.

    Has anyone used it to steam puddings? Or do cheesecake?

  9. In most cases I'd opt for the wine over the dessert any day. If the restaurant actually has a pastry chef - I'll have it all.

    Has anyone else noticed this ? .......If I really pay attention to the food groups - get that 2 serv of dairy, 5 small serv of fruit and veg, moderate protein etc, then I am not hungry or at least not in a reasonable to manage way. However, when I do the heavy CHO thing but still w/i the points, then it is really a struggle. I know all too well about the insulin and glycemic index/load but it has more correlation with the dairy. BTW - that is the single hardest thing for me to work in. I grew up on a dairy farm and there is no way I can drink milk - it has to be disguised.

  10. How very fortunate for that man. My experience has been the opposite - I have known a number of people who suddenly and permanently lost their sense of taste/ smell. In every case, it occured after a bad cold.

    The meager sensations that were left were for very spicy foods and sweet things. Spicy is not so much a primary flavor as an irritant and sweet does not seem so dependent on smell.

    Nonetheless, the net effect was that all of these people gained significant amounts of weight trying to get the pleasure of taste. Way too many desserts!!

  11. I cannot abide milk as a beverage, all melons, blueberries and beer.

    Caviar and sushi do not give me the pleasure others swoon over but at least I can appreciate the artistry of sushi.

    Most fish I can take but prefer to leave and I have rarely met a piece of seafood that I didn't like.

    If it came down to starvation or eggplant I'd opt for eggplant eventually.

    Isn't it interesting that even the seemingly most enthusiastic omnivores have their limits.

  12. I've been dining a la Julia all weekend.

    Saturday night we had gin and good steaks with freshly picked green and waxed beans, new potatoes and Julia's recipe for Hollandaise ( which I love on steak and vegetables) For dessert - fresh raspberries and sorbet. Not complicated but the best that August has to offer from local producers.

    Sunday - I think that Mastering V2 was the first cook book I purchased for myself and I made the first recipe that I tried out of it - Wine poached chicken with mornay sauce - more of the fresh beans and French bread. At the market I debated about buying French butter or the local artisan butter and had a mini internal debate - What would Julia do? Even though the imported butter was from her beloved France , I bought the local one. We had a lovely French Bordeau and fresh peaches with little walnut and hazelnut petit fours when the book just happened to open to a recipe I had never noticed before.

    It was a lovely evening.

  13. I'm loving this thread.

    I had a great 8 pt dinner tonight that left me feeling very satisfied and husband loved it. 5 oz grilled scallops on a cup of curried fresh corn, tomatoes and scallions with some super wonderful fresh green beans and 3 little new potatoes - abt 1" dia each. I skipped the Vioginier that probably really went well with it but tomorrow is WI day.

  14. My favorite thing with ground turkey .........

    Turkey Kheema - adapted from Jane Brody

    2 onions - cut into wedges and sauteed in 2 tsp oil gently

    3 cl garlic, smashed

    fresh ginger - 1-3 Tb

    20 oz package ground turkey - add to the above and saute until no pink left

    2 Tb curry powder

    1 tsp ground cumin

    red pepper flakes to taste

    1 tsp salt

    3 cups tomatoes - fresh or a 28 oz can of diced tomatoes

    Simmer 10-15 minutes

    fresh cilantro, chopped green onions garnish

    Serve with rice, baked potato, whatever

    1 cup is about 3 pts

  15. I am delighted that you started this thread and I hope it continues. I lost 43# on WW a while back, let 20 creep back and now my husband and I are trying to take off more. I am a former registered dietitian and currently have a personal chef and catering business.

    Despite the diet perversions that appear on many of the WW online forums, WW has the soundest nutritional regimen out there. Personally, I think that the low nutritional value daily intakes reflect the eater's former habits and the dreadful culture of processed foods in Western developed countries. They have simply adapted old habits to conform to a low point count.

    I like going to meetings. I had a leader for a couple of years that rarely talked about recipes - it was all about behavior and mental attitude. I have come to see that it is not what you are eating but what is eating you and when you really figure it out all the rest falls into place. Choosing lower caloric density foods, smaller portions, exercise and increased activity and channeling emotion effectively all become part of the balance of daily life.

    I am one of those people who are compelled to cook. I miss it after a few days on vacation. I cannot eat the WW entrees - they are not good enough to waste the points on. I have found inspiration from Jane Brody's cookbooks, Cooking Light and Food and Wine. I might look for the CIA/WW book but my experience with WW cookbooks has been disappointing.

  16. OOOH Andie, I don't think I'd ever get to the pudding stage. Those rolls would be gone for breakfast.

    My favorite bread pudding has peaches, raisins and brandy with any firm white bread and uses buttermilk and low fat sour cream.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Exported from MasterCook *


    Recipe By : Beth

    Serving Size : 8 Preparation Time :0:00

    Categories : American Classics Desserts

    Custom Cuisine Recipes Personal Favorites

    Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

    -------- ------------ --------------------------------

    3 eggs

    1/2 cup brown sugar, light or dark

    1 cup sour cream, light or regular

    2 cups milk or buttermilk, regular or lowfat

    1/4 cup brandy

    dash cinnamon and nutmeg

    2 teaspoons vanilla

    4 cup bread cubes

    1 16 oz can peaches, drained and coarsely chopped

    1/2 cup raisins

    1/2 cup dried apricots,chopped -- optional

    1/2 cup nuts, chopped

    1 tablespoon butter

    brown sugar

    Preheat the oven to 325.

    Combine the eggs, sugar, sour cream,milk, spices and brandy and vanilla in a large bowl. Add the bread, fruits and nuts. Let sit about 15 minutes and then pour into a greased casserole. Dot the top with brown sugar and the cut up butter and bake for about 1 hour.

    Let cool and serve with brandy sauce

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  17. I just finished doing a kitchen remodel. I got a great buy on a GE Monogram and went with it and I do love it but it's still not perfect. One little irritant - the door shelves are not adjustable. I love the freezer on the bottom and I fully support your wife.

    To add another issue - what are you doing for a sink? The best decision I made, with eG input, was to go with a large single bowl sink. I have a Franke with Chicago faucets/ wrist blade handles. Really big, really deep - contractor said he did not realize that they now made bathtubs for kitchens! I am thankful for that decision every day.

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