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  1. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a cookbook holder - but it needs to be able to hold my largest books, such as Phaidon's Turkish Cookbook, which is about 5.5cm thick. I've been looking at a lot of options on Amazon, but there will often be a review which claims that the product in question has trouble with larger or heavier books. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks for the list liuzhou! In that case, what are your favourite Chinese language cookbooks?
  3. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions so far. Actually I believe they're basically the same book republished under a different name. Maybe someone else can confirm.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm just considering a few cookbooks to add to my collection - which do people recommend for Sicilian cuisine? I've been interested in these titles in particular: Cettina Vicenzino - The Sicily Cookbook: Authentic Recipes from a Mediterranean Island Wanda Tornebene - La Cucina Siciliana di Gangivecchio: Recipes from Gangivecchio's Sicilian Kitchen Giorgio Locatelli - Made in Sicily Mary Taylor Simeti - Sicilian Food: Recipes from Italy's Abundant Isle Plus this text in Italian: Giuseppe Coria - Profumi di Sicilia: Il libro della cucina siciliana I'm very interested in any experience you have with these, or any opinions you have to share, especially if it's to compare any of these titles with each other. Also happy to be recommended other titles, in either English or Italian. Thanks!
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