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  1. Oh for sure! Basically you can use the microwave to fry to a crisp small quantities of herb leaves or even baby spinach leaves. The method is to stretch plastic wrap over a plate, then lay herbs and some oil on top, optionally wrapping a second sheet over that to make a sandwich. Then microwave on high, checking every 30 s, until the leaves are crispy. Here's a video showing the original technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h88-vgHqyB4 Here's a modified technique for home cooks that adds parchment paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHF6ZHG2cYc It makes a cute garnish but I couldn't get it to work this time, it kept melting through the plastic wrap!
  2. I tried making Crystallized Mint today, from the Eleven Madison Park cookbook. It's the same technique as in MCaH. Strange that I did used to be able to successfully do this, about 10 years ago, but now with the Glad wrap--which I swear seems to be made thinner than it used to be??--it also melts through. I tried 1200 W at 100%, 80%, 50% settings. Maybe a 10%-30% power level could help, but I gave up... What DID work, to an approximation, was silicone baking mats. I put one silpat directly on the microwave glass. I did the oiled mint leaves, then overlaid another piece of silicone (I only had a Stasher silicon bag so I put that over the 8 tiny leaves). Then I had to microwave repeatedly 80%, 30 s at a time, for about 3 minutes? Multiple times. It was nearly all nice and crispy, but a few bigger leaves tended to have some moisture near the stem. For the crystallized mint the fine grain sugar seemed enough to deal with the residual water. After some re-reading, some ideas I'd like to throw out there for anyone interested: Use only heavy-weight commercial microwaveable plastic wrap Use a inverter microwave, to get true fractional % power levels, many microwaves are now inverter but my old one is not Meanwhile the silpat sandwich does work. I also forget, there are other ways to make crispy herb leaves so in absence of the right plastic wrap and/or microwave, maybe one has to make it the normal (more tedious) way by dehydrating or frying the leaves.
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