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Everything posted by liamsaunt

  1. It was a Haas avocado. It was a very nice one though. No pictures from today's family meal as it was too hectic. I made a bone-in mustard crusted roast loin of pork (my Mom made the gravy as she deems mine inedible, haha) gruyere-broccoli stuffed chicken with brandy cream sauce for the non-pork eaters, roasted broccolini, spinach with butter, and zucchini/summer squash saute. Plus papas du quesas that were way too much work for the outcome in my opinion though the potato lovers had seconds. My sister helped with prep. My brother, who is what I call a "meatatarian," because he eats NO vegetables, said the pork was excellent. So I guess it was. I ate the chicken so can't say for sure.
  2. Crispy chicken with chimichurri sauce
  3. We have been eating a lot of eggs this week. Thursday I only had a few minutes to make dinner so threw together one of our favorite sandwiches: bacon, egg, avocado, tomato: and last night I made cheddar souffles with a big salad
  4. Hake cooked in parchment with sake, shiitake mushrooms, bell pepper, scallions, and chives. Served with rice and baby bok choy.
  5. That looks great. How long did you cook the egg for? Is it marinated in soy? I think I made something like this from a Japanese noodle cookbook a while back but yours looks better than mine. A recent dinner: Cod and clam chowder and mutant popovers I am excited because my fish CSA starts up again tomorrow after a one month plus hiatus thanks to the awful weather here in the Boston area. This chowder was made with the last of my CSA cod from the freezer. We get two pounds a week from the CSA so sometimes we have to freeze part of the delivery since I only cook for two Monday-Thursday.
  6. kimchi rice
  7. chicken with basil leaves
  8. I have not posted in this forum in a very long time. However, I have been following this thread again for a couple of years now, so thought I would start to share dinners again. Here are the chickens I roasted for dinner this evening. I also made potatoes, spinach, brussels sprouts, and carrots. I host my parents, my siblings, and their kids every Sunday for an early dinner. Sometimes my husband's family comes also. Because of the varied age group and palate preferences on Sundays, those dinners tend to be typical American comfort food meals. During the week when it is just my husband and me I tend to make spicy meals with less of a focus on meat.
  9. liamsaunt

    Halibut Sweetheart

    I usually grill that cut of halibut. Make sure you oil it well or it will stick. I have also poached it in olive oil, and that worked well too.
  10. Bryan, I always really enjoy reading your detailed and informative reports. Thank you.
  11. I've been following this thread for ages and I cannot believe the grief these people give you. Your food looks healthy and flavorful. It's amazing what you are able to create considering the extremely limited budget you have to work with. I hope you find another position soon where your talents are appreciated.
  12. He should not experiment on his own. In fact, he should get an appointment with an allergist asap. Even if he has not had an anaphalactic reaction as yet, it could happen the next time. My nephew went into anaphalactic shock from shrimp...the second time he ate them. It was extremely frightening. After testing it turns out that he is allergic to crabs and lobster also. All other fish/shellfish are fine. But, everyone is different, so your friend should definitely make the allergist appointment. Why take a chance?
  13. [Thank goodness I have no spewy-spilly type of stories to tell, but here goes: I like wine. I am not in the economic bracket that affords long studies of wine, or sampling of expensive vintages. But I try my best to learn and to taste what I can when I can afford it. Okay, so keep in mind I'm a vino newbie. Two different times at restaurants with my ex, I ordered a cabernet sauvignon. Because I like white wine, and I figured it was just like a sauvignon blanc. Cuz.....well.....sauvignon! Right. Boy did I feel like a dork when I got a glass of red and said "but I ordered a white" Ex was no wine-expert either, but he did like to feel superior. Wheeee. ~Radio7 ←
  14. My latest impulse snack has been Blue Diamond almonds covered in this chili lime seasoning. They are very salty, a little spicy, a little sour, probably completely artificial, and absolutely addicting.
  15. For plane travel I usually have a bottle of water, an orange, a few crackers, and a small piece of good chocolate. We're soon leaving for a vacation on an island where everything is shipped in and therefore expensive. We will have a kitchen in our rental house, so I am packing into our checked luggage an assortment of spices, repacked into labeled .5 oz. tins, a pepper grinder, salt, olive oil, the tea we like, a few bottles of wine, a sharp knife, and a corkscrew.
  16. No mashed potatoes in the summer! Hot soups are also out.
  17. liamsaunt

    Chicken salad

    I like curried chicken salad best. My usual recipe has mayo, curry powder, mango chutney, scallions, cashews, a mix of golden and regular raisins, leftover roast chicken, both white and dark meat, and salt and pepper.
  18. Yesterday, I was using the french fry attachment on my trusty mandoline to make sweet potato fries. Because the sweet potatoes were too large to use the hand guard as it was intended, I had the "brilliant" idea to use the guard as a pusher, guiding the sweet potato along the blades while steadying it with my other hand. 7 year old nephew, observing, states: "I do not think you are using that correctly." Two swipes of the sweet potato later, my hand slips, and jams into the blade. I am now missing a sweet potato fry sized chunk of the tip of my thumb. Nephew's response to the kitchen carnage: a big sigh, a roll of the eyes, and an "I TOLD you that you were not using that correctly!" And, after all that, the stupid fries did not even crisp up properly.
  19. Everyone in my office is a work muncher. Our office takes up an entire floor of a building, and we have three kitchens, all with toasters, microwaves, fridges, and coffee makers (no ovens--fire hazard). I am lucky in that due to my location on the floor I only have to share my kitchen with five other people. The other two kitchen fridges get pretty nasty, but ours stays clean since so few people use it. Of the six total, in the morning we have three toasters, two oatmeal eaters, and one fruit muncher. At lunch, things are usually reheated in the microwave--we have three daily "smart ones" eaters (blech), two bring leftovers from home, and there's one sandwich eater. The only rule is to never, ever microwave fish. Curry, on the other hand, is acceptable. We are lucky that our suite has good ventilation so odors don't linger.
  20. Toast, every morning, or I get very grouchy. It does not matter what kind of toast, as long as it is hot and has butter on it.
  21. I have a young nephew who is life-threateningly allergic to crustaceans, so much so that his allergist asked that no one that is dining at the same table with him consume any (I think the reasoning is that he could touch one of our faces or forks). He also cannot eat food that would have been cooked on the same grill or in the same oil as crustaceans. We deal with it by mostly feeding him at home. If we do go out, we call first to be sure they can accomodate his allergy, and reconfirm when we arrive. The epi-pen is always on hand also. He has another allergy, to egg, which is actually more time-consuming to deal with in terms of researching ingredients in food. However, this allergy is not life threatening--it manifests as hives, so the stakes are not nearly as high. Interestingly, he is the only person in the entire extended family that has a food allergy. Well, kiwis make my tounge swell up, but I am not sure that counts as an allergy per se, since I have no reaction to strawberries, and I was told that I would if I was truly allergic to kiwi.
  22. I have that same tool, and it scraped my knuckles too. I really should throw it out. I also have a large collection of splintery wooden spoons that are destined for the trash heap...one of these days.
  23. I make my popcorn in a whirley pop. My favorite topping is lots of butter, fresh grated parmesean, salt, and cracked pepper.
  24. For me it is the Joy of Cooking. My copy is falling apart, split seams in a few places, some pages have come completely detached, but it has all the basinc information I need if I am cooking something new or if I just need to check a basic temperature for something. Plus, my Joy of Cooking is also stuffed with photographs and homemade cards, so I get to relive happy life memories along with food memories when I open it.
  25. What he calls "the dreaded hot mushrooms on toast." sauteed wild mushrooms and shallots on top of crusty bread topped with a gruyere white wine sauce. He hates it, I love it. Second choice is an omelet, or spaghetti carbonara.
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